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Electronic Structure and Periodic Trends Robert and Jennifer are materials engineers who develop and test materials used in the manufacture ‘of consumer goods. In their research, the two work ‘with some of the elements in Groups 3A (13), 4A (14), and 5A (15) of the periodic table, These clements, such as silicon, have properties that make them good semiconductors. ‘A microchip requires growing a single crystal of a semiconductor, such as pure silicon. When small amounts of impurities are added to the crystalline structure, holes form through which electrons can travel with little obstruction, Microchips are manu- factured for use in computers, cell phones, satellites, televisions, calculators, GPSs, and many other devices. What elements are found in Group 4A (14) on the periodic table? 5.1 Electromagnetic Radiation Learning Goal: Compare the wavelength of radiation with its frequency. + Electromagnetic radiation is energy that travels as waves in space at the speed of light. + The wavelength (A) is the distance between the crests of adjacent waves + The frequency (r) is the number of waves that pass a certain point in 1 second. + Frequency is measured in hertz (Hz), which is equal to cycles/s or s~! + The electromagnetic spectrum is all forms of electromagnetic radiation, which can be arranged in order of decreasing wavelength. + The speed of light (c) 3.00 x 10° m/s = wavelength (A) X frequency (v) ‘The wave equation, c = Av, expresses the relationship of the speed of light (m/s) to wavelength (m) and frequency (s"!) @ Learning Exercise 5.14 What is the wavelength, in meters, for a police radar monitor that operates at 2.2 x 10! Hz? 2.2 x 10! Hz = 2.2 x 1010s" 00 x 108m s* 2.2 10s 50 Copyright © 2014 Pearson Eaueation, Ine 4 10? m Electronic Structure and Periodic Trends Learning Exercise 5.1B Using the electromagnetic spectrum, identify the type of radiation in each of the following pairs that would have the shorter wavelength: a, microwave or infrared oe b. radio waves or X-rays —_ c. gamma rays or radio waves 4. ultraviolet or microwave Answers a, infrared sb, X-rays es gammarays di, ultraviolet 5.2. Atomic Spectra and Energy Levels Learning Goal: Explain how atomic spectra correlate with the energy levels in atoms. An atomic spectrum is a series of colored lines each of which corresponds to a photon of a specific energy emitted by a heated element. + A photon isa particle of electromagnetic radiation of a specified amount of energy called a quantum, + Inanatom, the energy levels indicated by the principal quantum number, n, contain electrons of similar energies. + The principal quantum number, n, increases as the energy of the electrons increase. + When electrons change energy levels, photons of specific energies are absorbed or emitted. + Learning Exercise 5.2 Identify the photon in each of the following pairs with the greater ener 10°om —— yellow light or green light b. A= 10°nmorA ¢. — purple light or red light d@. A = 103 nmorA = 1? nm Answers a. green light b. A= 10%nm ¢. purple light dA = 107% nm 5.3 Sublevels and Orbitals Learning Goal: Describe the sublevels and orbitals in atoms. + Within each energy level, electrons with identical energy are grouped in sublevels. An‘s sublevel can accommodate 2 electrons; a p sublevel can accommodate 6 electrons; ad sublevel can accommodate 10 electrons; and an fsublevel can accommodate 14 electrons. + The energies of the sublevels increase in order: s

# Learning Exercise 5.5C Give the symbol of the element that has each of the following: . six 3d electrons. __ b, first to completely fill four s orbitals — » [Kr] 5st — d. [Ar]4s°3d!4p> — f. first to have nine completely filled p orbitals. —_. ©. two 6p electrons. —__ Answers a. Fe b. Ca ec. Rb 4. Br e. Pb 5.6 Trends in Periodic Properties Learning Goal: Use the electron configurations of elements to explain the trends in periodic properties. + The physical and chemical properties of elements change in a periodic manner going across each period and are repeated in each successive period. + Representative elements in a group have similar behavior. The group number of a representative element gives the number of valence electrons (outermost electrons). ‘An electron-dot symbol is a convenient way to represent the valence electrons, which are shown as dots on the sides, top, or bottom of the symbol for the element. For beryllium, the electron-dot symbol is Be- (Copyright ©2014 Pearson Bdvcation, Inc. 55 Chapter 5 ‘The atomic radius of representative elements generally increases going down a group and decreases ‘going from left to right across a peried. «The ionization energy generally decreases goimg down a group and increases going from left to right across a period. ‘The metallic character increases going down a group and decreases going left to right across a period. Key Terms for Sections 5.5-5.6 ‘Match cach of the following key terms with the correct definition: a. flock b. s block c. electron-dot symbol d. dblock e. ionization energy f. valence electrons 1. ___ the block of 14 elements in the rows at the bottom of the periodic table 2, __ the elements in Groups 1 (1) and 2A (2) in which electrons fill the s orbitals 3, ___ the block of ten elements from Groups 3B (3) to 2B (12) 4, __—- the representation of an atom that shows valence electrons around the symbol of the element 5, a measure of how easily an element loses a valence electron 6, __— the electrons in the highest energy level of an atom. Answers aa 2D 34 4c 5.¢ 6f m Learning Exercise 5.64. ‘CORE CHEMISTRY SKILL Identifying Trends in Periodic State the number of valence electrons, the group number, and Properties the electron-dot symbol for each of the following: Element Valence Electrons Group Number Electron-Dot Symbol a. nitrogen b. oxygen me — . magnesium ee d. hydrogen e. fluorine _ f aluminum _ Answers Element Valence Electrons Group Number Electron-Dot Symbol a, Nitrogen be Group 5A (15) b. Oxygen 6e Group 6A (16) » Magnesium 26 Group 2A (2) @. Hydrogen le Group 1A (1) ¢. Fluorine Te Group 7A (17) f. Aluminum Be Group 3A (13) + Ale 56 Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. + Learning Exercise 5.6B 2 Indicate the element in each of the following pairs that has the larger atomic radius, & Mgor Ca b. ior Cl & SrorRb a. BrorCl 28 e LiorCs f LiorN ae & NorP h AsorCa 28 Answers a, Ca b. Si Rb 4. Br a8 e Cs f Li a. P h. Ca eg 8 3 a ., ge 4 Learning Exercise 5.6C gs Indicate the clement in each pair that has the lower ionization energy. se Mgor Na b. PorCl € a KorRb a BrorF 28 LiorO f SborN 3 g & Kor Br he SorNa 3 se € 85 Answers a Na bP © Rb @. Br 288 e £ Sb ak h. Na Bak z ES 3228 Learning Exercise 5.6D ge Indicate the element in each of the following pairs that has more metallic character: B43 1 _KorNa 2 OorSe 225 B32 3. _Ca or Br 4. _lor F 228 Ss 5. __LiorN 6. _Pb or Ba a6 2 BE 5 as Answers LK 2S 3.Ca TS Li 6 Bat | | Checklist for Chapter 5 Electroni¢ Structure and Periodic Trends You are ready to take the Practice Test for Chapter 5. Be sure you have accomplished the following earning goals for this chapter. If not, review the section your new skills and understanding to the Practice Test, Alter studying Chapter 5, I can successfully: listed at the end of the goal. Then apply ____ Compare the wavelength of radiation with its energy (5.1). Compare frequency, wavelength, and energy of radiation on the electromagnetic spectrum (5.1) _— Explain how atomic spectra correlate with the energy levels in atoms (5.2) — Describe the sublevels and orbitals in atoms (5.3). —— Write the orbital diagrams and electron configurations for hydrogen to argon (5.4). Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Ine. 57 —— Determine which of two elements is the more metallic. (5.6)

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