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Week 11

The Dove

Day 1

A symbol of peace
Read Genesis 8:6:11
1-at the end of forty days Noah Opened the Door of the Ark he had made
2-First, Noah Sent out a Raven To check if the water had dried up. T F
3-Why the Dove had returned to the Ark first time ?
4-Noah Put out his Hand and took her inside . T F
5-How Noah Knew that the Water had Dried up from the Face of the

Day 2

Matthew 3: 16
Write This Verse in your Journal, and answer the following
What was Descending like A Dove and alighting upon Jesus after he
Got Baptized?
What do We Receive when we got Baptized?
The Holy Spirit Purify Us and give us a new Birth after we Got
Baptized T F
What does the word Purity Means ?

Day 3
Continue, Symbol of purity
Read 2 Corinthians 6: 14- 18 , Read it 3 times
Read II Corinthians 7:1 and write it in your Journal

Day 4
Our Church Had Called St. Mary The Beautiful Dove T F
Why Our Church Called St. Mary The Beautiful Dove?

Day 5
Wings of Faith
Psalm 54 (55) : 7-9
In Verse 7, what does it mean to have wings like a Dove , Fly away
and be at rest ?
What you would first do if you face a trouble or have a sad feeling?
Where Can you Find Rest from these troubles?
Do you Know that if you pray and fast, you will be like a dove , and
all your Requests will have the wings of the dove( Prayer and
fasting), to fly up high to Heaven.

Day 6
Write Matthew 10:16 in your Journal
What does this Verse Means?

Day 7, Craft
Make a Dove out from Paper Plate, Choose one of the two crafts Below,
Choose one of the Verses that you Learned this Week about the Dove write
it Clearly ion your Dove Craft, Bring your Work to your Sunday School.Ad


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