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Nu Chapter Minutes

Alpha State
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
October 21, 2014
Chapel of the Hills, Wimberley, Texas
Nu Chapter of Alpha State of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International met on Tuesday,
October 21, 2014, at 6:00 P.M. at the Chapel of the Hills, Wimberley,Texas, for a regularly
scheduled meeting. President Sandra Morales and Secretary Kathy Carriker attended. A quorum
was present.
Carol Grimm
Kathy Carriker
Members Present:
Sandra Morales
Robin Estepp
New Initiates:
Nadyne Gartman
Charlotte Evans
Barbara Davis
Mary Nabers
Sue Thompson
Lisa Jones
Susan Pulis
Barbara Pevoto
Monica Primrose
Angie Smith
Sharon East
Loretta Eiben
Dr. Carole Buchanan
Diane Graeber
Evelyn Barrett
Joanne Hedrick
Tonda Frady
Cheryl Blake
After a welcome by President Sandra Morales and an inspiration by Dr. Barbara Pevoto, Nu
Chapter enjoyed a sandwich supper provided by the San Marcos members.
Charlotte Evans, 2nd Vice President introduced Dr. Carole Buchanan, TRTA District XIII
Legislative Chair and Delta Kappa Gamma member. Carole gave an in-depth program,
Changes are Coming. Carole stated that the Texas Legislature, while having a statutory
obligation to fund the Teacher Retirement System, has no statutory obligation to fund TRS Care
which is the coverage for the majority of retired educators in the State and also for many active
teachers. TRS Care will be facing a one billion dollar deficit by 2016 if the Legislature doesnt
act. She stressed that the 2015 Legislature will have many new members who are not familiar
with TRS and TRS Care. Our DKG members need to help educate these members on the
importance of TRS Care to Texas school employees. She encouraged all Delta Kappa Gamma
members to visit with their legislators to stress the importance of funding TRS Care in a way
fair to all. There are seven different options being considered. TRS has a booklet, A Great
Value for All Texans, that Carole suggested is a good resource in understanding the options
and the result of each option for school employees.
Call to Order
o President Sandra Morales called the meeting to order at 7:20 P.M.
o President Morales welcomed Nu members and guests.
o Secretary Kathy Carriker reported eighteen members; three initiates, Dr. Barbara
Davis, Lisa Jones, and Monica Primrose; plus two guests, Alpha Psi Chapter

President from Luling, Joann Hedrick and Carol Buchanan present.A quorum was
Approval of Minutes
o Nadyne Gartman stated that the website had been sent to DKG International not
Alpha State.
o The September 16, 2014, Meeting Minutes as found on the Website were approved
as corrected.
Treasurers Report
o Nu Chapter Treasurer Tonda Frady reported a balance of $2,968.24 as of October
21, 2014.
Officer Reports
o First Vice President Loretta Eiben stated the next meeting will be on November 18,
2014, at 6:00 P.M.
The location will be the Chapel of the Hill in Wimberley, Texas.
o Corresponding Secretary Robin Estepp read a Thank You note from past Nu
President Dr. Barbara Pevoto.
Estepp reported sending a thinking of you card to Nu member Henrietta
Smith as she helps her husband recuperate after heart surgery, a card of
sympathy to Catherine Davis on the passing of her husband, and a card of
congratulations on its chapter formation to Mu Omega, Area 5, South of
Corpus Christi.
o Treasurer Tonda Frady informed members that Ernestine Kincaids correct address
is 5902 Pace Bend Road North, Spicewood, TX 78669.
o World Fellowship Chair Carol Grimm gave a history of the Delta Kappa Gamma
World Fellowship and reported it has helped 33 women from 28 countries in the
past year.
o LaVerne Rydell encouraged members to bring new or gently used items to our
November meeting for our Nu Chapter World Fellowship silent auction.
Unfinished Business:
o Tri Chapter Social
President Morales stated that Nu Chapter will be the host for the Tri Chapter
Social and that a chairperson is needed.
Theta Kappa in Seguin and Alpha Theta Chapter in New Braunfels
will join Nu Chapter for the Tri Chapter social on January 17, 2015, in
San Marcos, Texas. The Luling Chapter, Alpha Psi, may join the
Mary Nabers made a motion seconded by Cheryl Blake to raffle
Tonda Fradys donated gift basket items with modifications at the Tri
Chapter social. The motion passed.
New Business
o None
o Cheryl Blake announced that Goodnight Middle School in San Marcos, Texas will
be hosting a Veterans Day Breakfast on November 11, 2014 at 7:45 A.M.

At 8:45 A.M. the school band and orchestra will be performing along with
the Horizon Bay Kitchen Band directed by Sandra Morales.
At 10 A.M. there will be a Commemorative Air Force fly over to conclude
the Veterans Day event.
All are invited to attend.
o Judges are needed on November 8th for the Forensic Group.
o Mary Nabers invited members to an Eternal Threads showing and sale of items
made by women in Third World Countries.
The event is on Saturday, November 1st at the Episcopal Church in Blanco.
This event helps raise money for women in Third World countries and is
billed as Women helping Women.
You may also purchase items on line.
o President Sandra Morales reminded everyone to be planning to attend the Alpha
State Convention at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in San Antonio, Texas, on June 25-27,
President Morales will be Chairperson for the Presentation of Chapter
o President Morales announced that the next regularly scheduled Nu meeting would
be held at 6:00 P.M. on November 18, 2014, at Chapel of the Hills, Wimberley,
Texas hosted by the Wimberley members.
The theme will be Nu Goes Global.
International foods will be served by the Wimberley members. Kyle and
Blanco members are to bring desserts.
Members will bring items from their world travels.
President Morales encouraged everyone to bring an item for the World
Fellowship silent auction.
o LaVerne Rydell won the drawings for both the Birthday Prize and the Scholarship
Cake donated by Barbara Pevoto.
o Sharon East won the door prize.
o President Morales reminded members that submissions for Lone Star News is due
by Nov. 1st and dues are also due on that date.
o A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the business meeting.
o The motion passed.
o President Morales adjourned the meeting at 7:55p.m.
Initiation of Nu members
o Dr. Barbara Davis, Lisa Jones, and Monica Primrose were initiated into Nu
Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma Society International in a candlelight ceremony.
The Delta Kappa Gamma Song was sung at the conclusion of the ceremony.
All members welcomed these women into Nu Chapter.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Carriker, Nu Recording Secretary

Sandra Morales, Nu President

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