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Year 9

Unit 1:
Acting & Performance Skills
Arts Award Unit 1: Arts Participation
Booklet 1A Drama Acting Skills Workshops



Deadline date:

Current Level:

3rd 4th November 2014

Target to Improve:

Drama Acting Skills Workshops

Independent Learning Booklet

Welcome to your first Independent learning Booklet!
Performing Arts is a very practical subject and in lesson you will spend most of your time doing
things. This means that there is little time for writing and research. This is where your
homework tasks come in! This booklet will help to support what you have learnt in your lessons
and will also be used for your Arts Award portfolio. It is therefore important that you reflect
on your journey through this unit and that you record your thoughts in your booklet.
The booklet is made up of several homework tasks, a key words section and a self-assessment
grid that you will need to complete. Before you hand it in you might want to use the following
checklist to make sure you have finished everything:

Have I put on my name, Class, teacher and deadline?

Have I written my last level & target to improve on the front cover?

Have I completed all the homework tasks?

Have I completed my Key Words?

Have I completed the Self-Assessment Grid?

Once you have done all of these your booklet is ready to give to your teacher

What if I lose my booklet?
All students will be given one booklet at the start of a topic and one booklet only! Should you lose it you can
download a replacement booklet from the Performing Arts VTLE website and print it at school from your
user account. The VTLE is at and the password is Hipperholme (Dont forget the capital H!)
What if I like to do my homework on the computer?
Again if you prefer to type this is fine. Simply download the booklet from the Performing Arts VTLE and edit
in Microsoft word then print at school and submit. (Be aware though we will be checking it is your own work so
avoid the temptation to copy off the internet!)
What if I forget to hand it in?
As a subject we dont like detentions. We think that you learn best by being responsible for your own
learning. If you fail to submit your booklet by the deadline you will be placed the following week in a 1 hour
afterschool catch up session where you will be expected to complete your homework booklet then. If you
miss more than twice in the year then we will invite your parents/carers into school to discuss the problem.
Remember that your booklet is your Arts Award portfolio and will be assessed by an outside moderator. If
you dont complete it then you will not be able to receive your Bronze Arts Award! =(

Drama Acting Skills Workshops

In the beginning
This section is all about your participation in an Arts activity. You have chosen to do Drama for
this section. After learning more about what is to come in Arts Award this year answer the
following question:

What are you most interested in exploring, learning or doing

in Drama this year and why?

Describe and develop

Over the next few weeks you will undertake a series of Acting workshops to help you develop
your skills in performance. Record some of the skills you are learning and reflect upon how it is
developing your understanding of Acting.

Week 1 - Basic Staging Skills

Drama Acting Skills Workshops


Describe what activities you have participated in

this week.

What do you think was the most important skill you learned in this
workshop and why?

What did you find most difficult and why?

Staff Feedback
What Went well -

Even Better If -

What skill do you plan on developing in the future and why?

Week 2 - Movement

Drama Acting Skills Workshops


Describe what activities you have participated in

this week.

What do you think was the most important skill you learned in this
workshop and why?

What did you find most difficult and why?

Staff Feedback
What Went well -

Even Better If -

What skill do you plan on developing in the future and why?

Week 3 - Non Verbal Communication


Describe what activities you have participated in

this week.

Drama Acting Skills Workshops

What do you think was the most important skill you learned in this
workshop and why?

What did you find most difficult and why?

Staff Feedback
What Went well -

Even Better If -

What skill do you plan on developing in the future and why?

Week 4 - Use of Voice


Describe what activities you have participated in

this week.

Drama Acting Skills Workshops

What do you think was the most important skill you learned in this
workshop and why?

What did you find most difficult and why?

Staff Feedback
What Went well -

Even Better If -

What skill do you plan on developing in the future and why?

Week 5 - Developing Character


Describe what activities you have participated in

this week.

Drama Acting Skills Workshops

What do you think was the most important skill you learned in this
workshop and why?

What did you find most difficult and why?

Staff Feedback
What Went well -

Even Better If -

What skill do you plan on developing in the future and why?

Assessment: Summary of Skills Learnt.

As you have participated over the last few weeks you will have encountered several key skills.
Below is a list of key words. Test yourself on how many of them you can correctly define and
then write briefly how you have used or developed the skill.

Key Word


How have I used or developed

this skill?

Drama Acting Skills Workshops






Centre of

Drama Acting Skills Workshops



Freeze Frames





Drama Acting Skills Workshops




Teacher Assessment
Your teacher will tick which criteria your have met for a Drama level


Minimal Concentration on stage
Ability to hold a still image for a short amount of time
Stays in role for some of the piece


Uses a slight range of facial expression

Responds to the lines on stage
Manages to gain audience interest at one point


Slight pace used throughout the story

Attempted use at different levels
Uses some of the space for the performance


Total concentration when on stage and in rehearsal


Drama Acting Skills Workshops

Stays in role for most of the piece
Uses facial expression sometimes to show mood/thoughts
Has clear and purposeful movement onstage although may not be in a
different character


Uses space during performance

Responds and reacts to others onstage
Has the audience interested in the piece for most of the time
Creates a mood and keeps it going for the piece


Uses voice, movement and gesture to a simple level

Uses sound
Creates simple and short tension
Uses levels
Varies pace a little within story


Works supportively with group in rehearsal process

Communicates character well to audience
Stays in role for whole piece
Uses simple theatrical effects e.g. accent, hobbles as if old


Performance communicates content, e.g. serious drama for serious topic

Variety of dramatic techniques, e.g. mime, monologue, freeze frame,
Perform from scripts effectively showing clear plot/story
Uses space well to communicate simple meaning


Effective and varied use of levels e.g. to show status

Imagination used in the plot/character so it's not predictable
Looks well-planned and rehearsed, the group works as a team
Aims for piece are achieved, e.g. if it's a comedy it's funny!


Clear commitment to creating role and drama in rehearsal
Communicates a range of feelings and attitudes in character
Uses signs and symbols onstage (e.g. costume is red for angry character,
gestures get bigger as character gets angrier)


Convincing characterisation for the whole piece

Controlled and well-planned performance
Good individual timing (interrupts as required, pauses well, moves in unison


Engages the audience effectively

Variety of vocal techniques (e.g. accent, age effects, depth and volume, tone
changes, pace and expression)


Realistic and believable performance

Adapts and evaluates ideas well.
Creates drama for a specific audience or purpose (e.g. comedy makes us


Drama Acting Skills Workshops

laugh, performances created for younger audiences,
Uses a range of forms/styles (different types of drama, e.g. mime, masks)
Uses abstract skills, e.g. movement, symbolic gesture and use of space


Devises work for performance to other classes

Can talk about different Theatre styles with confidence.
Understands and demonstrates the relationship between form and
content (e.g. pace reflects mood, vocal delivery reflects character etc.)
Uses advanced drama language and terminology in rehearsal and


Can produce complex effects (e.g. group chorus) and analyse their meaning
Can communicate issues in performance effectively and without clich
Can use and communicate subtext through planning and performance
Clear interpretation of character and narrative (story)
Complex and varied portrayal of moods (not predictable or stereotyped)


Realises psychology of character in performance

Solves problems and offers solutions in creation/devising process
Explores and uses a range of genres and styles in shaping own work
Makes own choices to use conventions and skills within rehearsal


Works effectively, independently and purposefully with many others

for different purposes
Uses drama skills effectively in performance to emphasise character
behaviour, motivation and narrative
Uses skills and concepts (e.g. freeze frame, people as props etc.) to
communicate meaning in thoughtful, original and intelligent ways
Performs using originality, clever staging and shows depth of character


Uses technical language and discusses drama conventions (customs,

rules) when evaluating own and others' performances
Identifies accurately and originally how work could be improved
Characterisation is absolutely gripping and believable
Performance is exciting and enthralling to watch


Has all tasks been completed?



Final Assessed Performance

Drama Acting Skills Workshops

What Went Well

Even Better If

Level Attained

Or X

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