Practicum Learning Outcomes and Success Criteria 1

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Teacher Refresher Practicum Criteria.

Learning outcomes


Assessment criteria
1.1 social, cultural and political influences impacting on
pedagogical practice are critically reflected upon in
relation to professional decision making and personal

1. Critically analyse the

contextual complexities
associated with own
teaching and the
effectiveness of own

1.2 legislative requirements and school policies are

discussed and implemented


2. Communicate effectively
and establish professional
relationships within the
professional educational

2.1 effective communication within the educational

community of the school is maintained
consistently and critically reflected upon
2.2 effective professional relationships within the
educational community of the school are maintained
consistently and critically reflected upon

Associate Teacher:

Associate Comment

Discussed with AT and other professional colleagues

the cultural aspects of the school environment such as
the Goals of a Catholic, Marist education and the ways
it impacts on the teachers roles
Discussed potential approaches to ensuring the
educational achievements of Maori and Pacifica
Based decisions about teaching on Class profiles to
meet needs of diverse learners.
Used variety of phrases in Pasifica languages;
Making sure to address students by their names;
Participate in school masses, special functions such as
thanks giving and prize giving

Discussed with the team the code of ethics (displayed

in staff room);
Collaboratively worked with the department staff by
asking questions relating to my professions duties and
within my subject, asking subject specific
Established positive relationships with both students
and colleagues;
Treating students with respect.

Use the Pacifica and Maori greeting

words in class.
Read the students profile and have a
sound understanding of the students
strengths and weaknesses.
Attended the staff briefing and
assembly every day.

From my classroom observation,

Natasha maintains a good relationship
between students. Students are willing
to ask her questions if any queries.
Treat them with respect and fair. She
spent equally time on each group

Developed from University of Auckland Faculty of Education Practicum Handbook. Revised Version 2013.

- Discussed with associate teacher before

Planned Level 1 unit based on the relevant
each lesson.
assessment information and in collaboration
- Clear lesson plan and manage the time
3.2 childrens learning is consistently monitored, analysed
very well on each lesson.
and evaluated through a range of assessment
Achieved clarity of learning by stating
- Learning Intention and Success Criteria
learning intentions and success criteria and by
3.3 extended teaching/learning experiences are effectively
planned, implemented and evaluated (across a range
are clearly stated in class. Clearly
making them clear and constantly accessible
of curriculum areas) with multiple groups and whole
explain the LI every lesson and
to students;
3.4 pedagogical practice is critically reflected upon in
checked the SC the end of the lesson.
Provided individual student feedback and
relation to a written personal, professional
- Class work level are suitable for high
feed forward based on the assessment of their
3.5 appropriate management strategies to enhance
and low achieved students.
work by discussing the results with
childrens social competence are ethically selected,
- Use different activities to maintain
effectively implemented and critically evaluated
individuals and writing brief reports
students interest.
emphasising next step.
Use the Easttle results and put students
Discussed with students next steps enabling
into different groups according to their
them to meet learning objectives;
Diversified teaching to meet individual
- Natashas classroom management skill
student needs by implementing group work,
is good and able to manage the difficult
work in pairs and by differentiating tasks;
situation in a clam way.
Used deliberate teaching acts such as
She focused on the vocabularies every
modelling, think aloud, scaffolding,
day to boost up the literacy level of the
prompting and brainstorming ideas
class. This is useful for students to
techniques consistently throughout the
learn Statistics and Probability.
lessons in order to unpack students prior and
build up a new knowledge and skills;
Used variety of activities such different
matching exercises, fill in gaps/boxes and
tables in order to engaged students in leaning.
Variety of activities was informed by prior
observation (focus: behaviour, level of
attention, ability to work collaboratively /
independently) of students with objective to
meet the students leaning needs and fully
engage them with learning;
Participated in E-asTTle, analysed and
discussed the results with the associate
Been involved with after school tutorial at the
Learning centre;
Developed from University of Auckland Faculty of Education Practicum Handbook. Revised Version 2013.

3. Demonstrate effective
pedagogical practice that is
informed by theory,
research, practice and a
personal philosophy

3.1 planning is informed by effective use of curricula and

content knowledge, policy documents, appropriate
learning and teaching approaches, inclusive practice
and current assessment information

4. Consistently demonstrate
and reflect upon
ethical/professional practice
as expected of a
provisionally registered
teacher in Aotearoa/New

4.1 professional agency is appropriately exercised

and critically reflected upon

4.2 requirements stipulated by the NZ Teachers Council,

and the NZTCGTS are demonstrated appropriately
4.3 practicum related professional development goals are
effectively actioned and evaluated critically

4.4 the moral and political dimensions of professional

dilemmas are critically reflected upon
4.5 ethical professional practice is consistently
demonstrated and critically reflected upon

Professional documented involvement in

teaching and learning through critical
Sought feedback from associate teacher in
order to improve my teaching techniques and
Critically reflected on the feedback, and
developed a plan for next steps in my own
professional development;
Observed students over different classes and
activities, and then discussed classroom
management techniques and effective
approaches with the associate teacher and
other teaches involved with the particular

Natasha works very hard on preparing

the lesson and she is willing to listen
the feedback from the associate
teachers after each lesson.
Followed the associate teachers
suggestions and willing to improve her
lessons every time.

with the associate teacher and other teaches

involved with the particular class

Developed from University of Auckland Faculty of Education Practicum Handbook. Revised Version 2013.

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