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Alpha Delta State: Phi Chapter Chat

Vo l u me , I s su e V

President: Lynn Asente

Treasurer: Denise Bilancia Vittu m
1 s t V i c e P r e s i d e n t : C a r o l H u l s e ma n n
2nd Vice President: Barb Baltri nic

R e c o r d i n g S e c r e t a r y : K a y F r a n ks
Corresponding Sec.: Cindy Sapronetti
Historian: Mary Jean Lyon
P a r l i a me n t a r i a n : M a r y A n n S t u v y s a n t


Presidents News: Bring granola bars for Blessings in

a Backpack on Dec. 13 for donation!

Spring Meeting
Time TBD
Kay Franks
Bob Bonchack
Graduate of the
Milton Hershey
School will speak
on that topic.
We will meet at the
Office Restaurant
on Main Street.
More details to

Presidents Letter
Blessings in a Backpack
December 13 Donation:
Granola Bar
Sign Up for Scholarship
Baskets we need one
for spring, ladies!
Upcoming Events

Dates to Remember
Christmas Brunch at
Rosemont Country Club
at 10 a.m. on Dec. 13,
Speaker Dr. Terry
Scholarship Awards
RSVP to Judy White
at 330-603-3382.
Mail her an $18.00 check
made out to Phi Chapter
Delta Kappa Gamma
at 650 Rothrock Circle,
Copley, Ohio 44321
By Dec. 5, 2014.

Thank you so much to Marna

Wheaton for being our hostess at the
November meeting. We had a nice
turnout of 20 members at Dontinos.
Thanks to Barb Baltrinic for the
beautiful scholarship basket. Our newest
member, Charlotte Buzzelli, won it!
What a great way to start out in Phi
Chapter. Charlotte has moved from
Delta Omicron, which just closed its
chapter. I am hoping to get this
newsletter out to other members to invite
them to our December meeting.
We had a wonderful speaker, Devin
Yeager, who gave us insight into
Victims Assistance. Her message was
most enlightening and informative. She
brought many pamphlets as well. Her
passion and her dedication to its mission
were certainly evident in her
presentation. Thanks again to Marna for
arranging this speaker.
Judy White is on deck next as our
hostess for the December 13th meeting.
We have a wonderful day planned for
members. Please bring guests as it is
always a lovely luncheon, and this years
event promises to be one of our best
Please send your check made out
to Phi Chapter Delta Kappa
Gamma in the amount of $18.00
to Judy White at 650 Rothrock
Circle, Copley, Ohio 44321
Deadline - December 5, 2014
Dr. Terry Gordon, a retired

cardiologist and author of the

book, No Storm Lasts
Forever, will be our speaker.
He will also sell and sign
copies as well as share his
latest offering.
Barb Baltrinic and Cindy
Mathias are working on
selecting a Sperry scholarship
recipient, and we will make
our presentation on this day.
Kay Franks and I are
providing the scholarship
basket for the December
meeting, and Kay has some
cute favors lined up for us.
Again, please bring guests.
Schedule for Dec. 13, 2014
10:00 A.M. registration, coffee,
and sale of books
10:30 a short meeting followed by
scholarship presentations.
11:00 Dr. Terry Gordons
12:00 lunch
Chicken Noodle Soup
3-Cheese Pasta
Red Sauce Pasta Bar
Tuna and chicken salad sandwiches
Ice Cream/pecan balls
Coffee Tea (hot or cold)

FYI - Founders Day - May 2,

2015 at Tangiers Restaurant.

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