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Tushino airfield, near Moscow, the venus Of the 1965, World Acrobatic Champion= Ships, stwa large, rock steady, fabric-and: tube’ monoplane swinging purposcluly yet scemingly leisurely through complex Acrobatic patterns, the subvlued staccato irom its stow-tevving, geared radial engine barely" changing as it effordiesly “swept the board to gain the first Four paces bot the men's and women's champion” ips and the Pyotr Nesterov Cup. The Yakeis had celebrated iis coming of ate in stgle, for twenty-one years had elapsed to the month sinee the orginal prototype Of ‘the wictorious. Searletpainted Yak TSPMs had fist begun ity Might als twenty-one years in which tens of thou Sands of Vakel8s had been manufactured for supply. iy and civil fy schools and clubs Indeed, today the Yake1® may lac to the’ distinction of being, least, tho world's training and elu ‘Although Alexander SY ably the most versatile a role ofthe Soviet Union's top- ‘airerat designers, was best-known internationally for” his relative but soundly constr seat fighters many years ans Soviet fighter was Insolar asthe western press was concerned ‘i the time the Yakel8 prototype made its debut in 1945. she new trainer possessed a pedigree stretching hack IS years to the ARI (Ya ‘and Yakovley had Achieved a measure of fan Soviet Union with his light aircraft some years before his fist fighter began to take shape "The, Vak-18 was, in fact, an extrapols tion of the most successful member of the preswar AlRseries, the AIR-IO (later Fedesignated Ya-10} which was bull in massive. quantities. from 1935 as. th Standard tandem two-seat primary trainer Se in which it tworeat “AIR-I. (Ya-l)_ biplane with 60 hp Cirrus engine, at the Zhukowskit tht page are verants ofthe Yok-18 during” 1966, inclading cdopainted YouIOPe with Oe Single forward, coke -compare with the aft ‘eck Yokclaphc. (howrrophs by Joba Bloke) THE YAK-18 COMES OF AGE ‘Air Force Academy, and flown tor the frst time on May 12, 1927, this established a national range and endurance record fof aircraft ints class by ‘ving from. Sebastopol to Moscow, a Aistance of 882 mis (1420 km) in 15.5 hours. “A tworseat Moat Seaplane version became known as the AIR-2 (Ya-2), and ia is Second year at the Academy, Yakovlev designed and built the AIR-S (Ya-3) singleseat high-wing monoplane with a 60 hp Walter engine which, im 1929, bettered the AIR-I’s record, by flying from Moscow to Mineralny Vody non-stop. ‘The AIR-f, ‘butt in. 1929 at Plant No $6 in Moscow, was an improved derivative of the ATR-3, and Yakovlev's success with thexe small Single: and two-seaters prompted the development of the four five Seat AIRS and 6 (a's and -6) high-wing cabin monoplanes of 1951 and 1932, the latter establishing several records and per- forming a number of spectacular Mghts which did. much 10 further Yakovlev’s growing prestige, tit was the ATR-7 (Ya-7) that first revealed this young Soviet designer's penchant for high- ‘Speed airerat design. “The AIR-7 was & fast tandem wo-seat sporting and competition aircraft, which, built and flown in 1932, bore more than a passing Fesemblanee 16 the Travel Air Mystery. Powered by a 450 hp 1M-22 nine-eylinder radial, a Klimov derivative ofthe Jupiter, the AAIR-7 proved faster than the Polikarpov I-5 fighter attaining & maximum speed of 206 mph (332 km/h) at 3,280 fe (1 000m), and flown by Yakovie’s close friend, Yu T Piontkovsky, the Aireaft quickly attracted official attention. Yakovlev then sutfered ‘csertaiy ‘the aro isk soweted Yok TER his fist serious reverse. During an official demonstration, the AAIR-7 lost its starboard aileron during a turn, together with much OF the wing skinning. An official investigation resulted in Yakov fev being forced t0 leave his factory. Nevertheless, within «60 ‘years he had produced the two-seat AIR-8 (Ya-8) two-seat light ‘monoplane for ihe Osoaviakhim organisation, but i was the ‘AIRS (Ya-9) tandem two-seat trainer powered by the 100 hp Klimov Mei tradialthat was torestore Vakovlew's waning presi Developed ‘in parallel with the AIR-8, the AIR-S was the true ancestor of the Yak-18. Of mixed construction, the AIR-D and the modified AIR-9bis performed exceptionally well in continued on page 301 Swamy pe 10) for both civil schools find the Soviet Air Foress, the miliary designation being UT-2 Several other light monoplanes were designed and built by tion on the development of combat AIRTI (Vall) threeseat tourer of 2) iong-range sports arcrafi fr the Soviet woman fier Grizodubova Produced in 1936: the. AIR“I4 (Ya-Is). acrobat. single-seat Nersion of the AIR: (Fari5 whieh, tog with the AIR-I6 (Ya6)fouraeat cabin monoplane, the AIR-I7 (Ya-17) twin-engined” three seat crew trainer, and the ATR-18 (¥a-18) single-seat competition aireraf, ‘were all produced in 1937. In 1938, Yakovlev was working on 2 Successor for the UT-2, the AIR-19, design development of which hhad reached an advanced stage when requirements. were a0 ‘nounced for a new single-seat fighter which was to be selected on 2 competitive basis, and the AIR-I9 was promplly shelved to Enable ll work to be concentrated on development of the gtr ‘Which was to emerge in the following year as the 1-26 ¢Yab ‘Sur OF THE YAK. The AIR-19 (Ya-19) was of similar concept 10 the UT-2: a fsiriy large and rugeed tandem two-seater with an extremely sips of the merhonsurt ihe peor como to'a glazed canopy with siding sections, the 125 hp MELD ‘gine intl in Tater UT-2s was retained but enclosed ty ‘Stinetve “helmeted cowling ‘with indivkdoal exhaust. bes for. each exlinder, and the main members of the Fixed, braced ndsrearrage were fitted: with large wheel spats. Shelved in 1938, the ATRCI9 was resurrected with the nd. of the war in Europe as a potential successor 10 the now ageing UT-2. and flow in the Summer of 1943. Highly scrobatie, the ATR19 Sealy conordinaed com, bat being of 1938 mer was dated in some respects and the secon Protein which flown 1O4e, made somesonceson, fo erm in having a pnevntatcaly operated retractable under. Carriage and the mote powerful M-lICER engin rated a 160 WP, Sd immediately entered production as the Ya iLargescale delivers of the Yak-18 began in 1967, and this ‘ype rapidly Cogan to supplant the UT-2 in Soviet and satel alitary and cvilfiying organisations. Althoughnot outstandingly ‘modern in appearance, the Yak-18 was comprehensively equipped, all services, including the undercarriage, laps and brakes, bein Peumatically operated.” Controls were light, and the srcraft Wwas stressed for fick and inverted manoeuvres. ‘The M-LI-FR. five-cylinder radial engine, dating back in design to 1924, was a simple, robust, slow-running engine with a characteristic mowing machine noise, a pmeumaticielectric starter and. driving a variable-pitch two-blade wooden airserew. The special fucl and oil supply system provided for prolonged “operation under Iegative g- and the two wing-root fuel tanks, providing a total capacity of 28.5 Imp gal (130), were suflicient for a maximum endurance of 3.5 cruising at an indicated 106 mph (170 kim/h) the big engine turning at 1,850 rpm and consuming about Im al G61) per hour. A-maximum speed of 133 mpl C248 km/h) Was attainable at sca level, maximum cruise being 133 mph Gis km/h, and with faps ‘and undercarriage up the Yab Stalled at 33° mph (85 km/h), optimum approach speed. being ‘Temph (115 kra/h) with full lap. Inia climb rate was 689 Umma {G5 mse), am altitude of 3.280 ft (1 000 m) was attained in $ mun, and was 13,130 f (4000 m). Empty and loaded ‘weights were 1,799 lb (816 ka) and 2,469 lb (1120 kg) respectively. rapidly achieved popularity and, in 1951, est lished several international FAT class records, including. speed fecords over a. HO-mile (S00-kra) closed-circuit of 136 mph, S18 kim/hy and over a 1,243-mile (2.000-km) closed-cireut of 130 mph (209,6 km/h), and in 1955 the frst development of the basie design, the Yak-I8U, made ite appearance, The initial Production model of the Yak-18 had employed a sturdy tail-down tinderearriage, the main members of Which retracted straight backwards, haf of the wheels projecting from the wheel bays 10 ‘minimize damage in the event of wheele-up landing. On the ‘Yak-I8U the mainwheel legs were transferred from the front 10 the rear wing spar, and retracted forwards, and_the forward was lengthened 18 in (46cm) and a backwards-retracting ‘osewheel provided. Simultaneously, the cowling of the Melle FRI engine was cleaned up, although the characteristic eyinder hhead helmets’ were retained. Somewhat heavier than its pre-

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