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Cycling on vacation;

I liked last vacation, because me and my friends rode the bike all day.
But the last time, it was a special ride with the bike, because we never rode that
far before.
We rode downtown and we rode on my other friends streets. When we
was having a lot of fun, my bike broke in the middle of the road. We tried to fix
the bike, but unfortunately, we couldnt fix it this time. We thought of someone
who can help us. One of my best friends got an idea. He called an engineer. But
unfortunately, he wasnt home, he was fishing. We tried again to fix it. While
trying to repair it, my friends phone rang. It was the engineer! He told us how to
fix the bike. We fixed the bike and we could return home with the bike fixed and
with some bike engineering skills.
After the dinner , we met again with our bikes. We rode down the street
very fast. My friend fell with the bike. We quickly stopped and went to help him
get up. He had no bruise. After the accident, we had a meeting with some more
friends. We told them the story. They laughed but we told them that it wasnt
that funny. Its not funny to fall with the bike or stay one hour to fix a bike.
After those accidents, we returned home.

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