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Work List

Week List for Blood Wedding Design Project of November 4th, 2014

This is a living document that will be updated as we continue towards a full design of
your scene from Blood Wedding
Rough draft of all materials is due for critique by the end of class on Monday
November 17th
Final review will be on Thursday November 20th
Please create a new tab on your DP under projects titled Blood Wedding Design

Symbol Mindmaps on Coggle - DUE FRIDAY NOVEMBER 7TH!


Research the Spanish Civil War

Research Lorcas life, and death
Research life in Andalucia, Spain in the 1930s
Create a one page document, with research photos, that summarizes this information
Place on your DP titled Dramaturgy

Set and Lighting Design

Complete Collage for Set and Lighting Design
Complete one paragraph treatments for Set and Lighting design
What does your scene look like?
What major colors do you use?
What symbols are you representing, and how are you doing this using your
knowledge of set and lighting design?
Sketch ground plan with scenic objects
Complete materials list
Materials scavenger hunt - find what you need!
Build objects, place on model
Paint model
Experiment with putting light on model
Photograph finished model with lighting design
Place Collage, treatments, photo of groundplan, and final photos of complete design with
light on your DP, titled Set and Lighting Design

Sound Design

Using GarageBand, build a sound score for your scene

Write a one paragraph treatment detailing your decisions for your sound design
What images did you find that influenced you?
Describe the sound: what are its qualities? What does it make you
Are there symbols, moods, or themes that you represent through the sound?

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