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Biodiversity in Spain

In the European countries, Spain is one of the richest ecological bio diverse
places in the world. With its known factors in how Spain is built it can come with some
high responsibility to keep its conservation ("Spain Biodiversity", 2013). Although the
responsibility is there, there is the way its geographic position, its geological diversity,
and the wide history that makes Spain a very bio diverse country.
Spain is a country where with having be the richest ecological country it can be
considered one of the most fragile countries in Europe. A group called Ecologists in
Action have stated the current government in Spain focuses its efforts on changing
environmental regulations which has serious consequences in terms of loss of
protection and deregulation ("Spain's biodiversity is 'the most fragile in Europe'", 2013).
Starting with the animals that are across the country, there is numerous animals that are
considered endangered. The animals that are considered threatened are birds and
reptiles that are taken on account for approximately one third of the taxa catalogued .
With the rates of human fires growing rapidly amongst Spains forests, the mammals
that live within are being accounted as well as a decline in the country. The fires not
only harm the animal life in the country but lead to concern relating to Spains protected
areas. One protected area is the National Parks because these were a high well known
issue of national interest. The reason for the interest in the parks because of the
educational and leisure activities that can be relayed from them. In 2008 the National
Parks Networks 347,030 ha received over 10.2 million visitors and in 2009 the amount

was 9.9 million visitors ("Nature protection and biodiversity - State and impacts (Spain)",
Besides the human fires being a threat to the animals of Spain another threat
that Spain is being encountered with is the financial and environmental costs that have
been a result from an oil tanker explosion off Spains coast a few years ago. This has a
huge threat on the freshwater fish that roam the waters of the country. With only 9.6%
of the country being protected there is much that needs to be fixed to help with the
decline of the species across Spain. The Spanish Ministry of the Environments
Conservation Directorate-General are trying to reside the issues with the Environment,
Agriculture or Territorial Planning Departments of the 19 regional governments ("Spain",
The action plans to help reduce the waste and rebuild the biodiversity
conservation in Spain are set up to integrate forest planning, wetland management, and
desertification. The first is for the Spanish Biodiversity Strategy to launch the basis for
Sector Action Plans to help conserve and sustain the use of biological diversity. The
second is the Spanish Forest Strategy which is going to be used to help try and protect
at least 25% of the Spanish territory ("Spain", 2010).
Overall, the idea behind biodiversity across the country of Spain is something
that may not be considered important to the people who live amongst the country, it is
important for the re development of how the living things of the country can be remained
amongst the living species and plants that reside in Spain.

Works Cited
Spain. (2010, January 1). Retrieved November 17, 2014, from

Nature protection and biodiversity - State and impacts (Spain). (2011, April 8).
Retrieved November 17, 2014, from

Spain's biodiversity is 'the most fragile in Europe' (2013, June 16). Retrieved November
17, 2014, from

Spain Biodiversity. (n.d.). Retrieved November 17, 2014, from

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