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Unit Title: FROGS

Big Idea: Amphibian Extinction Crisis

Cross Curriculum:
Year Level/student group: Year 3/4

Proposed Duration of Unit : 6 weeks approx

Planned by : Barbara Henderson

Why This Inquiry?At the end of 2013 I was given tadpoles for the GEP room by a
student. Over the summer holidays they developed into frogs. I brought them in to show
the Year 3 /4 s and 5/6s. The students sat around the tank and asked me questions
Can I please touch one? What are those things crawling on the apple? (wingless
fruitflies) do frogs eat apples? and so on. Their knowledge seemed very basic and that
together with high interest and the importance of frogs to the balance of nature
indicated an inquiry topic opportunity.
What do we hope students will
understand by the end of this
1. Of the 7 introduced
frogs from 18oos, only 3
survive. Of the 4 native
frogs, all are threatened
with extinction.
2. Frogs are monitors of
biological health semi
permeable skin means
very affected by climate
change, toxins in
ecosystems. Extinction of
frogs would have
What transferable, robust, big
ideas will they gain?
What is important and relevant
for these students?
1. Authentic context to
learn inquiry skills.
2. Consequences of
amphibian extinction.

Prior Knowledge: What do we know? Circle map

webbed feet, can be eaten but in France, mostly
green, Brazilian midget frog can stand on a finger,
jump, swim in water, start as eggs that look like
eyes, nocturnal, can be pets, poison dart frogs,
amphibians, like moisture.

Question and focus: What do we want to find out?

1. Find out about a frog's physical appearance and
2.Research frog evolution where did they come
from?. Jackson/Jamie
3.Is it safe to hold or touch a frog and why is it safe/not
4.What is the difference between toads and frogs?
5.Find out the scientific name for a frog. Where did the
word frog come from?
6. Do frogs live all over the world - even the Arctic?
Where do most frogs come from?David/Anton
7.What are a frog's enemies and how do they keep
safe? Roman
8. Exactly what is a frog's diet? Florence
9. What are the general colour groups and types of
frogs that can be found - NZ? Other parts of the world.
Research: How will we find out and record our
findings? Brainstorm questions choose which
questions you would like to research. Use internet

Organise and interpret: How will we organise and

show the new knowledge and make connections?
Powerpoint each pair has 2 pages/research.

Sharing: How will we share our findings?

Plan to make a class powerpoint.
Two Stars and Two Wishes: Peer Reflection
Share each slide- offer stars and wishes. Teacher
records stars and wishes, feed forward.

Lift off!!!!

Reflect on my learning

Key concepts/Questions

Key Resources (reflecting understandings)

Do we know any experts in the area? Can we
draw on expertise within our community?

Contact Auckland Zoo herpetologist.

What internet resources are available?

What materials are available to us? (books, CD
Rom, videos, charts etc.)
What are some of the texts that are likely to be
drawn on in this unit?

End of unit action/performance task

Is there a major task/event/action that
students may undertake towards the end of the
unit that will demonstrate understanding and
allow them to link theory to practice?
How will this proposed task need to be prepared

Share their learning with a year 2

class invite either room 10,11 or 12
to Room 18 so that the frog inquiry
experts can share their learning.

Research their inquiry questions

synthesize into a powerpoint

Teaching as Inquiry
Information gathering skills: as a GEP group
they had lots of great questions. We framed
their questions together and recorded these on
flipchart page.
I initially helped with locating information sites.
To find worthwhile sites 1. Had to be NZ 2. Had
to be govt site or Nat Geographic, Dept of

Create a poster If frogs
disappeared I would notice because

Roman and Florence (both year 3)

asked for help, basic laptop use skills
not there Florence unsure how to
get onto internet. Worked one on one
with them both.
They started to record info
Florence: what do frogs eat? Lists of
food and Roman: what eats frogs? He
added lots of images of predators
David : can frogs survive in cold
temps? Recorded wood frogs and
told me Ive finished. Anton:
redirected him to where in the world
do frogs live (need to check in that
this focus includes which ones live in
Frankie/Evie: can you touch a frog?
Collecting relevant info rather than
Jackson/Jamie: where did frogs
come from?Jackson: led to
developing own timeline of evolution.
Jamie: two lives connection, both
caught the animation bug, need to
bring back in to the focus.
CONNECTIONS will teach lesson
on amphibian extinction each needs
to add text box Important to know
this because

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