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Secondary Education Girl Sponsorship Form

Personal information
The information marked with * is necessary. If you have a preferred
greeting name for your student, please insert it after your name.

Full Name*

(including post code)



Contact number

Email address

Yes, I would like to sponsor a girl studying at Ilongero Secondary School

for at least one academic year.
Please tick this box if you would like to receive updates from your sponsored girl.
Please tick this box if you would like to receive the kanga project newsletters.

I would like to pay by:

Standing order and I have completed the attached form.
A one off annual payment of £180 by cheque, (please make cheque payable to the
kanga project).
A cheque to the value of £………. to cover the first………. month(s) of my sponsorship
and I undertake to send further payments as they become due.
I want the charity to treat all donations that I make from the date of this
declaration until I notify you otherwise as Gift Aid donations.*
* You must pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax at least equal to the tax that the charity
reclaims on your donations in the appropriate tax year (currently 25p for each pound you give).

Please return to: the kanga project - 50 Glebelands Road, Baguley, Manchester, M23 1HQ

Charity Registration Number 1119375

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