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Analytics Metrics

The critical aspect of online marketing is an intimate understanding of analytics surrounding a web
1. Where do these metrics come from: Web analytic metrics are easy to collect (due to freely
available tools such as Google analytics) but can be challenging to construct due to modular
nature of reporting tools and the need customize the interface and reporting options for an
optimal experience relative to the measurement criteria
2. What do these metrics mean and how are the calculated : these metrics do not require any
calculating as the are provided by analytics with the exception of page rank
Pack Rank : When user conducts a search on Google the resulting links are ordered
based onvariables which Google does not disclose and whose algoritms are update on a
weekly basis
Loyalty rate : This metric is ameasure of visit quality and reports the percentage of single
page visits in which the user left asite from the same page they entered
Total visits : The most basic measure of website traffic and the effectiveness of
promotional efforts is provided by the total number of visits within any period of time
New versus returning visitors : This metric attemps to categorize visitors as either being
new (never having visited the website before) or those known to have previosly visited
the website and are hence identified as returning
Absolute Unique Visitors: Unlike new versus returning which counts the type of visit ,
unique (or absolute unique) visitors represents the number of unduplicated visitors
(those who are only counted once) to a website during specified time period
Page views : The metric measures every instance that a webpage is loaded (and
presumably viewed by a user)
Depht of Visit : The Metric represents the number pf pageviews per visit
Total Time spent : like loyalty rate and depth of visit a measure of the amount of time a
user spent on a website is an indicator of visit quality
Refferers : referree metrocs represent some of the most underapreciated data in all of
new media marketing. When users arrive at a website via link from another website
online marketers can learn where that link originated from whether from a media
source , a partner or affialiate of some sort a blog or social media site such as facebook
or twiter
3. Who benefits most from these metrices -> Analytics metrics provide basic user
demographics such as country of origin , perating system , browserusage , time spent on the
website which page were visited, which website or campaign refered the user what path
the user took through the website and more

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