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Panduan Penyelesaian Tugas Individu

Berikut ini adalah panduan bagaimana menyelesaikan tugas individu. Buatlah laporan tugas individu ke1 dengan membuat peta konsep dari bagian tema informasi yang ditugaskan oleh kelompok Anda.
Langkah-langkah yang perlu diperhatikan dalam penyelesaian tugas individu adalah:
1. Pelajari panduan tatacara pembuatan peta konsep di bawah ini.
2. Cari dan pelajarilah informasi yang berkaitan dengan tugas yang diberikan oleh kelompok Anda.
3. Mulailah merumuskan kata-kata yang dapat digunakan dalam peta konsep.
4. Buatlah peta konsepnya.
5. Tulislah keterangan tentang peta konsep tersebut.
6. Tulislah daftar acuan yang digunakan untuk menyelesaikan tugas individu ini.
7. Laporan tugas individu ini maksimum dua halaman.
8. Format tugas individu diletakkan di akhir panduan ini.

Concept Mapping (Peta Konsep)

What is concept mapping?

Concept mapping is a technique for representing what you know about a given topic. It is a process of
creating a visual map or web of your knowledge. Creating a concept map is a good way for you to
identify key concepts in lectures and readings. It also allows you to show how different pieces of
information relate to one another.

concept maps are visual representations of what we know about a topic and consist of nodes and labeled
links. Concepts are sets of specific objects, symbols, or events that share common characteristics. Nodes
correspond to the concepts or important terms related to your study/ research topic.
The meaning of a concept is determined by a list of its properties, which are, in turn, other concepts.
Actually, most concepts do not exist in isolation but rather as part of a set of related concepts. For
example, the concept water can be defined by other concepts, such as liquid, solid, and gas. The
meaning of each concept is determined by its relation to other concepts.
Nodes correspond to the concepts or important terms related to your studies of a topic. For example, the
concept water can be defined by other concepts, such as liquid, solid, and gas. The relationship of
each concept to other concepts determines its meaning. As you can see, a concept map is a set of
relationships among other concepts.
Labeled links identify the type of relationship. Therefore, the line between a pair of concepts denotes a
relationship, and the label on the line tells how the two concepts are related.

How to Develop a Concept Map

Remember, a concept map is a visual representation of what you know about a topic. It helps you to
organize, analyze, and communicate your studies and research. Now that you know what a concept map
is and all the components, let's see how you would create one for yourself.
The process of concept mapping involves three major steps:
1. Determine key concepts related to the topic
2. Build up concepts to elaborate key concepts
3. Identify links between concepts
Step 1: Determine key concepts related to the topic
List all the concepts related to the topic which you consider essential to understanding the topic. For
example, for the topic "cooperative learning" Jose determined the key concepts to be:
Team Responsibilities
Individual Responsibilities

Basic Elements
Expected Behaviors

Step 2: Build up concepts to elaborate key concepts

After defining the key concepts, you then expand on those concepts. Ask yourself the question:
What are the important concepts, facts, ideas, terms, etc. which explain the key concept?
Step 3: Identify links between concepts.
It is important to show how or why certain concepts relate to one another. This is called linking
basically explaining the connection between two separate parts of your concept map.
Principles about Linking
o Indicate the exact nature of the relationship:
It is important that your link labels fully describe the relationship between the two
concepts. This means making the labels more than simply relates to or is connected
to. Labels should indicate the exact nature of the relationship.
o Interlink existing concepts as much as possible.
Links may connect to, or be related to, more than one concept be sure to link all related
concepts together.

Why is linking important?

By establishing links between concepts you are able to see the big picture and gain a deeper
understanding of a topic. In fact, your goal is to attempt to link every concept in your concept
map to every other. Trying to establish links helps you focus on which concepts are most
important in order to understand a topic and identify areas within a map that you might need to
work on a little more. For example, you may need to expand a map by establishing sub-concepts,
or you may even need to eliminate concepts that turn out to be unimportant for a particular topic.
Here are the most common words used in link labels:
Inclusion Links
Subset: is included in, is contained in, is example of, is part of
Superset: include, contain, consist of, has example, has part of
Characteristic Links has characteristic/is characteristic of
has attribute/is attribute of
has type/is type of
Action Links
Function: cause/is caused by
function as/is used for
Operation: act on/is acted on by
generate/is generated by
regulate/is regulated by
determine/is determined by

Process Links

Temporal Links

Similarity Links

increase/is increased by
has process/is process in
has input/is input to
has output/is output of
has step/is step in
is similar to
is like
is opposite to

Assessment of a concept mapping

1. Criteria for assessing concepts, also referred to as nodes, include:
o Accuracy of concepts. Is the learners perception of the content domain accurate? Are
the concepts correctly labeled?
o Breadth of concepts. Does the concept map reflect the breadth of the content domain? A
concept map with a greater number of nodes reflects greater breadth.
o Depth of concepts. Does the concept map reflect the depth of the content domain? The
depth of the map is measured by the number of levels of concepts.
o Relative importance of concepts. Are major and minor concepts represented as such? Is
greater weight given to more important concepts?
2. Criteria for assessing relations, also referred to as links, include:
o Validity of links. Are the relationships established between concepts or nodes valid? If
the map is hierarchical, are hierarchical links established? Likewise, are causal links
established if the map is causal?
o Preciseness of link labels. Are the labels used to describe the exact nature of the
o Economical use of links. Are links established in the most economical way possible,
without becoming too general in nature?

Format laporan tugas individu

(Keseluruhan laporan, maksimum 2 halaman)
Kelas Matakuliah / Dosen
Nama Mahasiswa
Tema Tugas Individu


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1. Gambar Peta Konsep yang dibuat.

2. Penjabaran peta konsep: tuliskan penjelasan/ keterangan dan informasi yang ingin disampaikan
dalam peta konsep tersebut untuk menyelesaikan tuga individu ini.
3. Daftar acuan: daftarkan semua acuan yang digunakan untuk menyelesaikan tugas ini.

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