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About Me

I was born and raised on Long Island. I attended High School at Sachem East, one of the
most heavily populated schools on Long Island. Growing up I had a passion for reading and
writing. I can remember having my own journal as a pre-teen full of poems, short stories, and
ideas for movies. I started my Shakespeare and Poe collection in the sixth grade and I still have
the copies of all of my plays and anthologies. After I grew out of my Elementary school rosetinted lenses, and realized maybe being the next great screenwriter wasnt a viable career,
teaching ELA is what Ive wanted to do ever since. I still continue to write, and part of me will
never give up on that early childhood pipedream.
On a more personal level, I love the outdoors. Although I never envisioned myself as far
north as Plattsburgh, attending college in upstate New York has provided me with all of the
nature I can ever ask for. There is so much beauty in nature; it is so poetic. The outdoors serves
as a constant inspiration to me for writing, and is the perfect place to read in peace. I also love to
bowl. I bowled on my High School varsity bowling team. I think it is a perfect way to unwind
(that isnt reading or writing), and it is something everyone can do for fun even if they arent
great at it.

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