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Sassatelli Artifacts

Professional Development Artifact #2

ETT 569 - D45 Job Aids

This artifact is an example of a job aid I created during my summer 2014 internship with
School District 45s technology department. Often, a substitute was unable to utilize a classroom
SmartBoard because the absent teacher had taken his/her laptop home. To remedy this, one of
the departments tasks was to install a Presentation Station in each classroom before the start
of the 2014-2015 school year. The purpose of the Presentation Stations was to provide a
stationary desktop computer that would remain hooked up to the SmartBoard at all times. Then
teachers were free to take their school laptops home without worrying about substitute access to
the SmartBoard.
The Presentation Station computers were running Windows 7 operating system, and most
teachers were still using Windows XP on their other classroom computers. In order to
familiarize teachers with the Windows 7 operating system, I created these job aids. The Director
of Technology and I anticipated the questions teachers may have or issues they may run into
when using the Presentation Station for the first time. Then I developed job aids that addressed
each of these questions or issues. The technology department planned to distribute the job aids
to teachers at the beginning of the school year.
This artifact is an example of my ability to create useful job aids for learners. It taught
me to use effective visual design techniques and also to consider what information is most
important for learners to know. The teachers learning was impacted because they now had an
easy way to solve problems that may arise with their Presentation Station computers. Rather
than starting the school year with frustration, they would be able to troubleshoot and problem
solve by referencing the job aids.

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