Hunter GE Drive Test (Signal Level) - TelecomHall

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2ais014 Hunter GE Drive Test (Signal Level -telecomial! telecomHall aE I Hunter GE Drive Test (Signal Level) “ueseay une 08, 2010 6:00:00 PM Categories: Acces De Test Goose ath Hate [AS we mantioned before, Drve Test is important for a more complete pate his Content v analysis of the network The various post-processing tools avalible have @ complete set for this analyss, but sometimes our work ean be much simplified, and why not, sometimes getting better result. Ths is partculary the case forthe custom processing of dive test - we can not even have the power of algorthms and details of some software, but wo got resuks surprisingly sirple and efficient. Today well lear @ creative way to plot the date signal level of @ network in Google Earth, no matter what has been the equipment software that has made the collection of the drve test. Note: A telecomHal! articles are originally written in Portuguese, Folowing we translate to English and Spanish, As our time & short, maybe you find some typos (sometimes we just use the automatic transiator, with ony 2 nal and ‘quick review). We apologize and we have an understanding of our effort. If you want to contribute translating / correcting of these languages, or even creating and publishing your tuterat, please contact us: contact. Purpose 5 with the Information plotted according to our cholces In other words, plot the data from the drive test on Google Earth, much as we do with theme maps in [Arvest al tutorials nave related flls, which are sent to Subscribers. 2° Ston.01Muntr ce pevaTest(sgnal vere sey hp youn yourow develops ead and check on each new torial (ur aualence is from students to experienced professionals. Therefore we ask fora ile understanding and tolerance i some some of the concepts presented today are too basic for you. Moreover, all the tutorials, codes and programs are at 2 continuous process of editing. This means that if we find ary ero, for ‘exarple, grarmar or speling, try to fixit as soon as possible. We would also tke to receive your Feedback, Informing us ef errors or passages that were confusing and deserve to be rewrtten, File Structure ‘nother new module. As always, we wil Increase our structure to sut the needs. Youve probably naticed how tne organization is important, Every time the tool Hunter grows, Becomes more important to Keep the interconnected mocules ‘Ths &s 2 module that also uses Google Earth - GE ~ so the structure is created below the folder GE. Create the crectory DrveTest (1) as the rain dractory of this medule. The other crectones Data (2) Output (3) and Seripts (4) are the standard modules of our tool Just renerering, are respectively the directories where are our neoming date files colectes inthe drive est, the cutput data, where today a file. KML with the formatted data, and avectory scrts, now with the fle that does the processing, and we wil reat from now. hephwateleconbal.conhurter-ge-drve-test-sigrl-levwl aspx cements SP) IIEIED| «+ Statistics Categories ‘asses (27 perm ‘Somers De Tea ‘eal meu sispaaci ete (38) su aaasicish ante 18) crore (5 ens performance proces (2) ate) eas, Related Posts (aleaen bosize Apotcation sme Goss Fac (ales acameies Arla) v0 2ais014 Hunter GE Drive Test (Signal Level -telecomial! © & My Computer © & (:) © @ tanter sae G) 3 & Orverest @ @ date G@ output @ure™ eh "© Note that we have a directory of Help - Help (5). In ths directory store all the aunilay fle for that module specifically, Also note that this mocule uses the directory feon (6), remembering that this directory had been created eater, since fi shared with several mecules. Input data (ur main goal is to create an application that is compatible with the output of whatever equipment or software that has been used to perform the dive test Each software has a specific output formet, and would be very complicated now = although not impossible = te create an application that reads data directly exported Fortunately, ll such software has the facity to export to most commen fe as TXT, CSV oF XML. ‘Ths isthe simplest, and for several reasons, we use the principle. In future, if there is interest, we can go Geeper and show how to handle the data directly in the proprietary format of each software, We emphasize that thi s not only simple, so lets nt talk about this today. Note: see, this s not necessary a problem. For example, if you want to analyze thelr data in Mapinf, fist you must also export the cata to a format of Mapinfe. Moreover, inthe case of our custom too, nat to do anything ese besides exporting the data from drive test software. So we can have cur input as tox (.TXT or .CSV) or as Excel spreadsheets ( XLS or ¥LSK). These formats are currently supported by our tool customized GE Hunter Drive Test, See who is already very flexible, since there is a collection of software that dot export to atleast ene of these formals How this module works “The steps below show how a singled procedure for obtaining the tna! fe. +13 Prt eat ealacton, using any cee or satnare coco, 12}"bepon the aota ealesee for THT, E54, XS or HLSX, ane store ore or mare flee it the faler Cryer ce\oeveTestaa + 3) Oben abe Me GE_DriveTest_1.0_RUNLd® lentes nthe Ser fee, run the macro GEDeiveTeS Mai RUN ‘wen crates th eutpu fle, Based on information fem cansubation ery_DriveTest. This query has # few wicks Pronto. The data is akeady avaliable inthe Output folder C:\Hunten GE\DrveTest\Outputh Input Data ‘To demonstrate, let's folow the above procedure, showing how the date are processed. You mst Femember that we jst use curmy data in our examples, and that in @ previous tutorial we already export Gummy data to test our network dive fr fle log_exported. So let's use that same Fle today. hephwateleconbal.conhurter-ge-drve-test-sigrl-levwl aspx (sleaten ume c= Dave 7 tatsabon ste Parameters cSehenad Archives arn, 205410) Seine 201281 uoa.2012001 sore, 20022 Decemer 201.02 cote. 20114) ‘oust 2019 (2 a 201.0 Duos 2011 ‘ny 2011 (2 ‘ei 208 ae 2012 Mevemer. 2010.01, un. zou | dune, 2010 (5) Mae 2040 0) ‘2010661 sae 2000132 20 2ais014 Hunter GE Drive Test (Signal Lowel -telecomital! Importing a text file into Access Once one or more fies are in the Data directory, you can run the macro, and generate @ KML file corresponding to each of them. ‘and how is this done? Wel, manually importing date inte Access has aleady been shown in previous tutorial Lat's see how ths is done via VBA code ‘To import a fle in an automated fashion, we must first have an Inport Specification. What does this meen? Simply put, 2 specification that tells Access how the format of the text fle lS importing. For example ifthe fll uses a comma of tad as separator, # the fist Ine has the name of the fel, ete. So the fest thing to dois create our import specification to a text file with our format. To de ths, impor the file manually through the interface normal Access Menu - Extemal Data -> Text File But inthe last step, do NOT click Finish (1) Insteae, click the Advanced button (2). Good Note that getting there & stored information thet Access will use to complete the import. Since we want to use this specication other times, we save thie specication by clcking on Save AS (1) ‘And save this specication as Deve est Import Spectication (1). Clik the OK button (2) hephwateleconbal.conhurter-ge-drve-test-sigrl-levwl aspx a0 2ais014 Hunter GE Orive Test (Signal Level -telecomitall We don't have to finish importation, we akeady dit what we wanted, which was to save the specfication of ths fle, Note: If you complete the import, Accass will ask you stil want to save all these steps to import. Do not stake, this is something esa, and we wil not need it, we have saved the specification, which is what interests us, Sirpl cick Chose. Pronto, What we have so far? Access already know what are the characteristics of our archive. Now whenever we need to import & agoin ~ ether with new dete, but i this formet ~ we een use this speciniation. ‘Ane wel do rectly in code. ‘he commanc that goes the ls the TransferText Deca. 73 “© SnowToolbar $ SingeSiep e TransteDatebase “9 TransternarePointist <9 TransterSpreagsheet “9 TranstrSOL Database ‘Ang the arguments are very intutve: “animate A Aenea caged Satter ear tare Haare Prk rasehane ane) 5 eeme: al sam ofthe lk, wi te aah Inout cave, C=nter\GE\DrveTesADataunter_GE_DreTast At ‘And our code responsible for import here ve import tne ize co our tabi Decna.TeanatesText acinpartbelin, scrfable ¢ " Inport specaticerios"; _ Tevet Note: Note that we use the sign _ at the ene of the tne incicating that i snot over: This i only meant for umen reading, lst they be hage Ines, and it becomes easier to analyze the code. Sure, when that line is executed, the fle C:\Hunter\Ge\DrveTest\Data\Hunter_GE_OrveTst.txt wil be imported into the table OrveTest, with the fies defined in accordance wih the impert spectication DeveTest Import Specifeation, as previously saved. Now ws can use this data and write the KML le Handling data But before we write the KIL fle, we need to do some treatrants, because the data are not inthe best possible way. And for that we wil use consuketions In ths tutoral, we wil have the folbwing flowchart: hephwateleconbal.conhurter-ge-drve-test-sigrl-levwl aspx a0 2ais014 Hunter GE Drive Test (Signal Level -telecomial! Tees lport to Table DriveTest ees qry_DriveTest ' qry_DriveTest_Coords 1 Calculate Themes qry_DriveTest_Themathic 1 ‘Create KIVIL (VBA) Hunter_GE_Drive_Test.KML Simple Query Adjust Coordinates Following the flowchart, we alwady imported the le Hunter GE_DriveTest.txt into the table DnveTest Now we create a simple query, anly to look up the data from DrveTest base table. AS mentioned earlier, & le never good to ure quenes checty to our table bases, This query works something le 2 Orage. Trying to explain, the frst query, which is more or less as @ mimor af the table (and for that reason perhaps you Unk that ie de not matter a all, but allows us to make some adjustments, such as changing some kind of data - such as text to integer. But okay, maybe Now stil @ tle ealy for you to understand. Anyway, lev's continue from the consultation qry_OriveTest, a mor of our table See the query result gry_DrweTest . Isttude 7 longue asesce 122050005, 37340621 12205774 3739027 122088273, 7366662 12206851, 37386052 122.0606, eeeeeeeee ‘The nee step is nteresting and requires a bref explanation of how the collection is performed, “The drve test equament using GPS, and colkct date continuously. And sometimes & hapaens that at some points are taken several rasures. Or at last in vary close to each other. All ight, we coud plot all the points raises, but had a small problem, especially when the drive test & very lrge: mare points than necessary to represent the delay to lead. So we use the device to lt the points In the fourth decimal Iateude and longitude, Then, we grouped these new sets of points, making the necessary operations in other Fels. For example, tothe signal level, we take the averane. ‘The folloing tables heb us better understand the device used. Inthe frst table (2) we have the data az exported in the case with 6 decimal places. The seconc table (2) presents cata from the samme table, only now with latitude and longkuce to four decival places, and equal values grouped by cole. AL the last table (3) we have the query result qyr_DriveTest_Coords, used in plotting the data. Note that new pair of lateude and longtude are grouped, and the new signal level fel contains the average sgnal in points grouped. “Ths approach proves to be much closer to realty. Also because thus we increased the precision at each pont, if a6 f wa had performed several measurements and we used the average, Simple and efficient, hephwateleconbal.conhurter-ge-drve-test-sigrl-levwl aspx 510 2ais014 Hunter GE Orive Test (Signal Lowel -telecomiall “Two important information: you can chaose anether type of approach, such as 5 decimal places, or even hot use that approach ~ whether to have 2 very great detail all points - just make changes in this consultation, Another thing: do not womy if you do not understand. Over tine, this wil become clearer to ‘See now the query result ary_Drvetest_Coords tude ee 373665 -1720882 y7366s 122.088 as 273665 _-1m0s79 37.3666 _-122.0589, 3723666. _-1220579 373666 -122.0578 vase? -422.015, 373667 _-1m.0M9 373667 mous Continuing, we reached the point where we must create the themes for our records. That ls, each record Wwillhave a new fel, cakulated according to the data we wish to create the theratic map. For example, Ifthe signal level between -75 ene -65 dBm and yew coloring, if you are between -85 ene -75 dBm. 23s gray color, and so on ‘So we created the fled themathi_signalJevel calculated with the formula shown below. ‘themathic_signal_teve IF(signal_Jevell<105),ree", Ir{({sgnatlevel]>=105 And [sgnal_vell<-95) “orange! "ur({sgnalevel]>=-95 Ana (sional fevel]=85), "velo L(([signal_lovel]>=-85 Ane [signal level] <75),"igheereen, (signa Jevel]>=75 And {signal_fevel]<-65),"green, "(signa level] >=-65),"be, “= Notice how our data are now. Inthe new query @ry_DriveTest_Themathic, we themathic_signalevel fel. 1 based on the values ofthis fet that assign styles to each point (marker) on Gooste Fath =a Tongue Sa wraust saci 15 green | aac aos se eeen Wrasistazaseis 5 grgeen 5730858 -22057—6 7 yellow Srawes “zz yellow srawes sms tgp S| ra “i us rr) s73ee6s 220886 8 yellow 2667 ns 8 green rater “spas yellow Note that for each indicator that we create, we have a different legend. Below is the caption for signaLJevel The ausiiory fies with these legends in wrod are found in the Help deectory of the module GE. hephwateleconbal.conhurter-ge-drve-test-sigrl-levwl aspx 2ais014 Hunter GE Drive Test (Signal Level -telecomial! Inthe future we wll ee a itle mare about creting captions and indicators, ‘signal_level (dBm) Orn a 65 ea 15 © sa 25 © 85a 95 © 95 2 105 @ 41052 -= Okay, now we can write the KML ile, using data from this query. Se well continue ‘The Code ‘i arfacts and paticuarties thatthe tool uses to pt the data have already been mentioned above, and you can already adapt their code to function this way. If you subscrbe, please remerber that the simplest way to lear the code is read t, since & Is fly reviewed. Any questions, please contact our support. “The fallowing i an Inkl part of the cod, where the most Important pelnts have aleady been expounded In this or previous tutoral Important: remember that our intention is above alto teach. You wil notice that some parts of orginal code are simplified. For example, the code imports a feed fle, or hard-coded - even f that name s coming from variable strfikNome, If we change the fle name to something ther than Hunter_GE_DrveTest.txt will longer work “Ths is not an ideal behavior, and certainly not what we use. But we must eve slowly, there are several other Reme and features that wil be added to that module and exepicadas GE DsveT est Well stil have further improvements in gener form, as form creation - interfaces - to faciitate Interaction, Again, this s being gradualy establshed, so that you perceive, Returning to our application today, although in some ways quite simple eszecal for those who akeady program, the result quite interesting, as shown below. hephwateleconbal.conhurter-ge-drve-test-sigrl-levwl aspx a0 2ais014 Note: is Important that you know that the data are not perfectly algnee with the stiests of Google Earth because they were generated randomly and not by an eror im our program When you use with real date from your network, you wil see that the cate are perfectly aligned, except for some inaccuracies of os, Note that al points are clckable, both inthe main interface, the browser on the sie. For example, IF you wh te navigate te a specific signal level ba, just double click on sere 286 tre 2 BG meen ree Spaeae 23Giee 3g oman car oma Oma: Ooms Furthermore, you use all the resources that are available. For example, you can open ur netiork Hunter_GE_Network, and analyzing drive test alongwith the Information sector. You can quickly verfy that the anna s being used, what the tide, ete IM of this information, together with others that we will see, provide an analysis mach more quickly and ttfeient. That's our geal to create a ingle, centralized, and all avalable key Information need to take ‘Soon you will see how ths set of tformaton Is important and essential in everyday Ife of a professional in the Fad of Telecom and IF Conelusion We leamed today how to plt data from drive test i Google Earth, from 2 single text fle, exportes by hephwateleconbal.conhurter-ge-drve-test-sigrl-levwl aspx a0 zaps204 the software colection / processing. Hunter GE Drive Test (Signal Lev!) telecom! In tem of programming, we saw how i's done inporting a text fle by VBA code. While the import has nat been dynamic - we import a file with fed name and format, used to understand the needs of future Implementations that mime ths imtation, ‘The end result, although simple, lows us to see the importance of tools that help us both in processing speed, accuracy in analyst and ease of operation. This the main abject of the Hunter system, which gradualy you wil know. We hope youve enjoyed. If you have any doubts, find the answers posting your comments in the blog or a our suppor via chat or emai Ti our nest meeting, and remenber: Your success is our success? ‘Loe Tiafic Food UNLIMITED Domaine = A visor fom Osasco, Sao Pao viewed "Madche de 7 Cammdas OSI tom all "7 ses agp A vstor fom Ikeja, Lags vewod "Hou scksoublal’ 46 sees agp ‘A vitor fom Cai Vale del Cauca vewed "Lat 7 ‘Capas del Mosca OSI tecomf ES" I min Mba mop, Kenuchy viewed “Wnt VSWR htial 9 ni age 2 voto fom Slmbat ved "Wha (Madi? ison 9 mim ap ‘vast Fo So Pal, Sao Pa vw “Hunter Converter - Enderecos para KML ‘Gonicuiasm Gok Eats” Sbnasangom Nf Ro de Jno "Lenn Toad come Mefor Ferramenta Gratuta para CGesncmata de Sunco de Dados tcksor at “Ai om fiom Niece ager vewed "Usundo © Toad come Melhor Femaimenta (Gaia pa Goran de Bande Dabs: ‘ene kS0 Pai vod ‘Novel cam RY i ag ‘Svat fom Uned Sas ved Wat ‘Eau upong- FSS? kxonfaths Helis “now Poetog a Donan Tue Kova [Eran] (weyou7) hipuwuvtolecoral.confurtor-ge-

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