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2 Mave anoeton 15th ions in font ofthe Forty Second Stet Library, or instnce, So far as my felngs are concerned, Peggy Hopkins Joye on the Boule Mich with her gorgeous raiment, stately cara, knees knocking to iether in a most svatoale manner, bas nothing on me. The eesic “Zora emerger I belong to no sae por tine. am the eeralfemiine with itsstng of beads ~ have 10 separate feeling about being an American citizen and ‘olor. Lam merely afaget of the Crest Soul hat surges within the Boundaries My cours gM or wrong, ‘Sometimes, cel dsriminated agaist, but itdoes not make me angry: Ieimerely astonies me How canary deny thelves the pleasure of ry company? I's beyond me Buln the main, eel ikes brown bgt miscellany propped against wall Aint wall n company with ote: bus, white, red and yellow. Pour out the contents, and there dneovered a ube of smal things priceless and worthless A frstwaterdnmond, an ery spool, its of Broken ls, lengthsof string ky to door long since erumbiedavay, 2 sly nif ade, ld shes saved fora rod hat never was td nvel Wil ba nal bent under the weight of thing oo ery for any na ‘red Hower or two sil ite fragrant fo your band is the brown bg. ‘Onthe ground belere yous the june it helé—so much ike the junbe inthe bar could the be emptig that all might be dumped in single heap andthe bags rele without ering the content of any seal. A titel ooted gles more or er wool not mallee. Perhaps thats how the (Great Sur of Bs led them inthe frst place—who knows? 1928 Samara tatters Dene Maya Angelou GRADUATION “The eden in Stamps! trembled wily with amiption, Some adults were exited on but fo Be certain the le young population Tadeome dwn with raastion epider Large cass were radtng thom uth ihe ganna chooland the gh shoal Even thse who were years emoved fom ter own dy of loo Tele nee aus to ‘ulp wth prepartosarakindofy an Thefunior ters who were mmving ito the vacating eaves were tation bund to sow ‘cmouxmios » thee talents fo leadership and management. They strutted through the schol end around the cempur exerting prestue onthe lower sade ‘Thei authority was so new tha oscsinaly if they pesed alle 199 ard tad tobe overlooked. Afterall, net term was coming and it never hua sith grader fo have a play ster in the eighth grade. or tenth year sade tobe ale to ell weltn grager Bubba So all wer ‘ended in spit of shared understanding But the graduating clases themielver were the nobly Lik traveler with exotic destinations on their minds, the gredunter wer remarksbly forget. They came to school without thet books, or tbls or even pencis. Volunteers fll over themselves to secure replacements for the mising equipment ‘When seeped the wig workers might or might not be had, aod ‘twat of no importance to the pregavaton ies. Even teachers were respect ofthe now quit and aging senirs, and tended to speak to them, if ot as equals as beings only sigh lower than themselves. Alter tests wetefeturned and grades given, the student body, which sexed The an extended fay ew who did wel, who excelled, and what pte ones had fe, Ualiethe whit highschool, Lafayette County Tainng School dir tinguished itselfby having nelter awn, or hedges ror tenniscort, nr climbing iy ls two bulings (rain clasrooms, hegre choo! and home economies) were et on ait hil with mo fence f iit either ts ‘boundaries or those of brdeing farms. There wasa age expanse tothe left ofthe school which war ase alternately 2s baseball diamond ox basetall curt. Rusty hoops on svaying ples represented the perms ‘ent reeeainal equipment, hough bats and balls could be borrowed from the PE. teacher if the bortower was qualied ad ifthe dimond wasnt occupied ‘Over thi tocky area relieved by few shay all persimmon tres the ating clas walked. The gir often held hand and mo longer both redtarpeak tothe lower aden. There was aranets bout he, i thir ald world wus not then home and they were boond for higher sound. The boys onthe other hand had become mere fendy, are futgeng. A decided change fom the closed attitude they projected while tidying for Finals Now they seemed not ed to ge Up the cd ‘hol the aml pth nd castor Only arma percentage would ‘becentinuing onto college—one of the Sath's A & Magicultaral and ‘mechanical schools, which wained Negro youths tobe carpenters, arm ts bandymen, masons ais cooks and baby nutes hei future rode ‘eal op ther shoulders, andinded them othe colectve joy thst had pervaded hives ofthe boysand gis inthe grammar Sceolradusting Sas. rrets who could afd it had ordered new shot and resdymade clothes for terete frm Sears nd Raebick or Montgomery Ward * Maya aNeetou “They alo engaged the best scamsrenes to make the Boating eraduating rests att ct down secondhand pants which would be peso to = itary sickest for the important event ‘Ohi was portant, allright. WhitlolAs woud attend th cere ‘ony and wor tie would speak of Cod and home, and the Soubers stay ollie and fs, Parson, the pineal wile would play the grad Ton march whilethe lower: grade pracuntes paraded down teases and took ther seats below the ptr, The high eboesrirs would wait {empty clasooms to make thei dramatic entrance. Inthe Stace was the pron of th omen. The bth The center Bale? ha eased the yer Blo, shough od so he ha $55 o fort al plarres tone up for bist st Baton Rouge My clas was wentng bole yalow pigué ser, and Momma tached oun mine. She sched fe jhe im ny erscasing forker then shied tex othe bole Her dark gers ke Toul eemony char sbeenrierdraed des aund the tem Ble she conse here fied se ad added ochled tuff the pul sleres, end pony tected eal wasps belo A wating model ofl eau ses tan scuingard i et ory meta ns nll ya 20d trrelygaaing fom the clgth grade. Beier, many teacher in ‘ital Nepo shoal ad only Bat dpa tnd were ened fo apa wisdom "Pe dys nd Become longer ndore noticeable The aed beige of tomer tine had ben epeed wih tong andre clTean f2 Sey enate cles tesla ons a the dat waved of pussy lows lous tat ned aero the sky were bet of. eat et me shite shapes might have eld a meoge Dat n ny nn hppsetrand wih ite it of tin 3200 epber, During thn prod lked at he arch Berens eligi my neh kept ¢ Steady ache. hn hese lngore en, andy vs a rome Craccsted arty Between he wo phys st pas, suppose tou kre be uncmfrtaibt tht was on he ca Asam ofthe nnn com beading ca of 195) {ad outtanced Crpleaaat seston by sl, Iwas add fo the Heedom of pen fel "Youth and sok ppc sled themes wih me abd we a sete nave of gts and Iu The wie of our wit page Temedclel my fete Lt tas weteponded fo mud and then Ain Yeasolwthawalwece shed dean lt behinds banging {ope pre mos Corapuaron s My workalone had awarded mea tp plaeand was oingto be nef the ist ealled othe graduating ceremonies. On the elsroom black board swell on the bulls Boudin the auditorium, there were lve flare and white ar and ed laze No abienees, no tardiness, and ny fcacemic work was among the Best ofthe yer oul say the preamble tothe Constitution even faster thin Bale. We ined ouselves alter: "WethepecpleofteUntedStstesnordertofornamorepertetunion {had miemorzedthePresienteftheUnitedStale from Wathington to Recevelt in ehonologia ar wells slphabtil order ‘My bir pleased me too. Cradualy the lack mas ad lengtbened and thickened, oth it kept at it tots brated pattern, and dnt have to ak my sap of when red to comb Luise aid! had reheared the exercises uni we tired ot ourselves. Fenty Reed wa clas valedictorian, le marae very back boy 8h hooded eyes, long, broad nose and an edly shaped head, Vhad amied fim for eas becase each ter he and I ied forthe bet grade ino lass Most often he beste me, but instead of being dssppoined Tat pleated that ne shared top places between us Like many Southern Black ‘hile, ved with hit grandmother, who wasas sect as Moma and ft kind fe the knew how to be. He was courteous, tespecfl and salt Spokes to elders, but on the playground he chee to ply the roughest fumes. Ladized him. Anyone, eckoned,sufcietl fai o sf ‘ently dll oud be polite Butt be able to apeate top level with both adult and ehidren was adabl “His valedictory speech wat ented "To Be o Note Be." The iid tenth grade teacher had helped him ite He's been working onthe thamatesteste for month, “The weeks util graduation wee filed with beady activites. group of small eidren were tobe presented ins pay about bulereps an Ges end bonny abbite They coud be heard throughout the buding acticin their hops ad the ite songs tat sounded ike silver bls "The oler ss (ongraduiter, of cou) were srgned the tsk of mak lng teieshmens forthe night's festivities. A tangy scet of singe, ‘innaon, atmeg and choclate waltedsround the home economet building se the Budding cooks mace smples for themlves and thet teachers Tnevery comer ofthe workshop axe and sass eth timbers the ‘woodshop boys made sett and stage senery. Only he raster werelelt ‘utof the genera bustle We were retin the ibary at he back of the buildinger lok quite detached, mtrally on the messes being {shen for cu event ‘Even the minster preached on graduation the Sunday before. His subject was, “Let your iat shine that men wil se your good worke tnd praise you Fthcr, Who isin Heaven Although the sermon was Wud\er Beauty Ze Browa Wey 5 twhete Once Hee b lake Penge: % Maya ANGELOU ported tobe dred owe wed the oceason a speak to back Siders gambleesnd gener neerdowels But since be Maa eld out amet at he beginning the serie we were lied ‘mong Nee the raion wa ose presets to citen ging nly om one pade to anothr How much more important thr at ‘then the pron wat racing the top of eclse Uncle Wii Momma fad ent way fort Mickey Mouse wath eBay’, Louine tive me fur enbrodred andes cave her eroeeie doer) Kis Seeds he ministers wie, ade ean under to wea for ‘dation and ery every costome gave ia eshel or maybe even 3 ‘ie wih ie instruction “Keepon moving to ight goin "oF ome soob encouragement ‘knight ges day ely dawned sn was ot of bed before new it threw open the back dort see more ey, bat Mona SS come say fom tht doe and pt or oon hope the nrory ofthe mening woud never leave me. Suniht vast young, ad the ay ha one ofthe insitence atari woul Wing in sew horn. sbe and breton the bake ander ove of gongs tee about ny ne bes, gave msl op othe ele Stemth an hank’ Ged tht uate what el addon voy He Fie fad alowed metolivetose thay. Somewhere inmy lam ad pete toe, ardently and seer have the chance wal pth Sts the suitor and gael receive my bardetted diploma. Out of Gas mer ons ad won vere ale ene ots hi soe and gave mes ox rapped in Chistnss paper Herd ne ad snd it money for mths pe fort. fe ke "howof choclate bt knew Baily wuld save mane buy candy then neha all we could want der our ore Tie was proud te gia we ot eather bond copy of collection of por by Edge Allan Po, Baya eles Him, ap" I trned 0 "Anniel Le" and we walled up and down the fren oma the cool it beeen oa oy, etn the eat ls Ls ‘Moma de» Sunday bred tough twas ony Friday. Aer wefiihe nesting opened ny eyes ta fd the atch ony lt. Teas diem ofa doy, Evything wert satya tomy eed thant have oe remind or eed far ying Nea evening os toojter fo aten To chore oBaley volunteered to dol belere is baa ‘ays betre,wehad ade sign othe Soe as we sumed tthe light Momma bang the erebonrd over the dapea. reed dey ‘My dss ied pect and everyone sd that aod es team init-On the Bil got tovard the school, Bey wed behind capuxno wih Uncle Wile, who mattered, “Gon,” He waned hi to wal ae With a ete eared hint ae Yo mal soy yd ede teas wal togter and the nen weal bong the rear. We all laughed, nicely. = ee Ll hen dated byob ofthe dark He ti. Thee pe paper dessa bate) wing wre al mae suing nd oe Ferd more than nei, ly, the vegeta ht felon The sol aed witha gy THe windows sumed cl so snl om he oer il Aenseat ited nig crop oat an if Momma hat eached for my ha I woul ave ied Wk Buiey and Uc Wie apn beyon She made» ples about my fen geting ol and tse re sog ote nora building. ee [ ° : “oud he ot steps, surance cae back. There were my fellow es” the grading clas, Har the bch, ee new eet a prsed plas, eth poke hander handbag al fomesenn. Gh we wereup tos allight | ed my comes Sed did't even see my lay gonad ses in re roses ‘The schoa band stuck upamarch andl Clases le in a acs sched. We sod in hon for sts aged andor spe) from the corde, we sat No soe! had tht bear secret than the band started to ply the ational anthem, We Tee spin ad sang the song, ater whith we ssed the pledge of algae, We "ein din rare miste cree ca dtr he Bincpl signaled other dexpertely I thought to ke ort ‘Thecammand was 0 unas that our early hese nd soos tuning achive as thrown of Fora minute we famed oy haisand bumped it exch oter way Habischangee sy ner presses nou stat of navou eso we had been ad follow our ui asely pte the Ameri natal nthe the the pledge ofalegance, hen the song every Dc pron new ced the Negro National Anthem. All dove inte sae le, wih the aoe sion ard mos ten stnig onthe sme ot Finding ry et as ws overcome witha pesentinen of worse things Come: Something archesre, upland, aang tha Peta pe ee ig bao oak a ey renee ingexpiciin he ce ofpromun Kenseth gadlaingi ‘ici ht concerned me then fois “The prepa welcomed “parents ad end" and shed the Bap mint to nd sin prayer His nvcaton was bl nd pune and fora second thought me were geting on he igh onl tog ton ‘When the pica came back to the ty, ower hi ec had banged Sotns vas ated me rofondy adhe nial ve ‘a one of my favorite: Duing avenby feeds owed esky 5 i 3 2 . & g $ 3 Bs ava aNeELou int the aden. hd ot Bsn in yp ten to hi, bt ny ety wn pueda I stright up give im my stein Hews talling about Booker. Washington, oat et ede,” who sd we ca bess na the fingers on treba, ete Then be ‘Sia few vague tgs about fend nd the fndeip of ily ert fo tose ler fortunate than theses With tha hve Realy de, thn away Likes ver dmiihing toa stream hen {ile Bute cere thot sds, "Our seater ong, mbt lo our tien, came from Teal t delve the commencement des bt deta theta ete a shed, es png a8 they ny speak and yun" He sd that we undertaod an mated te tno to low at we were mot grater the ime e was le ie Sand then something abou how we were will alvays to ads ethers progam, and witout moe aol give you Mi Edvard Donley Tot oe bt Iwo white men came though the dr ofstage. The shoe en wld tothe spake ator and heal one moved the cana sant and at down, But that was ove ppl et od sca copied, The dodged geteman bounced wand fo ng ineath or wo belore the Baptist minster ave hin isch, hen Wl tno ign tan the sation deserved he mnie walked oF the ‘Boney lok at the auience once (on etn I'm stat he vente ony to seas hil that we mere ell hte) aise is [ses and began fo ead or heal of papers He wa dd tobe het nd tee the work going on jut ia 0 theta shoot” “the fists Ame" tom th sien wil he fender to immed ate death colin he word Bot Amenrand Yes beg fal ‘ound the room ie rain through a tagged umbrel He tld us ofthe wonderful changes we chien in Stamps had in store. The Central School oma, the white schol was Centra had Already been granted improvements that would be nue ste fall. A Ine-town att war coming trom Lille Rock fo teach a 0 them. "They were going to have the newest mieescopes and chemist equip ‘ment for ther laboratory. Mr. Dunleavy dr leave us longi he ea ‘ver who made these improvements svaabe to Cetral High Nor were ‘ne tabe ignored nthe gener betterment heme he hadi id He sai that hea pont bt to peopl at avery high evel hat one ofthe fit ine fotbalallersat Arkansas Agvieultura and Mechanica Galege ad graduated fam good ol Layette County Training Schoo. Here fewer Ames wee herd Thove fw that did break though ey