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edTPA Lesson Plan Template

Subject: Reading

Central Focus:
Students will pay close attention to detail to make
predictions and envision the story.

Essential Standard/Common Core

Refer to details and examples in a text
Date submitted:
when explaining what the text says
explicitly and when drawing inferences from
the text.

Date taught:

Daily Lesson Objective:

While students are reading their independent reading books, they will write five different predictions
or ideas on sticky notes
21st Century Skills:
Academic Language Demand (Language Function and
Learning and Innovation Skills-students will Vocabulary):
use the details in the story to make
Students will be reading, writing, speaking and listening
throughout the lesson. During teacher input they will be
listening as the teacher reads the passage and
illustrates the strategy (understand). During guided
practice students will be reading, speaking, and writing
(think, interpret). In independent practice students will
be reading and writing (perform).
Prior Knowledge:
Understand what it means to empathize and to envision. Understand the different parts of a story.
How to skim. How to find certain details.


1. Focus and
10 points

2. Statement
of Objective
for Student
10 points

3. Teacher
10 points

Description of Activities and Setting

Teacher will say: Im going to begin by taking a quick poll, so just raise your hand in response
to the question. Raise your hand if you have ever been rushed? Forgot or couldnt remember
something? Missed an important part of a book, movie, or TV show and had to go back?
Its so easy to miss something when we are rushing. In readers workshop, we have talked
about reading faster, but it is so important to see the scenery when we are reading to be a
strong reader. Its really important to step into our characters shoes and envision the whole
I will be able to envision and predict with strength by paying attention to details.

Show the class the book Dancing in the Wings. Explain that it would be easy and fast to just
skim through the book.
Say: I know its about a dancer, but it is really difficult to make a mental movie or prediction
because I dont know any of the details of the story.
Ask: What are some details an author would use to describe a character? (facial expressions,
dialogue, clothes, body language)
Read the daily objective. Say: Now when I read, I am going to pay attention to detail because
it will help me understand/care/feel about the character. Ask: What is another word for
this? (empathize)

4. Guided
10 points

10 points
Methods of
10 points

Say: It will also help me make predictions because as I am reading I will be able to make a
mental movie. What is another word for this? (envision)
Read the first page. Stop and say: Right now, I can visualize the dancing in the clouds, the
pond, and ants. Reread the last sentence, dance was me. It makes me think that dance
must be her passion. We can make a connection here; we all have something we are
passionate about. We can all fill in the sentence ____ was me.
Continue reading. Stop and say: now we are finding out a few things about our character.
1. We know her name is Sassy.
2. We also know she is sassy. How do we know? (she puts her hands on her hips, she
always has something to say) Does this remind us of another character from a text we
are reading in class? (Sistine from The Tiger Rising) This is a text-to-text connection.
3. She has big feet. This makes me wonder if she is a good dancer. I am now revising my
mental image based on our new details. Im thinking her big feet could make her
clumsy, and dancers are supposed to be graceful.
Continue reading, stop again and say: Now we know Sassy is very quick with comebacks.
We can also predict that Sassys big feet are going to have a big role in her dancing, so again
I am revising my mental movie. As I am reading I am paying attention to details that way I can
envision and predict with strength.
Say: As I continue reading, I want you to listen in a way that you are getting more and more
connected to the character with every sentence. Listen to the details and you will find that
your envisioning, predicting, and thinking happen all at once. Stop and ask students to jot in
their readers journals at different points in the story in response to the following questions:
How is Sassy feeling? How do you know?
One wordhow would you feel if you were Sassy?
What are you thinking?
What were Uncle Redds words?
What do you think she will do?
How will she act?
What do you think will happen next?
After giving them time to write in their notebooks, allow a few students to share while finishing
the story. After reading the entire story. Ask: What are some of the strategies we used to
grow our ideas about Sassy? Allow several students to answer. Explain we can use these
same strategies to grow ideas about any character. Add these ideas that are discussed to the
chart Strategies Readers Use to Grow Ideas about Characters. (envision, empathize, revise
mental image, connections)
Say: Just like we did with Sassy in Dancing in the Wings, I want you to pay close attention to
details about the characters in your independent reading books, this will help you to
empathize, envision, and predict. As you are working, write down your predictions and any
ideas you have based on the details. Write these in your readers notebooks or on sticky
notes. Have a couple of students restate directions.

Teacher will use sticky notes or notebook entries from independent practice to assess
students learning. This assessment will take place as the teacher walks around and
conferences with students as they are reading their IRB.

Say: In life just like in books, we meet people with whom we develop deep bonds. We care for
them, we identify with them, and we are forever changed by having known them. Have
students share about characters that have mattered.
Targeted Students Modifications/Accommodations
4 points
7. Closure
10 points

Students will write the strategies that good readers use to grow ideas about characters in their notebook. As
they are reading they will be able to refer back to this list to help them remember the different strategies. This
will be beneficial to ELL learners and for remediation.

Dancing in the Wings books
Anchor Chart paper
Sticky notes

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