Professional Self Assessment Form 5 124

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Professional Self-Assessment Form

Teacher Candidates Name: Kristen Myers Date: November 14, 2014

Mentor Teachers Name: Lasonya Stewart School: Sandel Elementary

Grade Level (s)/Subject Area(s) 2 grade/ self-contained

Instructions to the teacher candidate: Please reflect on your professional performance, and
respond to each of the following prompts.

In terms of the ADEPT Performance Standards, what are your professional strengths?
How have you built on these strengths so far, and how do you plan to do so in the future?

My professional strengths in terms of ADEPT Performance Standards are my use

of instructional strategies, creating an environment that promotes learning, setting high
expectations and my short range of instruction. My class this year was made of a large
range of learning styles and abilities. Creating an environment that promoted learning and
used a large variety of instructional strategies are still very important to me when
teaching. As I have continued to teach my students and learn their weaknesses and
strengths it has helped me to become a stronger when it comes to my long range planning
in the future. In the future, I plan to keep up with the latest strategies in education to keep
students engaged to help ensure their academic success. I also plan on incorporating more
written assessments and formal assessments for students so that I can accurately and
consistently monitor students progress so that I can affectively adjust my teaching
strategies to the needs of the students.

In terms of the ADEPT Performance Standards, what are your professional challenges?
How do you plan to meet these challenges?

My professional challenges this continue with ADEPT standard 9, I tend to continuously

give students warnings rather than a consequence for poor behavior. However, I have grown
in the aspect of taking command of the classroom. During non-instructional time I have
begun to set a clear routine or expectations for students during this time to diminish
undesired behavior from students. I was challenged when it came to ADEPT standard 3,
planning assessments and using data. Since noticing this about myself I have created and
administered a variety of assessments, which I have gone back through to determine what
content students needed to be retaught. With many of the students I informally assess
knowledge, but since administering more assessments I have been able to gain a more
accurate determination of student performance and needs. I have grown in these areas, but I
do plan on continuing to meet these challenges by making students accountable for their own
actions by setting clear consequences and consistently making students deal with them. I will
also set clear expectations for non-instructional time and consequences for not following the
rules which will help me manage student behavior. I plan on meeting the challenge of
planning assessments and using data by creating or finding my assessments first and teaching
my students to the test. Monitoring progress through assessments between this time will help
me better assign grades for students that will give an accurate interpretation of student
progress and knowledge of unit objectives.


Describe your students overall progress and achievement. What insights have you
gained into ways to improve student progress and achievement?

Overall my students have grown as critical thinkers and good citizens. Through
the use of read aloud activities followed by discussion and working in small groups for
activities my students have grown. I have learned that all students want to be interested
and included in all activities. I try to plan equal amounts of independent and group work
for students. This time allows for me to collect data on students individually and also for
the students to learn from one another. I used this knowledge to group students in groups
with an array of ability levels so that students could use each other as a support group to
complete assignments and gain clearer understanding of content without being addressed
in front of the whole class. This also helped students confidence when working
independently because they had already gained clarity about the content from their peers.
This insight helped me to create an environment that was the most conducive to student
learning and promotes an environment for maximum learning.


How will you use the knowledge you have gained through this professional selfassessment to promote your continuous professional growth and collaboration?

The knowledge that I have gained through this professional self-assessment has
made me more aware of myself as an educator. Being aware of my strengths and weaknesses
helps me when planning and teaching lessons. Some things come naturally as an educator other
things have to be worked towards. I will continue to strive for excellence for my students by
reflecting on my teaching practices and developing them further to promote higher learning and
understanding. Collaborating with other teachers and staff that are stronger in my weaker areas
has helped me with my continuous professional growth. I gained insight and experience in
aspects of education that were unheard of to me. The knowledge that I have gained from my
collaborating teacher and other staff to teach my students, have shown me the importance of
collaborating with others in the field of education.

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