The Price of Food Assignment 997897

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The Price of Food Assignment

For our unit on nutrition we have discussed the importance of a balanced diet, including discussing
the differences between fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
Purpose: The purpose of the project is for you to learn to appreciate the cost of food by planning a
weeks menu (which includes 3 meals a day, as well as snacks.) The meals must reflect a
healthy balanced diet, this could be indicative of your cultural heritage or not. Please do
not assume that you have any of the basics (e.g. ketchup, mustard, sugar etc.)
Task: You must prepare a grocery list for one weeks worth of food. Write down a nutritious meal plan
for breakfasts, lunches and suppers for 7 days. If you say bread, write down how many
loaves you will need. This will be done on Excel- you will have 3 columns- item, estimated
cost, actual cost (to be filled in at the supermarket). You will estimate how much you think
your groceries will cost. We will then go to the supermarket (or visit on-line grocery stores) in
order to calculate the real cost!
Challenge: An additional challenge to this assignment is to be able to afford a healthy balanced diet,
while surviving on minimum wage. Presently, the minimum wage here in Scotland is as
the main adult rate (for workers 21 and over) will increase by 12p to 6.31 an hour
the rate for 18-20 year olds will increase by 5p to 5.03 an hour
the rate for 16-17 year olds will increase by 4p to 3.72 an hour

Now assume that you are able to work a 40 hour work week. This will be your total budget.
Please note that we are not going to worry about housing or transportation costs, nor the
issue of taxation.
Final Assessment: As part of your final project, you must submit a week long menu plan, an initial
estimated budget along with the real cost of your menu plan. Once you have
completed this part of the assignment you must then answer the following

Explain how you use the food guide pyramid to plan your menu.
Should you eat one kind of food every day? Explain your answer.
What were some of the challenges that you faced in creating this menu? Explain.
What did you learn from completing this assignment? Explain.











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