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2ais014 Hunter GE Drive Test (Bost Sarr) - telecon telecomHall aE I Hunter GE Drive Test (Best Server) “ueseay uy 06, 210 8:00:00 PM Categories: Access Dive Test Goooe Ear Hunter We have already larnad how to plot the information of coverage (Signal nate sis Content overs Level) of any network ~ GSM, UMTS or any other technology = based on data from 2 text fle on Google Earth. We have ako seen how interfaces can be easly created in Access te interact with appleations Today we go 2 bit further, and learn how to plat the date for Bast Server of any network, and now we start to use user interfaces, always seeking a better user experience ~ evan If those users be ourselves. Unie the coverage inccator (Signal Level), which i dscussed by ranges of values, the indcator for Bast Server (Gest Server) ie a quantity of individual vals, ie each value has 2 theme specie. Wh eveloprant, these concepts wil become clearer Note: A telecom! articles are onighally written in Portuguese. Folowing we translate to English and Spanish. As our time i short, maybe you find some typos (sometimes we just use the automatic translator, with only a final and quick review). We apologize and we have an understanding of eur effort. 1 you want to contnbute translating / correcting of these languages, or even creating and publishing Your tuteriak, please contact us: contact. Purpose From the date collected in Test Onve, generate an output fle in Google Earn KML format with the Information plotted In accordance with our cholces - setting, from one interface friendly, and no more running micros drvetly (though this remains possible, worth remembering). We wil lot two indicators whose clmensions or quantities Include the treatment of vitualy all other Indicators that we come to consider 1 other words, plot the data from the drive test on Goosle Earth, much as we do with thematic maps in Maplafe, now for Thematic Maps Thematie Maps for Ranges and singles. Note: Arst al tutofial have related flls, which are sent to Subscars. (our auslence Is from students to experlences professionals. Therefore we ask fora Ite understanding and tolerance i some some of the concepts presented today are too basic for you. Moreover, all tne tutorials, codes and programe are at 2 continuous process of eeitng. This means that if we find ary ero for Informing us of errors or passages that were confusing and desarve to be rewrtten, File Structure need not create any new drectory today because we are working with an existing module ~ Test Orve a. hepikwateleconbal.confhurtr-ge-drve-tst-best ser aspx cements SP) Statistics Categories ‘asses (27 perm ‘Somers De Tea ‘eal meu sispaaci ete (38) su aaasicish ante 18) crore (5 ens performance proces (2) ate) eas, Related Posts (aleaen bosize Apotcation sme Goss Fac (ales ‘camer Analaiond v0 2ais014 Hunter GE Drive Test (Bost Sarr) - telecon My Computer (B @ (C:) © Ginter "sz, © © © Drverest! @owe © outer @ sorts Gre @icon ‘his structure and its flee have been created in previous tutorial Tutorial on Signal Level at GE ‘Ths tutoral is almast 2 continuation of the previous tuterlal where we plot the data as of Coverage (Signal Level) 9 Google Earth. For ths reason, we wil not keep repeating allthe explanations made there, for example be definee as eur input cata, as isthe case, et, ‘Thus, i's essential that you read the entire tutorial again anteroty, and only then continue from ths point forward, If you do not, some explanation here seemed missing. (ck nae to read the tutoral GE Hunter Onve Test (Signa Level) ‘Arter reacing the tutoral so we can continue Changes in Object Database ‘The easiest way to see what fs new is that we start with changes in the objects of the database, ie tables, queries, ete. We wil see major changes. + cey_prverest Constaton: a simale change, fst add te fs Dest_srver te query, snc Be formar ha only Ino, lngsuce and nna ee Tonge «signa level = rams zane prams smarts Drvetest Coane Query: here sts just added the fl best erver (only now constng try O-hveTe, wth nc smal eat: There are pon = coordinates = where we have more Dan one vale, or server, We opted to ‘haoee ist on, and for tie me use 9 fein, In tue case he maximum vale (Wax) The appvach Ts ake saostoorymprctee, you wiles. Seige hepikwateleconbal.confhurtr-ge-drve-tst-best ser aspx (sleaten ume c= Dave 7 tatsabon ste Parameters cSehenad Archives arn, 205410) Seine 201281 uoa.2012001 sore, 20022 Decemer 201.02 cote. 20114) ‘oust 2019 (2 a 201.0 Duos 2011 ‘ny 2011 (2 ‘ei 208 ae 2012 Mevemer. 2010.01, un. zou | dune, 2010 (5) Mae 2040 0) ‘2010661 sae 2000132 20 2ais014 Hunter GE Drive Test (Best Sarr) - telecon + Table W1_Aus_valie_Cobr:beore speaking consultation wth te major Sarges we need w tak an autary {hol whch we ute. Asn_volue olor bl, whch conan Ia valine autor, sang what enol Bete Toa 21 yellow 2 green 115 bie ‘That is, for example the value 11, the table indicates that we color with the color red Note: Ths is a sample application where we want you to lear. Infact, the table should have values forall possible values of best_server. In the example, we use these values which are in our data only. But Imagine for example in our Test Drive appeared best_server the value 2. What would be your color [Another problem also, which wil also see how ta resolve future, is the amunt of colors. Again in our farple, we are using only five colors, as in the example we have only five industries best servers. But wnen we have dozens ofindvidual valves, and cobbrs nave to stop being repeated? Yes, in some cases we sectors wAh the same color - Rs up to us to bull algorthme s0 that colers remain the same as possible separated from each other everest thematic Query: te fal ary tat ne use to crete the KML fle vin VA cae. The ast implant tings that hs abe haste aide and ngtade voles ane sanaLJovebestsever, and Be Eeme of ‘hen. We nave sean ow to eeate the thematesigraltovel bases on range. at ue woe Row teres the 7 attude longue» sgnalevel. = thematic sgnal level = yams 1220696 $2 igrgreen vars _-120585 a3 lghgreen mans amos 76 ighareen | yam azo “7 green voms -am0%7 -s0 iehareen Lets leam how to show the corresponding value foreach recora, based on our auallary table Fest, open the query ary_friveTest_Thematic the previous tutorial design mode, clek and crag (1) the fuclary table forthe area of consulting (2), Bh ote (1) siamese Qe: B moweter B gy oate conse Barbero. emane (gy pieeTes. coer | ths point, we have @ query with two tables (actually one I a query, But we can conser as table, for short). tut the tables "bose" do net nave any sense, and we need to define a rule among its data ‘qqpivetectceorés) —(WLAu value Color ata ‘ate Tongue coor Sigal eet Destsener R's 8 bt tke what weve heard about relationships, one to one, one for Ny e.. But that now isnot so easy to be understoeg, nor Is our goal [AS we speak, we need to sormhow jon the two tables (or queries), so that they appear as one, And this Is simple. Come on, Structure Query, clk the fled best_server query @ry_DriveTest_Coords (1), and drag the fel! up the Value field in the table tbl AUX Value_Colbr (2). The result Is a Shown below. It a5 Ifthe tables “ave hepikwateleconbal.confhurtr-ge-drve-tst-best ser aspx a0 2ais014 Hunter GE Drive Test (Bost Sarr) - telecon the hand that would make one What we do may seem sinple, but Rs applications are very interesting, ond more comprehensive than the fevample we are seeing today. Note that we can work wah objects lke tables and queres, gathering ther fields corspondentes,etc.. increasinaly we will use this characterstic that gWves us the SQL. Here you can start realizing the benefits that Access is having in relation to Excel, Not that we do not tke Excl, however, unt we use enough. But there are applications where the use of Access is considerably hagher. Further, double-click the Ene that Joins the two tables, we have the properties of the junction. (et oenane Sorraow wvpretettaads —[v] ela ine.coe —_[y ——— sex sve iy) roe i ‘yee he ean er ba ese i. Pee ec uy eee Cer anny ees Fea oe cou oho eras asec ee A cr Anan oe ay eee crs Foy nant coos uhe tees astro oa Co) Coe) Ce) For today we want you to just learn how to join two oF more tables or queries, creating a new query. If \eoé well understand ths alreeey itself suficent. But note that we have three options junction. 41: the standard way ~ the data to appear, vust be equal (matching) n both tables and / or consuation, 2: Includes all cords from the fst table / query, and only the records from another table that match. What does this co? Well all records from the frst table / query wll appear, anc where the values of another table / query, when no corresponding values, the Fld appears blank! Ok, was contusee. So let's do a simulation to try to see how they work optlns 1 and 2 we show. To do so, delete the record ‘from the table to assist wth value 13, ane Colour Re 1 you run the query again - even with the default jln- wil see that there seems no rlstro best_server wth value equal to 31. That's Because we should have to show up this value in both cables longitude = |signal_fvel =| themsthic signa level «| Bes.server | thematic bet server = 1220882 To ighigreen as orange was 122073 “Tgreen 18 onnge [| aranae—-tzzoso7 -s0 ighgreen 1 orange wane -1m.0658 78 geen 8 Now, double cick onthe tne joining the tables, and select option 2. See Access graphically shows us that there is junction; the arow that goes from the table that wil have allthe data asplayed tothe table that will splay data only when you are correspanding. Reminber that now we do nok heve the value 11 ln our ausilary table. And then whet happens? hepikwateleconbal.confhurtr-ge-drve-tst-best ser aspx 40 2ais2014 Hunter GE Drive Test (Best Sarr) - telecon As might be expected, when there is corespordng value - 18, the fels associated with this value to Imateh is ako shown: Cole, is thematic terme. And when we do not have corresponding value ~ 11, to erase the associated leks appear blank ‘A pause. Ths second option wil not use today, so do not worry if you do not quite understand. We just want you to fish this tutoral understanding How to join in SQL, or the JOIN statement, In other words, is What weve done graphicaly, Joining the two tables by dragging the flees whose values must be {euivalan In both, That I, az two ar more tables or ueres can be ohne. Note: enly 26 observation, remember you can always buld queries directly using SQL syntax, you ust have to access the Menu Design (1) -> Show (2) -» SQL View (3) sted tolking bout the third option: that nothing more than the other way as option 2. But os T confuse you too much today, let's explain ths better when we Use, then gWve better examples. Lets go back tok ‘The next objects that are mising to show the changes are our module - vag_GE_DriveTest_Main - where Is our code and our V8A macro - which previously was responsible for calling cur code. Now ths racro wil be responsible for opening our mein form, and wil be called AutoFxec (remember that when @ mcr is amd special Autoexec Ie runs whenever the database Is open), Not much new to VBA code module rod_GE_DriveTest_Main only included a few instructions to process the new indicator. The noveky is thet now we have cade WRhin fore. So k's talk o TRU about them betore Forms our Interface ‘The interface of our programs are defined by fom, ether In Access, Excel, Mapinfo or any other software te allow programming. To Begin, let's take a lok as our final fom of this module ES Hunter GE Drive Test ” neem — “Taking 2 number of detals such as images (right), els, tts, buttons, else / mnimze / maximze, etc, Wwe highlight four main functions, which we deta Below.

5: Options for anam or whch inectors shouldbe deak Wn: one, bath or nee hepikwateleconbal.confhurtr-ge-drve-tst-best ser aspx 510 2ais014 Hunter GE Drive Test (Bost Sarr) - telecon See this interace s not as complete as possible, a nurber of possiblities that create a better user ‘perience, or ray be even mere faerdly. For exarple, we couk als have an option to inccate where we want to save the output fle ~ ieling Gefsing the name. Or an option to open Windows Explorer diecty ta the folder where the fies are. Option to specty whether to overwrte the outpUt fie I aready exsts. ‘ana 29 n, But what we have here enough to derranstrate what we need so fer. Increasingly seek to irprove the user experience, even f that user be ourselves. Simple Tips for roving the user experience cen be even SereenTips. For example, when mousing over, (ens) in VBA Forms When we work as forms, i ixportant to know how to inert the code into a control like @ button for evarple. We have seen this inthe previous tutor, but to insert the code for an event such as a mouse clck = On lek event ~ we can do the following below Fest select the control (1), and access thelr Properties (2). Events tab, select the desired event (3) the farron and select vatie [Event Procedure] or double-clek the blank ine (4). Then clk the button with thee dots (5). This takes you straight to the VBA programming environment Note that now we're puting our functions and procedures n a module. The VBA is stored within the form its (1). References, remember them? 19 many applications, including ths simple, we use a dalog box to select a fle. This type of dabog box is familar to Windows Users, and allows us to navigate to a fle anc select. ‘There are several mays of doing this ~ and almost everything we do, It is true, But then you have a particurty: we use the object's Office Fie Diag. To use an Office object, 86 In ths case, we use & reference. That Is, we need to tell Access to use 2 range of functions ard other properties that are encapsulated in a DLL Olay, again conplicated language. although not as complicated as ft sounds, the rams scare you, and for now, accept only the follwing: when you include references in the VBA project in Access, you can use a series of extensions that all this reference. We can mike 8 crude analogy as an Excel add-in, once loaded, allows us to use such new formulations Even that is not understood in the VBE go to Tools Menu (1) -> References (2. hepikwateleconbal.confhurtr-ge-drve-tst-best ser aspx ano 2ais014 Hunter GE Drive Test (Bost Sarr) - telecon (on the screen that appears, choose the Library Microsoft Office 12.0 Object Library. Nete: It may be that Your Office lsrary has a afferent number. 12 simply mans Office 2007, Office 11 means 2003. No matter whet the number, select the Hbrary Merosfot Office XXX Object Library. Important Note: The applcaton of this example was dane withthe 2007 version (Office 12) Access. If you Use a diferent version, you find a mistake, and need to change the reference to the corresponding ‘There, you can alwady use the Office Object Ubrary: Note: This Hbrary has many more features than a ‘Sirol dislog box. In his tine, we wl see several Conce avalable the tbrry, call the dalog for example as shown below. svete sob beechangeoscapeth citcel) So Note that simply manipulating via custom code dalog box, for example by setting the drectory where should be intially open (1), Rs title (2) and even types customized fles (3). That gles above all a prfessional look to our applications code As seen above, the VBA code Is part of the module, and part of the form, Both can be accessed by the VBE. The codes are commented, But in doubt, contact. ur application [Aithough simple, the applcaton that we saw today has served to demonstrate the use of interfaces on ‘modules Too! Hunter: The end result cen be seen, depending on the vale of the checkbox hepikwateleconbal.confhurtr-ge-drve-tst-best ser aspx a0 2ais014 Hunter GE Drive Test (Bost Sarr - telecon it signal evel aan u plot best server ® OO soratevel © OG bes server ‘And this ls part of the VBA code that makes the cholces. Depending on whether the checkbox is selected, the inaieator is potted. ‘And the resus seen below person coule, for example with 2 plot as an example for Best Server. Note that the Best Server does not nead subtitles, But & alzo would not be so aficuk to do one. When we have ‘more indicators, each wil have ts own legend, were generated randomly and not by an enor in our rogram When you use with real data from your network, you wil see tnat the daca are perfectly alignes, except for some inaccuracies of GPS. Youve seen that al points are clickable, bath nthe main interfece, the browser on the side. For example, Ir you want to navigate to a spectic level of bad sign, Just double cick on hepikwateleconbal.confhurtr-ge-drve-tst-best ser aspx ano 2ais014 Hunter GE Drive Test (Best Sarer) - telecom = erst e0m| Pies meoen ee 2 EG wm Ble si as @ SB cor see TES onl ‘semen Furthermore, you use all the resources that are avallable. For exarple, you can open our network Hunter_CE_Network, and analyzng drive test alongwith the Information sector. You can quickly verfy that Thereasingly we increase our resources, ond 2 a result of our analysis & becoming mote sinptied. The more information we have In sinple ard affordable, the faster we can determine what actions should be 1 set of centralzed information and quality: this Is essential in our day to day, because effectively Increase our productivty, our results accordingly. That le the prlosaphy Tool Huser. Conclusion We leamed today how to plot the information of Caverage and Sest Server in any network - be GSM, UMTS or other technology. And for this we use only the basic data - values - avalable in a file in toxt format that can be exported from any software collection and / or processing ~ where the same that was Used to perform the Test Ove We also saw how to create Interfaces in Access is easy, and how thelr use Improves the user xcernce. leamed a few more new concepts, such as using objects after setting up of references, Ike the case of a ata box File Open dialog of Windows “The end resut is stl snple, but a6 expected, demonstrating the possibilties for the future, but akeady beng applied in practice, n our constant quest for speed in processing, accuracy and ease in the analysis We hope you've enjoyed. If you have any doubts, fad the enswers posting your comments in the blog oF va our support via chat or email “Tiour next nesting, and remember: Your suecess is our success! hepikwateleconbal.confhurtr-ge-drve-tst-best ser aspx a0 zarva014 Hurver GE Deve Test (Best Server - telecom! ‘Li Tic Ea UNLIMITED Dans eo = A visitor fom Nien, Rio de Jano viewed "Lsando o Toad como Motor Femmes ‘lsd 839 Poni Paulo viewed 7 50 sees agp -A visto fom Unted Sates vewed "Whats ‘Bug Heonie BUSS? oom 3 "RAS? roo Grinstad, Aust Agier ef "Whats UR? coil via ssn co 3 mis Mtoe fom Gaius, Jo viewed "Out USM. eke ES Seo ‘tr Fo Mnf vowed TE? = ‘Shaanti ape ‘vor fon Ga, An Agr Win VSWR? iekcomf a” via essere com 4 mins Piitor rom Zaragoza, Aragon viewed "-Ous cs ‘MIMO? «loco aD ES"4 mins 0 ‘A visitor fom Bazi vewed "Modes de 7. 1 Azo poston Facabook Postg ae Donation Tou Kova hipuwuviolecoral.confhurtr-ge-

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