Portfolio Candidate Evidence Record Sheet

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Student: Chelsea Kirchberg


ED 420

Students: For each category, provide a brief description of nature and location of evidence.
Assessors: For each category, highlight the appropriate descriptor (i.e. inadequate, emerging, proficient, distinctive)
Sources of evidence include, but are not limited to,-video* of teaching at two different levels (ELC: kindergarten and elementary; ELM: elementary and middle;
SED: middle and secondary), lesson plans, unit plans, feedback from cooperating teachers and Alverno supervisors, multimedia presentations, web quests and
other interactive technologies

1. Planning and Preparation


The candidate applies subject matter knowledge to develop lessons/units that:
relate to state and/or district standards
use varied instructional strategies
are for varied developmental levels that represent levels of licensure
address varied content areas (for ELC/ELM: math, science, language arts
& social studies; for SED: varied disciplinary fields)
use appropriate teaching and resource materials
include provisions for individual students with particular learning needs
include both formal and informal assessments that provide information
about student learning, e.g. rubrics, tests, checklists, opportunities for
students to self- assess
The candidate demonstrates the ability to effectively produce multi-media
communication tools and can support her decisions for their use in
enhancing student learning.

Brief description of nature and location of evidence

I have addressed each of the Wisconsin State Teaching Standards as well as

each of the 5 Alverno Education Abilities within my 5 rationale statements as
well as within self-assessments for each lesson. My lessons plans included
describe and are focused on specific Wisconsin Content standards appropriate
for each grade level that I taught.
In my rationales, lesson plans, videos and self-assessments I have discussed and
implemented various instructional strategies that I have used and found
effective in my teaching.
I have included lesson plans that I created and videos for teaching experiences
at both elementary and middle school levels, and have included lesson plans and
other work for each core content areas.
In my lesson plans and rationales I have illustrated various teaching and
resource materials I have used including the writing traits unit plan that I
created using a helpful resource for Field 3.
I have planned for student accommodations in each lesson plan and have written
about adjust instruction in my lesson plans and self-assessments including
planning lessons to accommodate students with IEPs
In each lesson plan I created and implanted many informal assessments,

including rubrics as my major form of formal assessment that I used. These

rubrics, student work, assessments, and checklists can be found under Field 4.
I have described multi-media communication tools that I have used within my
rationales. I have also included some examples that can be seen in my videos of
my teaching and a PowerPoint that I used to teach along with handouts of the
PowerPoint. I have described the effectiveness of these tools in my selfassessments. I have used PowerPoints, handouts, graphic organizers, emailing
students, and interactive activities with individuals, whole group and small
groups throughout each of my field placements.

* one video segment must be from ED 315 *** I HAVE INCLUDED A VIDEO FOR EACH FIELD PLACEMENT, INCLUDING ED315

2. Classroom Environment


The candidate demonstrates the ability to apply social and cultural understanding
in interpersonal situations by:
designing learning experiences that best relate to the characteristics of
individuals and groups
Perceiving and responding to elements in interaction, e.g. roles,
developmental levels, culture, language, etc.
describing how characteristics of individuals and groups influence
teaching decisions

Brief description of nature and location of evidence

I carefully planned each lesson taking into consideration my knowledge of each

individual child and their abilities and needs. In my self-assessments and
rationales I have described how I have designed learning experiences that tailor
to the needs of my students whether they are ELLs, have IEPs, or have other
physical, cognitive, or behavioral concerns. I have also described in my
rationale statements and self-assessments ways in which I have created
activities to meet the learning styles and personalities of each child within a
In my lesson plans, self-assessments, and videos I have shown evidence of how
I adjusted instruction, materials, and activities to ensure growth, development,
and learning in a positive environment for all students. I am aware of the
diversity in my classroom and I provide equal learning opportunities to all
students and value the various cultures, languages, personalities, and roles of
each of my students.
I strongly promote tolerance and understanding of others in the classroom.
In my self-assessments I have described how my reflections and realizations
allowed me to understand how to adjust my lesson plans and teaching
instruction based on observations of students. In the rationale and reflection for
Field 1 I have described how difference groups of students I worked with
influenced my instruction.

3. Instruction and Assessment


The candidate demonstrates the ability to accurately implement instruction and
assess student learning by providing:
samples of completed assessments in which the experiences used to
assess student learning relate directly to the lesson/unit objective(s)
self assessments that focus on student learning as a result of lessons
taught in field placements
feedback from cooperating teachers and Alverno supervisors

Brief description of nature and location of evidence

The majority of assessments that I have employed have been informal

based on my own observations of student understanding, behavior, and
progress. I have described these assessments in my lesson plans and in
my self-assessments for each field. For Field 4 I have included specific
examples of the lesson and assignment I created with a rubric that used to
assess, student work, and the final assessment of the product. I have also
included some informal observations in checklist form.
I have included several self-assessments for each of my fields and lesson
plans. The majority of my self-assessments focus on the measure of
student learn as a result of the effectiveness of the lesson plans and
activities that I created and taught.
I have included in my portfolio, for each field and lesson plan, feedback
and evaluations by cooperating teachers and supervising teachers.

*** Field 1: Both supervisor and CT evaluations

Field 2: Supervisor Eval (did not receive CT eval)
Field 3: CT evaluations and feedback for each lesson
Field 4: Both supervisor and CT evaluations

4. Professional Responsibilities and Reflection


The candidate articulates how she has applied educational frameworks (e.g.
Bloom, Piaget, Erikson, Maslow, Montessori, Cambourne, Gardner, Holdaway,
Purkey, etc) and their influence on her teaching by stating the major aspects of
selected theories in her own words and identifying where she has applied these

Brief description of nature and location of evidence

I have included theories and frameworks throughout each of my

rationales. Some of the major theories and frameworks that applied
to my teaching are bolded. I have described them in my own words,
how they are important to me and my teaching, and how I have
applied them specifically in my teaching. I have also discussed
various theories, theorists, and frameworks in my self-assessments.

The candidate represents herself as a reflective practitioner by:

showing, in rationales and self assessments, where modifications of
her teaching have or should have taken place
analyzing and articulating ways in which elements of diversity have
influenced her planning, teaching, and assessing
describing, in a letter to an ED 201 or AE 222 student, her growth in
understanding and using the Wisconsin Teacher Standards and the
Alverno Education Abilities
limiting her choices of appropriate artifacts that provide evidence of
an ability to synthesize the Wisconsin Teacher Standards and the
Alverno Education Abilities
including artifacts that address all 10 Wisconsin Teacher Standards
and all 5 Alverno Education Abilities


For each self-assessment I have reflected on the effectiveness of my

planning and teaching and have described specific areas and reasons
where modifications did or should have taken place.
My rationales, lesson plans, and reflections describe in detail how I have
addressed diversity in the classroom within my lesson planning and
throughout teaching and assessing.
In my letter to ED201 students I have discussed what the WTS and AEA
are and how they have been important to me. I described how the
incoming student will grow in these areas as I have.
I carefully chose artifacts that illustrate my performance, growth, and
ability to be an effective teacher. I made sure to include the required
pieces, some of which I used as my artifacts. Other artifacts were
additional lesson plans, self-assessments, and student work that I feel
show who I am as a teacher. Furthermore, I included work from each
core content area. I described each artifact in my rationales in how they
aided in my development of each of the standards and abilities.

5. Oral and written communication



Brief description of nature and location of evidence


Consistently engaging audiences by using appropriate conventions,

coherent structures, and effective style

I believe that I maintained a sophisticated voice and professional

manner in writing my rationale statements and letters. I sought
expert help in editing and revising my writing so ensure quality. All
of the ideas, opinions, statements and values expressed throughout
my writing and my portfolio are solely my own, and any ideas and
information from other sources has been stated. I feel that I was able
to successfully articulate meaningful relationships between my
personal teaching philosophy, frameworks, and artifacts illustrating
my development and mastering of each of the Wisconsin Teaching
Standards as well as the Alverno Advanced Education Abilities.

Accurately analyzing ones own ideas in relation to

disciplinary/professional contexts
Articulating meaningful relationships between disciplinary/professional
frameworks and the selection of artifacts by explaining the Wisconsin
Teacher Standards and the Alverno Education Abilities in her own words


Overall Performance
Final Comments:





For your own planning and organization, you should develop a chart like the following to ensure that you have provided adequate (but not excessive)
evidence for each of the Wisconsin Standards for Teacher Development and Licensure and each of the Alverno Education Abilities.
Lesson Plan on Fossils
Unit on Civil War

Education Ability


Tab 1 or other label
Tab 5 or other label

YOUR COPY ***each section includes lesson plan, video, self-assessment, and evaluations- Artifacts are the main pieces that my rationale supports
MAIN Artifact/Evidence
Field 1: lesson plan on verbs/nouns AND
corresponding video of teaching

Field 2: video of teaching AND selfassessment

Field 3: Video of teaching and
corresponding mini unit plan
Field 4: Lesson plan/PPT AND student
Science Learning Segment PowerPoint

Education Ability

3, 4, 7

Field 1: Lesson plan and Video of teaching

Integrated interaction AND


5, 6

Field 2: Lesson plan and video AND

Field 2: Evaluations


2, 9

Field 3: Unit plan and video of teaching


1, 8

Field 4: Lesson plan, PowerPoint and video

AND Student work and assessments



Additional Artifacts: Science

Additional Artifacts: Social Studies



Additional Artifacts: Math

Social Studies Taking Care of Me plan

AND self-reflection
Math: group assessment lab feedback

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