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I Nossa Senhora da Conceio

Disciplina: Lngua Inglesa
Nome: _____________________________________________ N: _______ Turma: __________
Professor: Vanusa Martins
Data: ______________________
Peso da Avaliao:

1) Complete com a forma correta do verbo TO BE conjugado nas frases abaixo.

a) I_____ the school's director. ( ) is ( ) am
b) Only Anne _____ allowed entering in this room.
c) It _____ my cat called lazy cat.
d) Steven and _____ cooking the dinner.
e) He _____ a security guard at the bank.
f) They _____ our new neighbors.
g) You _____ our best salesperson!
h) I _____ waiting for an email from my teacher.
2) Complete as frases usando os pronomes pessoais e os adjetivos possessivos.
a) _____ is a beautiful girl. _____ name is Sarah.
b) _____ is my litlle brother. _____ name is Pedro.
c) _____ are good friends. _____ relationship is wonderful.
d) _____ is my dog. _____ eyes are green.
e) _____ are classmates in a public school. _____ school is in Canoas.
f) _____ am a doctor in hospital. _____ office is in Porto Alegre.
3) Traduza as frases e descubra qual dos pronomes interrogativos que esto dentro
do balo, voc deve usar em cada uma delas!
a) ______________ is your sister? She is 15.
b) ______________ is your first name? It is Janet.

What Who
How old - How

c) ______________ are you boyfriend? He is at home.

d) ______________ is that beautiful girl? She is my sister.

4) Preencha os espaos usando THERE IS ou THERE ARE.

a) ___________ many drugstores in town. e) ___________ ten girls in my class.
b) ___________ a woman in the store.
f) ___________ a pretty baby here.
c) ___________ a star in the sky.
g) ___________ a flower in the vase.
d) ___________ four brothers in my.
h) ___________ six chairs in the room.

Have a nice test!

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