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5th Grade Lesson Plan

Date: Weeks _10-13__

Learning Target: I can use the information Ive learned to build my own Macys
Thanksgiving Day Parade Float.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What do students need to learn to be able to answer the Learning Target?
Activating Strategy: (Before the lesson starts)
Show Discovery Education Board Builder.
Let them preview Macys Day Parade in 2013.
Teaching Strategies: (During the lesson)
Compare and contrast an older black and white Macys Day Parade video on DE.
Introduce to them what a marionette is.
Balloons are usually made of popular characters. Discuss what types of characters we
would see this year in the parade.


Assignment and/or Extended Thinking Activity:

Students will create their own balloon that they would
create to use in the Macys Day Parade.

1.TT.1.1, 2.TT.1.1, 3.TT.1.1 Use

a varity of technology tools to
gather data and information

Book search and check-out

Check out first 15 minutes of class.

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