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Westminster in 2014: $21,000 Available to Combat Ebola & Support Mission Projects in 3 African Countries November 2014 Westminster Presbyterian Church 85 Chesinut Street Albany, NY 12210 518.496.0544 For more information, contact: Fatmata Hilton fatmatahilton Felicia Kollie-Gambles yassah03 @gmailcom John Kucij LKucii@ Gabriel Ofori-Okai ofori-okai@ Lois Wilson Thank you to all who helped Westminster assemble nearly $21,000 for mission in Africa. Our sincere appreciation to the Church (which absorbed costs for hosting fund raisers) and to donors and sponsors of the African Spring Dinner, Citizens ‘Against Ebola in the Capital Region event, Resource Fair, and African Family Night. Sources for 2014 African mission programs: fund raisers and private donations ($14,571) & Church mission budget ($6,350). See a program summary below. Mission Program ___ Amount What has been done in 2014? Ebola crisis & basic | $7,906 | Registration of school, Ebola prevention contract with FACE school support: Africa to give each home educational & santizing supplies, Hope Mission paperback books for pre-K to Grade 6 ohidren to use at School, Paynesville, home while schools are closed, minimum stipends to faculty Liberia & staff for food and bleach while salaries suspended, funds | _ for community Ebola prevention sanitizing stations Ebola crisis: Doctors | $4,300 | Money sent in September to help treat Ebola patients in Without Borders ‘West Africa (at time when funds were urgently needed) Ebola crisis: Pehala, | $715 | Prevention education, a bag of rice for villagers plus buckets Sierra Leone ‘or washing stations, soap, chlorine, gloves & other protective gear (sent as crisis is escalating in Sierra Leone) 3-room school for $4,700 | $4,700 for classrooms for children going to school "Under ‘Okushibri, Ghana ‘the Trees". Top mission priority of Tema partners. Private (near Tera) donor is adding $9,300 to WC $ to complete the building High-need students | $3,200 | WPC Scholarship program started in 2007. Funds 20 in Ghana students this year (including 16 disabled students). Total for African $20,921 | Excludes hospitality costs for visitors from Tema, Ghana, Mission they were separately funded by Westminster The African Spring Dinner at Westminster will be Saturday, March 21, 2015. Look for a February announcement of the program and specific fund-raising goals. For thase who prefer to donate before March 21, checks may be made payable to ‘Westminster Presbyterian Church, memo: African Ministries. Mail the check to African Ministries, Westminster Presbyterian Church, 85 Chestnut Street, Albany NY 12210.

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