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Kaszubski, Abbey interview

1.) Do you think that you are overqualified for

this position?
No, I think that I am the right person for this job
and that this is the right job for me.
2.) How long would you expect to work for us if
If I was hired, I would expect to work here for as
long as I can.
3.) Are you a team player?
Yes, I think that I am a team player. I like to
communicate with others to combine ideas. Also I
think that working with others is great because
you can get the job done faster together.
4.) Tell me about your ability to work under
I think that I work best under pressure. The
pressure pushes me to work faster.
5.) Are you willing to put the interests of the
organization ahead of your own?
Yes, I will definitely be willing to put the
organization ahead of my own interests.

6.)What qualities do you look for in a boss?

Some qualities that I look for in a boss is someone
that is fair, encouraging, and respectful.
7.) How do you handle criticism?
Honestly, I dont take criticism personally too
much. I think that it is a good way to improve and
make myself better.

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