It Was A Few Minutes To Midnight

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It was a few minutes to midnight.

Chris was all alone in his room reading the conversation that he
just couldnt believe it was true. But there it was. n 20 minutes near the bridge Adrian, said to Chris
boyfriend. Adrian, the one who was always trying to get John. It didnt matter to Chris anything else.
He might have said.With trembling hands he got dressed and went to his mother.
Mum I;m going out said Chris, trying not to meet her eyes, fearing that she might know the real
reason he wanted to leave the house
At this hour? Where?said his mum a little bit irritated
donwtown, my mates are already there and theyve called me if I fancy a walk. Theyve been there a
few hours already but I didnt feel like going out earlier but I am now, he said with his eyes fixed on a
spot on the wall
okay, how long youre staying?. His mum was clearly suspicious
not much, 2 hours tops. That spot really was very interesting.
Fine. Be careful then
Bye mum
He closed the door and then started to run on the stairs. As he got out, tears started to fall off his

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