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Name: Ivan

Date: 10.1.14
Class: video 1
Outline: Video
Title: Payback


Point of View

The wimp (Gerald Ruiz)

The bully (Caleb caster)
The teacher ( Rhoads)

School hall

3rd point of view

Description of events: Wimp walking down the hallway

Desired Image: in a canted angle, carrying his school stuff, Alone, walking to his
next class.

Scene 2
Description of events: Bully bumps into wimp on purpose.

Desired Image: in a medium shot wimps stuff on the ground, bully laughing. Wimp
picking up all his papers.

Scene 3
Description of events: wimp walks away with a frown on his face to next class.

Desired Image: close up picture showing how the wimp is feeling. Bully walking
away with his friends laughing.

Scene 4
Description of events: wimp thinking in classroom about what to do.

Desired Image: in a medium shot wimp is looking up, thinking face, not focused on
his work.

Scene 5
Description of events: wimp tells the teacher about what happened in the hall.

Desired Image: in a two shot the wimp is talking to the teacher about what

Scene 6
Description of events: Teacher is talking to the bully.

Desired Image: in a full shot the teacher tells the bully about what happened and
tells him to apologize to the wimp but he apologizes in a rude way.

Scene 7
Description of events: bully is talking to wimp after the teacher leaves.

Desired Image: in a high angle the teacher leaving in the back and bully telling the
wimp that he better watch out for being a snitch.

Scene 8
Description of events: wimp face with fear

Desired Image: in a entrapment shot the wimp is under a door by himself. You know
he has problems.

Scene 9
Description of events: after school the bully sees the wimp by himself

Desired Image: in a low angle the bully is walking up to the wimp.

Scene 10
Description of events: the wimp get beat up by the bully for telling the teacher.

Desired Image: in a dominant angle the bully is punching the wimp in the ground.

Scene 11
Description of events: teacher comes out to stop the bully from the fight.

Desired Image: In a duality shot the teacher running to bully, bully is on the ground
with wimp.

Scene 12
Description of events: Teacher calls the bullys parents to tell them about what he

Desired Image: In a light cutting shot the teacher is on the phone and the bully is
sitting down in a chair.

Description of events: Bullys mom talking about his consequences for doing what
he did.

Desired Image: The bullys mom is talking to her son, she looks really mad.

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