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The Slovenian Mountain Trail


The Slovenian Mountain Trail




Discover the most

beautiful hiking trails.

Until 1991, the Slovenian Mountain Trail was named the Slovenian Mountian Transversal No.1, leading from Maribor to Koper. Professor Ivan umljak
(18991984), an authority among the Maribor mountain hikers, a publicist, lecturer and head of the PD Maribor-Matica trailblazing section/unit of 20 years,
sent a written proposal for the mountain trail to the Slovenian Alpine Association (Planinska zveza Slovenije PZS) as early as 1950. While performing
trailblazing, it occured to him: Why not connect all these spots by means of one single blazed trail which would extend further on, across the entire
back to Maribor!" This is how Slovenia became the first European country to have a unique transversal trail. Hiking across the
Slovenian mountains started in 1953 with the path which was not only revealing its beautiful features but also taking the mountain hikers from the
Hikers can begin or conclude their trip on the Slovenian Mountain Trail in Maribor, Ankaran or anywhere else. The trail has no restrictions in terms of time. Read more...
Pannonian plains across plateaus and hills all the way to the Slovenian coast. Here, everyone can find something for their own taste.
Mt. Peca (2,125 m)

Hikers can begin or end the Slovenian Mountain Trail in Maribor, Ankaran or anywhere else. The trail has no restrictions in terms of time and is marked by
Mt Peca is the second highest mountain range of the wider area extending above the town of Meica. Due to its grandiose appearance, it is no surprise that this is the exact spot where King
of the Knafelc blazes (white dot with a red circle around it and an Arabic number 1). It leads through routes which can be classified in three groups,
Mathias has been sleeping for a very long time now, as the legend has it. Read more...
namely easy, demanding and very demanding routes.
Krstenica Mountain Pasture

trails leading to the peaks and mountain posts of the Extended Slovenian Mountain Trail are established mountain routes marked by means of the
The high-mountain plateau featuring a highly abrasive, Karst-like surface is covered in woods and pastures. This is where the history of the Alpine pasture and dairy farming was written.
blazes and bearing no special or additional markings. This trail is also not restricted in terms of time and can be started and finished anywhere.
When setting out on either of the above-mentioned trails, it is highly recommended to use the guides published by the Slovenian Alpine Association and
Mt. Skuta (2,532 m)
written by Joe Dobnik, namely Slovenska planinska pot (Slovenian Mountain Trail) (1998) in Razirjena slovenska planinska pot (Extended Slovenian
Trail) (1993).
of the
trail from Maribor
to Ankaran,
summits, places, and
The Kamnik-Savinja
Alps areThe
of thecontains
with their central
part entire
being substantially
shorter despite
their double
mountain and other types of posts where control stamps are kept. It also lists interesting sights, views and the most suitable routes to approach the posts
m)a clearly traced Slovenian Mountain Trail are also worth mentioning, along with a map with marked points of the Extended
Trail. scenic areas not only in the Julian Alps but also in the Alps per se, and is a true paradise for all types of mountaineers. Read more...
This is one ofMountain
the most beautiful
The second guide faithfully follows the first book. When hiking, it is certainly good to bring the mountain hiking maps as well which, in addition to the
Slovenian Mountain Trail, show other mountain hiking routes leading to the mountain hiking posts and summits where hikers can get stamps.
Furthermore, let's not forget about Dnevnik s slovenske planinske poti (Journal from the Slovenian Mountain Trail) which also has space for the control
stamps obtained on the Slovenian Mountain Trail and the Extended Slovenian Mountain Trail. (Abstract from

Pohorje and the north-eastern section

Mariborska koa mountain hut (1,068 m) (
Ruka koa mountain hut (1,246 m) (
Koa na Klopnem vrhu mountain hut (1,260 m) (
Ribnika koa mountain hut (1,507 m) (
Grmovkov dom pod Veliko Kopo mountain hut (1,371 m) (
Koa pod Kremarjevim vrhom mountain hut (1,102 m) (
Potarski dom pod Pleivcem mountain hut (805 m) (
Dom na Urlji gori mountain hut (1,670 m) (

Andrejev dom na Slemenu mountain hut (1,096 m) (

The Kamnik-Savinja Alps

Dom na Smrekovcu mountain hut (1,377 m) (
Koa na Loki pod Raduho mountain hut (1,520 m) (
Mt. Velika Raduha (2,062 m)
Koa v Grohotu pod Raduho mountain hut (1,460 m) (
Kocbekov dom na Koroici mountain hut (1,808 m) (
Mt. Ojstrica (2,349 m)
Koa na Kamnikem sedlu mountain hut (1,884 m) (
Frischaufov dom na Okrelju mountain hut (1,378 m) (
Kranjska koa na Ledinah mountain hut (1,700 m) (
Mt. Koroka Rinka (Kri) (2,433 m)
Mt. Skuta (2,532 m)
Zoissova koa na Kokrskem sedlu mountain hut (1,793 m) (
Mt. Grintavec (2,558 m)
Mt. Jezerska Kona (2,540 m)
eka koa na Spodnjih Ravneh mountain hut (1,543 m) (
Planinski dom na Kaliu mountain hut (1,540 m) (
Mt. Stori (2,132 m)
Dom pod Storiem mountain hut (1,123 m) (
Koa na Kriki gori mountain hut (1,471 m) (
Koa na Dobri mountain hut (1,478 m) (

The Karavanke Mountain Range

Roblekov dom na Begunjici mountain hut (1,657 m) (
Mt. Begunjica (2,060 m)
Planinski dom na Zelenici mountain hut (1,536 m) (
Preernova koa na Stolu mountain hut at Mt. Stol (2,174 m) (
Mt. Golica (1,836 m)

The Julian Alps

Aljaev dom v Vratih mountain hut (1,015 m) (
Dom Valentina Stania mountain hut (2,332 m) (
Mountain huts of Triglavski dom na Kredarici (2,515 m), Planika pod Triglavom (2,404 m) or Traka koa na Doliu (2,151 m)

Mt. Triglav (2,864 m)

Poganikov dom na Krikih podih mountain hut (2,052 m) (
Mt. Razor (2,601 m)
Mt. Prisojnik (2,547 m)
The Vri Mountain Pass mountain huts of
Tiarjev dom (1,620 m) (,
Potarski dom (1,688 m) ( or
Erjaveva koa (1,515 m) (
Zavetie pod pikom mountain hut (2,064 m) (
Mt. Jalovec (2,645 m)
Koa pri izviru Soe mountain hut (886 m) (
Zasavska koa na Prehodavcih mountain hut (2,071 m) (
Koa pri Triglavskih jezerih mountain hut (1,685 m) (
Mt. Komna mountain huts of
Dom na Komni (1,520 m) ( or
Koa pod Bogatinom (1,513 m) (
Planinski dom pri Krnskih jezerih mountain hut (1,385 m) (
Gomikovo zavetie na Krnu mountain hut (2,182 m) (
Koa na planini Razor mountain hut (1,315 m) (
Mt. Vogel (1,922 m)
Mt. Rodica (1,966 m)
Dom Zorka Jelinia na rni prsti mountain hut (1,835 m) (
Dom Andreja vana - Borisa na Poreznu mountain hut (1,590 m) (
Franja Partisan Hospital (536 m) (

South-western section
Planinska koa na Ermanovcu mountain hut (964 m)

Mt. Bevkov vrh (1,051 m)

Mt. Sivka Mrzli vrh (1,008 m)
Koa na Hleviki planini mountain hut (818 m) (
Mt. Mali Golak (1,495 m)
Koa Antona Baverja na avnu mountain hut (1,242 m) (
Mt. Sinji vrh (1,002 m)
Pirnatova koa na Javorniku mountain hut (1,156 m) (
Furlanovo zavetie pri Abramu mountain hut (900 m) (
Vojkova koa na Nanosu mountain hut (1,201 m) (
Mt. Vremica (1,026 m)
Tumova koa na Slavniku mountain hut (1,028 m) (
Socerb Hill (389 m)
Tinjan Hill (374 m)
Ankaran (19 m)

Hike up!






Production: Alanta d.o.o. (, 2011

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