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Name: Krystal Williams

School: Dry Creek Elementary

Subject/Grade: Reading/Third Grade
Length of Lesson: 45-60 minutes
What other curricular areas will the unit cover?
Technology, Writing
Stage 1 Desired Results
Standard(s): Link to CDE Website
1. Comprehension strategies are necessary when reading
informational or persuasive text
Increasing word understanding, word use, and word
relationships increases vocabulary
Essential Questions:

Students will understand that

There is a main idea and

key details to every story
It is possible to use the
illustrations in order to
understand vocabulary

Students will know

Questions/Scenario that focuses the learner

probes for deeper meaning

How can you use

illustrations to help you
better understand the story?
How are the key details in
the story used to support
the message or moral of the

Students will be able to

How to identify the main

idea, key details, and moral
of a story
Use new vocabulary words
from the story in sentences

Use the video reading of the

story in order to follow along
and help them with filling
out their worksheet

- Moral
- Key Details
- Main idea
- Illustration
Vocab from book:
- Treasure, Adventure, Exclaim, Met, Courageous, Hunt, Dense, Afraid,
Alert, Swift, Meadow, Mounted, Galloping, Thrilling, Transported, Spoke

Stage 2 Assessment Evidence

What will you accept as evidence that shows the students understand
the concepts?
Attach assessment rubric

Performance Tasks:
Accurately completes the
worksheet to demonstrate their
knowledge of the story

Other Evidence:
Student watches the video and
follows along using my notes to
better understand the story.

Stage 3 Learning Plan

Students will watch the read along video for the book The
Greatest Treasure by Amit Garg with a partner. They will use
the notes that I provide on the side of the screen and the
illustrations to help them point out key vocabulary words and
follow along with the story. I will then give them a worksheet
to help them better understand the story. It will walk them
through the main idea and key ideas of the story, it will ask
them to use the key vocabulary words in sentences and draw
pictures, it will ask them to state what the moral of the story
was and how the key ideas supported this.
Low- With the help of a teacher aid we will help students that are
struggling with filling out the worksheet or understanding the meaning
of vocabulary words. If they do not understand help them to use the
High- Let the partner groups that are doing well work on their own.
Worksheets (see below)

Name: __________
Book Review
1. The title of the book is ___________________.
2. The author of the book is __________________.
3. The main characters are: ________________________
4. Draw a picture of any particular part of the book:

5. What was the main idea of the book?

6. Use four vocabulary words from the book in a sentence
and draw a picture to go with the sentence you created.




7. Write about three different key ideas from the text.

8. What was the moral of the story?

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