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History of the Watch

By: Bryan Hillyer and Jacob Petersen

Peter Henlein - The Watch Inventor

Peter Henlein was the first person to successfully create the watch
in 1505. He lived from 1485-August of 1542. He was a locksmith and
clockmaker in Germany. The watches he made were called musk-ball
watches. These watches were small portable ornamental spring
powered brass clocks which were very rare and expensive at the time.
It was also known as a clock-watch. These tiny portable could also be
worn as pendants, or worn on clothing.Peter also built a tower clock for
Lichtenau castle on 1541.

Watch Innovations and Uses

The watch was originally used just to tell time. As the watch has
grow through time and has been made better and better, it has been
given updated features. With the Roman Numeral watches you are able
to actually change the time to match your time zone. Analog watches
also allow you to change the time to your time zone. Digital watches
allow you to also change time zones, has a night mode, and some even
have a stopwatch and timer. The apple watch has many features. This
watch can tell you the weather, give you navigation, and you can also
text on it.

Watch Technology Classifications

The watch classifies in two things. It classifies in the
product, which includes manufacturing and construction. It
is in this class because the scientist in this region of work
have to design a device that will make all of its features
work. It also classifies in energy and power. I classifies in
energy and power because it is electronically powered.

Impacts in Positive and Negative Ways

It has impacted the society in a positive because if you are
somewhere and you need to know the time you could look down
at your watch. This is a good thing because you might have
something to be at like an important meeting at a certain time,
and you could look down at your watch so you will not be late.
A negative way it impacted in society is they can be very
expensive, and sometimes if you set an alarm for a certain time
and you forget to shut it off it could make a noise while you're in
school, if you're sleeping, or if you're in the middle of something

STEM Example Chart

You need many brains to create a watch. This chart shows how all of
the different people work together to overall invent or innovate a
product. These steps are very important in making a watch.

The science. They have to discover iron, leather, and building mechanisms to make
the clock work. (watch)
The technology. They have to create a device that allows you to see the time and
gives you special features.
The engineering. They have to design a device that allows the hands to rotate, and
have a strong exterior built. They also have to design leather straps to wear on their
The math. What is the optimal length circumference of the circle and shape of the
device in order for it to work.

Famous Watch Slogan

Swatch - Time is what its made of
TimeEx- When youre a picking, choose a
watch that keeps on ticking.

How The Watch Works

The mainspring that powers the watch is inside a barrel. This
barrel has teeth that turn the center wheel once per hour. The
center wheel also drives the pinion of the third wheel and the third
wheel drives the pinion of the fourth wheel and etc. The pinion of
the fourth wheel also drives the lever escapement. The other fork of
the lever, which hits a impulse pin on the balance wheel, causes the
hands to move.


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