Annotated Bibliographyfinal

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Daniella Abad Carnero

ENG 112-79
Connie S. Douglas, Instructor
Annotated Bibliography
September 22, 2014
Annotated Bibliography
"Born In the U.S.A.? Some Chinese Plan It That Way." All Things Considered 22 Nov.
2010. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 22 Sept. 2014.
Born in the U.S.A. some Chinese Plan It That Way is a broadcast from National
Public Radio (NPR). In the broadcast the host Melissa Block discusses with her
guests how some wealthy Chinese families are traveling to the United States
(US) entering to the country legally just to give birth in US soil so their kids can
be US citizens. Some of the Chinese that come the US to give birth are doing
that so they can avoid paying a fee to the Chinese government for havening
more than one child. The broadcast also explains how bringing Chinese pregnant
women to give birth to the US has become a profit industry in China.
The broadcast is an example of how people is taking advantage of what some
call a loophole in the fourteen amendment. The article mentions that the
pregnant Chinese women that are entering to the United States just to give birth
are doing it because they want their children to have more opportunities in the
future like lower fees for college.
The broadcast will help to understand that not only illegal immigrants are trying to
come to the country to have kids, in order to legalize their legal status in this

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country, but also wealthy Chinese people that has visas come to the country
legally with as tourist just to give birth. The broadcast is an example of how
people from other countries besides Mexico are looking for the American
"EDITORIAL: Amendments and citizenship rights." Foster's Daily Democrat (Dover, NH)
13 Aug. 2010: Newspaper Source Plus. Web. 17 Oct. 2014.
The article Amendments and citizenship rights author is in favor of the birthright
citizenship elimination through legislation, but not by changing the constitution as
Senator form South Carolina Lindsay Graham propones. The author critiques the
fact that the change or amend of the constitution was proposed because he
believes that the founder fathers were brilliant even though some people think
that when the founding fathers wrote the constitution everything was very
different from now and that we need a evolving constitution.
The article is completely in favor of the elimination of the birthright citizenship,
however, the author provides a different way of solving the loophole that some
think the fourteen amendment has. The article provides a renewed idea of how to
eliminate birthright citizenship which would be a good way to go for those in favor
of the issue and devotes of the constitution.
The article will help this research because provides an innovated idea of how to
eliminate birthright citizenship as well as giving a different opinion because most
of the other voices against the elimination of birth right citizenship propone
amend the fourteen amendment. This article gives a fresh perspective from the

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issue that will help understand the different voices that are against the elimination
of the fourteen amendment.
Grier, Peter. "14th Amendment: why birthright citizenship change 'can't be done'."
Christian Science Monitor 10 Aug. 2010: N.PAG. Newspaper Source Plus. Web.
17 Oct. 2014.
The article 14th Amendment: Why Birth citizenship change cant be done talks
about how the birth right citizenship issue has become the hottest political issue
the article talks about how most of republican congressmen have started to
provide their positions against the birth right citizenship issue. Most of the
republican congressmen propone the change of the fourteen amendment or
changing the citizenship rules. The author explains how those changes will be
extremely difficult. The author believes that this is only a way for Republicans to
distract people that seek true immigration reforms.
The article from Peter Grier has a neutral position against the birthright
citizenship. In his article he poses both sides of the birthright citizenship issue,
the ones that are in favor of the elimination of birthright citizenship (most of them
Republicans), and the ones who are opposed to it. Peter exposes both sides in
order for his audience to understand what both sides think and their arguments
against and in favor of birthright citizenship.
The article will help this research to see the birthright citizenship issue from an
objective point of view because we will be able to understand both parts of the

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issue so people can make an impartial decision about how they feel about
birthright citizenship.
Penalver, Eduardo Moises. "Birth rights: how the Fourteenth Amendment became
controversial." Commonweal 137.16 (2010): 8+. Opposing Viewpoints in Context.
Web. 22 Sept. 2014.
The article of Eduardo Moises tries to explain some consequences of the
elimination of birthright citizenship providing as an example what happened with
the German-born Turks. He also tries to expose South Carolina Senator
Lindsey Graham who says that illegal immigrants come to this country just to
give birth. She provides data Pew data in order to uncover the lie of the South
Carolina Mention before; She said that 80 percent of illegal immigrants who give
birth to a child while in the United States have been in the country for over a year
before the child is born that information dismisses what Senator Graham said
about the so call anchor babies.
The article is against the elimination of birthright citizenship and shows valid
proof of what some politics are saying with the intention of create fear in people
giving them the wrong idea about what is really happening in relation with the
birthright citizenship and the interpretation of the 14th amendment.
Panalvers article will help this research because provides an opinion against the
elimination of birthright citizenship. This article delivers a new perspective of why
the birthright citizenship should stay as it is now and dismisses some of the lies
that politicians say to defend their positions. In conclusion, this article will help
understand people who is in favor of the birthright citizenship.

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"Revisiting the Constitution's 'Birthright Citizenship'." Weekend All Things Considered

14 Aug. 2010. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 6 Oct. 2014.
This broadcast explains the origins of the fourteen amendment. History professor
Randall Kennedy professor of Law at Harvard University explains how birthright
citizenship became part of the constitution in 1868.Also, Professor Kennedy
describes the changes that the congress made in the eighteen sixties to the
constitution in order to include those who were excluded in this case, black and
Chinese people that were living in the United States and were not able to
Professor Kennedy also mentions in the interview how the some people from the
congress has been trying to modify the fourteen amendment since the 1990s.
He thinks that if the congress was about to pick up political steam, it would
undoubtedly go to the Supreme Court and I think that the Supreme Court would
invalidate such a proposal.
This broadcast will help this research understand better the fourteen amendment
from a neutral perspective because this article explains from head to toe how
the fourteen amendment was created and why it was created. The fourteen
amendment was created in order to include those who were excluded at one time
in the United States and it would be ashamed to eliminate what our ancestors
wanted to do when they wrote the fourteen amendment.
ROB GILLIES - Associated, Press. "ABA Debates Birthright US Citizenship." AP English
Worldstream - English (2011): Newspaper Source Plus. Web. 17 Oct. 2014.

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Rob Gillies article is based on an American Bar Association debate in Toronto,

Canada about the birthright citizenship. He express his position against the
elimination of the birthright citizenship by quoting former Judge Bruce Einhorn
when he say It would be a horrendous policy to deny citizenship to those
born in the United States. Gillies also thinks that the position of Thomas Saenz,
president of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund who
think people that are in favor of the elimination of the birthright citizenship are
only worry about demographics variations, is a position that goes accord with
what he think is right.
The article shows the perspective of people in favor of the birthright citizenship
and will help to see from an objective point the issue. However the author is in
favor of birthright citizenship and he uses quotes from different specialists that
are in favor of the birthright citizenship and believe that it should not change.
Guilles article will help this research by providing the ideas from different
specialist who are in favor of the birthright citizenship issue as well as his own
ideas. This article is a positive voice supportive of the birthright citizenship, and
will help understand the persons who agree with it.
Stock, Margaret. "Birthright Citizenship Should Not Be Eliminated." Illegal Immigration.
Ed. Nol Merino. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2012. Current Controversies. Rpt.
from "Birthright Citizenshipthe Policy Arguments." Administrative and
Regulatory Law News 33 (Fall 2007). Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 22
Sept. 2014.

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The article written by Margaret Stock is against the elimination of the birthright
citizenship. The article mentions facts that will made the elimination of the
birthright citizenship a bad decision. Some of the facts are the flowing: the
United States (US) does not have a National Registry of US citizens, every year
there will be lot of kids born without a citizenship.
Additionally, this article expresses the consequences that would occur if the
birthright citizenship is eliminated. For example, if the birth citizenship is
eliminated there is a chance that the illegal immigration will increase. The article
will help understand the perspective of the ones that are in favor of the birthright
The article is beneficial to this research because shows what the consequences
will be if the elimination of the birthright citizenship is done. The article shows a
renew perspective of the issue and lets the reader thinking if the elimination will
be a good idea or not. Finding an answer for that is important for this research.
Wilkinson, Will. "Congress Should End Birthright Citizenship." Illegal Immigration. Ed.
Nol Merino. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2012. Current Controversies. Rpt. from
"Arizona's Latest Immigration Idea Makes Sense." The Week. 2010. Opposing
Viewpoints in Context. Web. 22 Sept. 2014.
The article of Will Wilkinson tries to persuade those who are against the
elimination of birthright citizenship. The article supports the elimination of the
birthright citizenship. The author says that it would be better for the country if the

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birthright citizenship is removed by creating a constitutional amendment to the

fourteen amendment.
The article also shows the position of the Arizona State senator Russell Pearce
who thinks that the birthright citizenship rewards lawbreakers. This article will
help to explore the different arguments that people have by providing different
points of view against the controversial issue of birthright citizenship.
Wilkinsons article provides a voice against the birthright citizenship which will
help this research because he proposes amend the fourteen amendment which
is what most people that is against birth right citizenship propone. This voice will
help understand a position against the issue and have an objective point of view.

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