Annotation 4 - Fantasy

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John Driscoll

LIS 763 Fantasy Book Annotation

Author: Lynch, Scott
Title: The Lies of Locke Lamora
Publication Date: June 2006
Number of Pages: 722
Geographical Setting: City-state of Camorr (inspired by Venice, Italy)
Time Period: Renaissance-era equivalent
Series: Gentleman Bastard #1
Plot Summary: Orphan Locke Lamora joins a gang of thieves called the
Gentlemen Bastards, who violate the criminal underworlds Secret Peace in order to
swindle and steal from the citys nobility. Locke, who eventually comes to lead the
gang, spins complex deceptions that pay off big, but eventually end up entangling
him and his friends in a conflict between underworld kingpin Capa Barsavi, the
Dukes secret police headed by the mysterious Spider, and the mysterious Gray
King, who rumors say cant be killed and who is killing off thieves for mysterious
Subject Headings: Orphans; Swindlers and swindling; Criminals; Thieves;
Outlaws; Gangsters; Police; Assassination; Manipulation by men; Coups detat.
Appeal: Atmospheric, dramatic tone, richly detailed, strong sense of place, witty
dialogue, low-magic fantasy.
Similar Authors and works: Ian Whates City of Dreams & Nightmare (2010);
David Chandler Den of Thieves (2011); D.B. Jackson Thieftaker (2012); Leona
Wisoker Secrets of the Sands (2010); Sarah Monette Melusine (2005); Fritz Leiber
Swords and Deviltry (1970).
Relevant Nonfiction Works: William Hanner Thief! A Gutsy, True Story of an ExCon Artist (2006); Adam McKeown Othello: the Young Readers Shakespeare
(2005); Gary L. Blackwood Swindlers (2001); Paul Martin Villains, Scoundrels,
and Rogues: Incredible True Tales of Mischief and Mayhem (2014); Amy Reading
The Mark Inside: A Perfect Swindle, A Cunning Revenge, and a Small History of the
Big Con (2012).

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