School No 4

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Who was Elena Donici Cantacuzino?

She belongs to the Cantacuzino family (she was part of the 26th
generation), of greek origin.
She was born in 1900 in Bleni Moldova, nearby Galai. Her
family called her Helen Pomme. After marriage, she became
Elena Donici Cantacuzino.
She had a special talent at drawing and she made the portraits of many town people. She
died in Pucioasa in 1976.
Elena Donici Cantacuzino was exiled by the Communist regime and forced to live in
Pucioasa, in the Liberty Street, at Rdulescu family, in a modest loft. She lived until the age of
83 years, teaching French and English to children from the town who wanted to learn these
languages. She lived during the difficult years of exile in dignity, proving that through honest
work, love of neighbours and country, you can overcome difficulties and shortcomings. The town
people adopted her until her death, on the 14th of July, 1983.

School uniform

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