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Make a regular monthly date for your pec check

Mark your calendar to stay on track and reduce your anxiety of any pec changes.


Start in the bath or shower

In a warm bath or shower, use soap to create a soapy layer. Soaped skin is easier to examine.


Check your pec texture

Raise your left arm over your head. With your right hand, group your index, middle, and ring finger
together. Starting at the outer edge, place your fingers flat on your skin, press down and move in small
circles. Do not rush, and repeat until you have checked the entire pec area.


Check your nipple

Gently squeeze the nipple between the index and ring finger. Look for discharge, puckering, or
retraction (pulling inward).


Check both sides

Repeat steps 2-4 on the other pec.


Visual examination

After shower or bath, use a mirror large enough to view both pecs. Look for asymmetry and skin
changes (rash, puckers, and dimples).


How to handle a lump

Most lumps in male breasts are due to gynecomastia, which is a benign condition.
About 80% of all breast lumps are not cancerous.
If you feel any change in your pecs that cause concern, see your doctor for a clinical pec exam.

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