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About us...

Well set the scene.

1989. Belgium. Boy on bike. (Ok, make that a young
man of 32.) As our aspiring young homebrewer rides
his mountain bike with fat tires through European villages famous for beer, New Belgium Brewing Company was but a glimmer in his eye. Or basement. For Jeff
Lebesch would return to Fort Collins with an imagination full of recipes and a handful of ingredients ready to
embark on a whole new journey.
And then there was beer.
Jeffs first two basement-brewed creations? A brown
dubbel with earthy undertones named Abbey and a
remarkably well-balanced amber he named Fat Tire.
To say the rest was history would be to overlook his
wifes involvement. Kim Jordan was New Belgiums
first bottler, sales rep, distributor, marketer and financial
planner. And now, shes our CEO.
Electrical engineer meets social worker; ideals flourish.
The other side of the New Belgium story might not
seem as romantic as bicycling through Europe; but it
gives testament to our dedication, hard work and continuous push for invention. It goes like this:
Jeffs Belgian inspired brews garnered enough praise
from friends and neighbors that Jeff and Kim took their
basement brewery commercial in 1991. Kim, social
worker by day and mother to two always, began the
marketing process by knocking on their neighbors
door. Anne Fitch was that neighbor and her watercolors
are the artwork we continue to use on our labels today.
With labeled bottles and local encouragement, the first
Belgian-style beers brewed in the United States were
officially for sale.
Bringing on Peter Bouckaert, a Belgian Brewmaster
previously working at Rodenbach, in 1996 helped
influence our love of sour beers. Moving forward, Peter
would take the brewing reins as Jeff began pursuing
other interests. In 2009, Jeff moved on completely and
we have continued to flourish with Kim, Peter, and a
team of dedicated employee-owners at the helm.

How you can reach us

Please call:
1-888-NBB-4044 or locally at 970-221-0524
Visit us at:
New Belgium Brewing Company
500 Linden
Fort Collins, Colorado 80524 USA
If our form doesnt fit your feedbackin needs,
go ahead and let loose in an email to:
Sign up for brewery tours online at:

What fine States and Territories do we

deliver to?
District of Columbia

New Mexico
North Carolina
North Dakota
South Carolina
South Dakota

New Belgium

Fort Collins, CO

March 2014

Enjoy our brand new beers!

Sour beers... what?

Here at New Belgium, we pride ourselves in
doing things different and unique in everything we do, and we hope that our loyal
customers see those actions in our final
products. One of these things that we take
pride in are our sour beers. Now if youve
never had a sour beer, you may be wondering what the heck it is and what it tastes like
and we dont blame you because we wondered the same thing when we started this
whole process.

I associate sour beers with farmhouse, with this

is a small town, this is the beer we make, like it
or not, theres another brewery down the street.

Put simply, we bring in old win barrles such

as massive old French oak barrels from California and brew our beloved beer in them for
months - even years. This process brings out
bacteria and old wine flavors from the barrels to bring a sour taste to the beer. Because
each barrel can be different, and each wine
in them could have been different, the tastes
vary from barrel to barrel, which makes for
constant very unique flavors.

With three sour beers, La Folie (a sour

brown ale), Transalantique Kriek (a Lambic
ale with Polish cherries), and La Lerrior (a
dry-hopped sour ale) currently being made
in our brewery there is something for everyone who wants to try our brewing scientists
madness creations. Come try them at our
brewery, by scheduling a tour online or find
them at local restaraunts and bars listed on
our website!

Lauren Salazar, cellar manager and blender

This month we have released our new seasonal spring beer, Spring Blonde, and our brand
new sour-inspired wheat beer, Snapshot. Both
of these beers are products of long work and
dedication to not only trying to bring some
of the best beer on the market, but to give our
customers what they expect from New Belgium.
Snapshot got its name from the capturing
of an unfiltered wheat beer, and the full refreshment of a flash of tart at the finish. New
Belgiums affinity for sour beers led to the
in-process blending of lactobacillus to pucker
up Snapshots base and present to you a beer
like none other.
Inspired by employee-owners who have celebrated their 5-year anniversary
with a spring trip to Belgium,
Spring Blonde is brewed with
pale and Munich malts. The
golden ale pours bright copper
and holds a strong, white head
aloft. Perfect for anyone who
loves Blondes!

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