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Glenshire Commons and Lake Association Board Meeting October 7, 2014

Present: Sharon Hecht, Clark Ahlden, Stephanie Brown, Susan Drozdz, Judy Seyb
Recording: Judy Seyb
Call to Order: Sharon called the meeting to order at 7:15 pm.
Minutes: Minutes from the September 14, 2014 meeting were read. Sharon asked to
add the line: Members volunteered to obtain bids for the work to be added to the
landscaping section of the minutes. Sharon accepted the minutes as corrected.
Treasurers Report: the treasurers report was presented and accepted at the annual
meeting October 7, 2014.
Landscaping and Commons: On September 29 the board was polled by e-mail to accept
Nick Bokszczanins bid to remove three planting beds and cut down unkempt areas in
the commons. The vote was taken and a majority of the board approved.
Commons Improvement Status: Clark reports Nick doing a good job. Paul and Clark
ordered fish. Bluegill, croppy and some feeder fish were released.
Scouts: Clark reports they will probably come one more time.
Website: Sharon asked JK if she wants to continue servicing the website. JK has not
responded. Stephanie will do it as necessary.
Election of Officers: Susan nominated Clark Ahlden for president, Stephanie Brown for
vice-president, Paul Terrio for treasurer, Judy Seyb for secretary. Sharon seconded. The
motion passed.
Budget Proposal: will be addressed at the meeting in November.
Assessment: assessment letter will be addressed at the November meeting.
Next meeting date: November 11, 2014 6:30pm at Sharons home.
Adjournment: Susan motioned to adjourn the meeting. Sharon seconded. The meeting
was adjourned at 8 pm

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