Tafseer: Surah Falaq

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Al Falah Kids

Islamic Halaqa

30 Juz Tafseer

Suratul Falaq
(The Dawn)
Surah no.113

Lets learn 10 new word meanings

Al Falah Kids Islamic Halaqa

Allah has taught us in Suratul-Falaq that when you ask Allah for something, like
protection, you praise Allah before moving on to ask for exactly what you need.
This is good manners, and it also helps us to remember how important and powerful
Allah is . Allah tells us 4 things in the creation that
1 Allah has created some things in the world that can
harm us, like wild animals, poisonous plants, storms,
tornadoes, etc and Shaytaan
Ask Allah for protectionfrom them!
2 Allah has created the darkness of night. When it
gets dark outside (i.e. sunset or when the moon is
dark) we cannot see things that may harm usAsk
Allah for protection
from that!
3 .Some people do magic to harm other people
They blow onto knots and do other strange
thingsAsk Allah for protection from them!
4. Some people envy the nice things that other
people have. This means they like the things
that Allah has blessed someone else with, and
would like to have the same for
Themselves, if not they wish others destruction.
Ask Allah for protection from them!
Al Falah Kids Islamic Halaqa

Surah Falaq Test yourself

Surah Falaq is which surah number?.............
Where was Suratul-Falaq revealed?.............................
What is Suratul-Falaq about?

What is the other surah that is part of the Moo`awwithatayn?........................................

What are we asking Allah to protect us from in Suratul-Falaq? and Draw any two.


Al Falah Kids Islamic Halaqa

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