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Ref : NDPHR (SEA-R) 1990-2010/001

Date : January 1, 2009



This is a year that courage Rohingya Burmese people to hold strong solidarity
together with everyone regardless of race, religion, color, culture and opinion
with a hope to have greatest democratic changes in Burma, while the Rohingya
may be given full democratic human rights with human dignity.

The year gives us strong commitment to look after each other with a view to
bringing peace, harmony, stability, justice and human rights in order to ensure
the democratic rights of Rohingya Burmese people both in home and in exile.

Nowadays, entire Rohingya Burmese people have an option that only appealing
to world leaders and international community to advocate their causes in order
to find a permanent solution and permanent legal status in any part of the

The Rohingya expect that non-Rohingya and non-Burmese citizens would

show their solidarity with the voices of suffering Rohingya in order to ensure
their basic and fundamental rights as they were forcibly displaced, victimized,
expelled out and exterminated in their ancestral homeland with a view to
controlling military power.

By this message, we request every human being and every concerned quarter to
kindly extend all possible assistance through your networks and means of
advocacy to liberate Rohingya from endless tyranny, ensuring their legal status
and to join with their campaign in order to get release of suffering Burmese
people and all political prisoners including Nobel Peace Laureate Daw Aung
San Suu Kyi, U Tin Oo, U Kyaw Min, Ko Min Ko Naing and etc. with an aim
to have urgent democratic reform before stepping forward for illegitimate
election in this year.

Executive Committee
National Democratic Party for Human Rights (NDPHR) exile,
South East Asia Regional Office, Malaysia

For further information, please contact:

Ko Aung Naing, Mobile: +60163094599

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