Worksheet Electric Car

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Electric car

Fill in the blanks using the appropriate words:

electricity, generator, motors, fuel, battery
An electric vehicle uses one or more electric ________________ for
propulsion. It may be powered through a collector system by
________________ from off-vehicles sources, or may be self-contained with a
________________ or ________________ to convert ________________ to
oil, greenhouse, gasoline
Electric vehicles first appeared in the 1880s. Advances in internal
combustion engines and mass production of cheaper ________________
cars led to a decline in the use of electric cars (ECs). Nowadays, we are
interested in electric cars again because of increasing ________________
prices and the need to reduce ________________ gas emissions.
pollutants, combustion, reduction, foreign, dependence, gas
ECs do not emit tailpipe ________________, which means that there is a
significant reduction of local air pollution when compared to that of
conventional internal ________________ engines.
There is also a large ________________ in total greenhouse ________________
and other emissions as well as less ________________ on ________________ oil.

nuclear, tidal, wind, renewable, solar

The electricity ECs consume can be generated from a wide range of
sources such as ________________ power and ________________ sources
(________________, ________________, or/and ________________ power).

expensive, five, decreases, hundreds, maintenance, lifetime, internal, cost

ECs have ________________ batteries, but their ________________ can be very
long. They generally incur very low________________ costs. An EC has only
around ________________ moving parts in its motor, compared to a
conventional car that has ________________ of parts in its ________________
combustion engine. With use, the capacity of the battery ________________.
Replacing the battery is the main ________________ of an EC.

1/5, design, conditions, capture, efficient, 80%, reuse, 15%

The energy use depends on the ________________ and utility targets, the
driving ________________ and driving style. ECs operating cost, when
charged overnight at the night rate, can be ________________ of that of a
conventional car.
Electric motors are more ________________ in converting stored energy than
internal combustion engines. They do not consume energy while at rest,
and they ________________ and ________________ some of the energy lost
when braking. Conventional gasoline engines generally use effectively
only ________________ of the fuel energy content, compared to around
________________ of electric vehicles.

higher, anxiety, limited, range, overnight, energy, charge, batteries,
recharging, considerable
ECs development and production costs are ________________ than those of
conventional cars. There is no ________________ infrastructure, and the
________________ range of most existing cars causes anxiety (known as
________________ ________________) that the electric ________________ stored
in the ________________ will run out before EC reaches its destination.
Electric cars often have less maximum range on one ________________ than
cars powered by fossil fuels, and they can take ________________ time to
recharge. However, they can be charged at home ________________, which
fossil fueled cars cannot.

nationwide, chargers, minimum, network, fast
Estonia is the first country that has deployed an EV
charging________________ with ________________ coverage, with
________________ ________________ available along highways at a
________________ distance of between 40 to 60 km (25 to 37 mi), and a
higher density in urban areas.
Source: Electric Car Wikipedia

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