History of Physical Therapy

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By: Jennifer Gonzalez

KINE 2310

According to History, In Ancient Greece around 460 BC,

Hector practiced a physiotherapy technique called
hydrotherapy which is Greek for water treatment.
The Greeks, however, were not the only people
practicing physical therapy; ancient writings from Persia,
China and Egypt also describe the benefits of exercise,
movement and massage for ailments.

1813- Per Henrik Ling, Father of Swedish Gymnastics,

founder of Royal Central Institute of Gymnastics (RCIG)
They Involved: massage, manipulation, and exercise.
The Swedish word for physical therapist is sjukgymnast =
someone involved in gymnastics for those who are ill.
1887- PTs were given official registration by Swedens
National Board of Health and Welfare. Other countries
soon followed.
1894- four nurses in Great Britain formed Chartered
Society of Physiotherapy.

1913,4The School of Physiotherapy of the University of

Otago in New Zealand and Reed College in Portland,
Oregon, USA were established. These were the first
higher education facilities that taught physical therapy.

1921A journal called PT Review featured an article on

physical therapy. Another organization called the
American Womens Physical Therapeutic Association
(later changed to AmericanPhysical Therapy
AssociationAPTA) was established by Mary McMillan, a
physical therapy aide. She became known as the mother
of physical therapy.

1916- Polio outbreak

1917-8World War I produced many injured soldiers who benefited from
this treatment so the industry grew. The system was then called
rehabilitation therapy and the people employed to administer it were
called reconstruction aides. Basically they were nurses who had
additional training in physical education and massage therapy.
During the First World War women were recruited to work with and
restore physical function to injured soldiers, and the field of physical
therapy was institutionalized
1924The Geogia Warm Springs Foundation suggested that physical
therapy be used in the treatment of polio. U.S. President F.D.Roosevelt
was a polio victim and spent a lot of time in Warm Springs.

1946, Congress adopted the Hill Burton Act to build

hospitals across the country to increase public access to
health care facilities. This legislative action resulted in an
increase in hospital-based practice for physical therapists
and an increased demand for physical therapy services.

1980sMedical science began using computers in the field of

physiotherapy. Devices such as electrical stimulators were
introduced which enhanced the treatment.

2008The HANDTUTOR was created for hand, wrist and upper limb
injury rehabilitation.
2011 additional TUTOR physical therapy products called the
ARMTUTOR, LEGTUTOR and 3DTUTOR were devised to allow
patient rehabilitation for other parts of the body affected by stroke,
brain/spinal cord injuries, Parkinsons, CP, MS and other upper and
lower limb malfunctions.




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