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TEACHER: Mr. Horowitz

EMAIL: horowitzl@mcvts.net
Course Description:
The English program continues to assist students to develop higher level language arts skills. This course will
include reading selections of essays, novels, and plays. Vocabulary, grammar and improving writing skills are also
emphasized. Students will also require communication skills necessary to be successful in their career majors.

In addition to following school rules, you are expected to:
1) Be seated and ready to work by the time the late bell rings.
2) Follow instructions.
3) Be polite and respectful use good manners & appropriate language.
4) Maintain a neat workspace (desk & surrounding area)
5) Keep your cell phone turned off, and store it in a bag or pocket.
1. Grading: There are four marking periods, plus a final exam. Your grade at the end of
the year will be an average of all five grades. Each marking period grade will be
calculated as follows:
50% Class work, Class Participation, & Homework
30% Tests
20% Quizzes
2. Bring daily: three-ring binder (containing 3 sections: CW; HW; Journal), writing utensil.
Students who come unprepared will lose points off their class participation grade.
3. Late Work: Your grade will drop one level for each day that the assignment is late.
4. Absentee Policy: If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what work you
missed. You will be given one day for each day you are absent to make up missed work.
5. Heading: Put your name, date, and period on all assignments. If I cannot identify
whose assignment it is, you will receive a zero for your work.
6. Plagiarism: Unless you are copying class notes, all assignments are to be written in your
own words. Students who plagiarize or allow others to copy their work will receive a
zero for the assignment and potentially face further disciplinary action.
7. Passes: Bathroom passes will be distributed when absolutely necessary. You may not
have passes for going to your locker, shop, or guidance.
I have read and understand the English 12 Rules, Policies, and Procedures.
Student Signature

Parent Signature

__________________________ ____________________
Parent Email

Daytime Phone

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