Ebony Steward Charges

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PTT ope mec I CeSELEL SMR ean STATE OF MINNESOTA FILED DS el meee ay Rae The rrr Sree RIOD OUAISET . (ol aaa leon Ramsey District Court PROSECUTOR FILE NO. 2134: te te Sarr Reh v. fete UAE SOCCER) ud (DOB: 07/03/1982) Peer eae eer) fe eC oR OC Ly eo © Certified Juvenile impor Dene The Complainant, being duly swom, makes complaint to the above-named Court and states that there is Pet ccna ese een ery Manteno roe Cee kOe or OC Cee an CUE CCU ke MONIQUE STEWARD, did unlawfully assault another, J.A.B., within three years of the first of any ‘combination of two or more previous qualified domestic violence-related offense convictions or adjudications een tiod Said acts constituting the offense of Felony Assault in the Fifth Degree in violation of MN Statute: Ra eer ni) NOUS e eC etOe SUNDER a cat COUNT 2 On or about the 14th day of November, 2014, in Ramsey County, Minnesota, the defendant, EBONY OO OUD AUG mri hace cme a RUMBLE eka UE coe combination of two or more previous qualified domestic violence-related offense convictions or adjudications Scream Ree ec toe p Con ete a UE Tce REO Ca Se cd Rareere(o) Pee Re ROSS SR oy So iN Co. Atty. Complaint No. 2134388-1 Court File No. Leena One UE Oa Eee nen Cen LSS Cosa neice ev GeoV OEM ea ae COs CeO SUE ae eC ee ane RO nooo EOE call at 590 University Avenue, St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. Upon arrival officers spoke to a woman, Se ere Renita OL oC em eRe eR eco ISSR the defendant, EBONY MONIQUE STEWART, DOB 07/03/1982, punched her in her left eye. She stated that she had never seen the defendant before and had no idea why she assaulted her. Officers observed that BNM’s est ce eC rena ceC nn cae ce Reta ceace Cee eR Sc Ree eRe CR Rg BNM. She stated that she punched her because she can’t stand it when “bitches” are in her way. She stated that De Ue aS eC eae eo area.” She added that she doesn’t like light-skinned people. BNM is a light skinned black woman. eee C RCo nace eee POU seco nace ke On ee gee aoe Rad parking lot next to 600 University Avenue when they saw the defendant pull a white female, later identified as Ae SUEUR Cn er reece ny ns omen aR OCCU Cy Vee CRO cce ae eee Sc necro Reo UC Lag hands behind her back. Officers cuffed her and took her into custody. Witnesses told the officers that they saw the defendant punching JAB several times in the back of the head for Sea C Officers spoke to JAB, who stated that she was exiting JJ’s Fish and Chicken when the defendant attacked her oe Cee Une ee eee une cach ea OCR Cn defendant pulled her to the ground, stood over her, and punched her again in the back of head. JAB said that she econ Ca see LU re Re eee eee CR eS encore Sn eee ee Co Cr a ne Coke a aoe ao Ri she assaulted JAB because she was a “white gir] in the hood,” and she doesn't like or trust white people. She said, “Get that white bitch out of my yard, out of the hood.” She continued to comment during the ride that she hates white people. OES evict Ca RRO C UCR in aR CUMS So Ue ag know her. She hit her because she’s a white person in a black neighborhood. She said that the woman did not fight back. She only tried to get away. She added that she has anger management problems. She said that she was trying to help the white girl because she would probably come across someone who knew how to punch better or someone who might kill her. She also admitted that she assaulted the light-skinned black woman. She PRs Ce ee ne Cae tee ee cs eee aR UR shop getting her nails done and she didn’t like that. She also stated that this woman did not punch or fight back. Sieh ame Oe htS eae eau ena me Sad Tenn Ti ‘Complaint No.: 2134388-1 Court File No. een SU on Cee eam ec Reece POC Co a in Ramsey County District Court of Assault in the 4" Degree, assault on a police officer. On April 8, 2014, the Poot ne ee Rr tOOne Cth ean et tor be ketc a Ce Conrad misdemeanor, 5 Degree Assault conviction from September 2007. She has four prior 4"" Degree Assault convictions from 2005 through 2007. Sa Ebony iii ey rt tt ‘Complaint No.: 2134388-1 Court File No. eens ‘Complainant requests that Defendant, subject to bail or conditions of release, be: (1) arrested or that other lawl steps be taken to obtain Defendant's appearance in court; or (2) detained, if already in custody, pending further proceedings; and that said Defendant otherwise be dealt with according to law. COMPLAINANT’S NAME: eres pea E LEZEN Sereno Seana) Perna seer PiLs Sad TW Steward Co, Atty. Complaint No.:2134388-1 Court File No. Peery rr From the sbove swom facts, and any supporting affidavits or supplemental sworn testimony, I, the Issuing Officer, have determined ‘that probable cause exists to support, subject to bal or conditions of release where applicable, Defendant's arrest or other lawful steps PRO LLUa LOU eee eet ee ee eaten ee ete Defendant is therefore charged with the above-stated offense. ready in custody, pending further proceedings. ony B10) te COURT hice ENCE INSP Meet ONE er a force ttt ae cy Pers Pte en Se Ses Dd WARRANT re ae Re ee PN To the Sheriff of the above-named county; or other person authorized to execute this warrant: I hereby order, in the name ofthe State ‘of Minnesota, that the above-named Defendant be apprehended and arrested without delay and brought promptly before the above- named court (ifn session), and ifnot, before a Judge or Judicial Officer of such court without unnecessary delay, and in any event not Jater than 36 hours after the arrest or as soon as such Judge or Judicial Officer is available to be dealt with according t law. [ORDER OF DETENTION Since the above-named Defendant is already in custody, I hereby order, subject to bail or conditions of release, that the above-named Deer eco ee ee et aa ea est PRS Comes eta enn ee mere res gard TN Ba BTU eae a wt rte eg ‘Swom testimony has been given before the Judicial Officer by the following witnesses: COUNTY OF RAMSEY | Clerk's Signature or File Stamp: Pre Gro COrE Ue RN HN poe a Ona vs. Thereby Certify and Return that Ihave served a copy ofthis ‘COMPLAINT upon the Defendant herein named. le al ede etal indeed Signature of Authorized Service Agent Pee Sa rs iii ue Steward Co. Atty. Complaint No. 2134388-1 Cour File No. eenae iii eae Mes Re occu Cen cenete re FINDINGS OF FACT Ordered defendant's motion to dismiss denied. Plea of not guilty to all counts entered. nena ees Dated: - JUDGE OF DISTRICT COURT rad ii Ani Co. Atty. Complaint No. 2134388-1 Court File No. enon) UT DEFENDANT DATA / CHARGE SHEET ~ ATTACHMENT A. DEFENDANT NAME: EBONY MONIQUE STEWARD OTe! DOB: 07/03/1982 Pee eee ‘Alias DOB(s): 07/30/1982 Se Pera eon address: Ore ea Se oTavY ea ee rate Sens Cisreat Roe Beall Ue OTHER DEFENDANT / CASE IDI Fingerrinsd? i Pere ne Location of violation: etn Drivers License Number: fe are cenrerans Sn ne Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC): eho Tracy jab bec eo re Peres ees fay Pa eso ered UT OO ACCU O ILL a Ce oat kee aL OFFENSE) MOC. rao aan OR xn Teeny FRY) ere sy Eres eon i cad rR TELE) Loan Perennint ee ce ad

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