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Texts and Translations

Latin text

English translation

Christus vincit; Christus regnat; Christus Imperat. Christ has overcome; Christ reigns; Christ
Benedicto summo pontifici et universalis patri:
Pax, vita et salus perpetua.

To Benedict, pope and universal father:

Tempora bona veniat;

Peace, life and eternal salvation.

Pax Christi veniat;

May good times come;

Regnum Christi veniat.

May the peace of Christ come;

Spanish translation
Cristo vence; Cristo reina; Cristo impera.

May Christ's kingdom come.

Latvian text
Kristus uzvar, Kristus valda, Kristus triumf!

Benedicto sumpo pontifice y padre universal:

Chinese translation

Paz, vida y salud perpetua.

Vengan los buenos tiempos;
Venga la paz de Cristo;
Venga el reino de Cristo

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