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Name: Team China: Melissa, Faith, Tasha & Haley, Com 101 Summer 2013

Assignment: As a group, you are going to prepare us for a fantastic business trip to get the
deal made in your group's country. Your job is to make sure we understand the culture of
our destination, particularly when it comes to communications and customs. What are the
similarities and differences we will encounter? Share the "dos" and "don'ts" that we need
to keep in mind, especially body language. We need to make sure we have a successful
business meeting. (Note: this is not a travel agent presentation, but a business presentation
to get us ready to get the job done with our potential partners in your country.)
Title: Successful Business Communications in China
General Purpose: Our purpose is to equip our audience with the tools needed for a
successful business trip from a communication perspective.
Specific Purpose: At the end of my presentation, the audience will be able to
successfully communicate in the business realm by being cognizant of key cultural differences
and best practices/ pitfalls
Central Idea: Successful business transactions are powered by effective communication
regardless of culture if an individual takes the necessary steps to prevent culture shock.
Visual Aid: PowerPoint (intro, photos of meetings, proper greeting, business card and
Attention Getter: The simple power of the business card!
Greet the Audience/Introduce Yourself: Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentleman, my
name is Melissa Sabin, I am joined today by Tasha Johnson and Faith Amirikian.
Introduce the Topic: Today we plan discuss key cultural differences in Chinese culture
which impact both verbal and nonverbal communication. Once we have an understanding of
these key differences we are will discuss the top communication tips to ensure business success
as well as potential pitfalls.
Reason to Listen: Regardless of travel, understanding Chinese communication will be
an asset in conducting any international business transaction that involves Chinese culture.
V. Credibility Statement: Research has proven that successful business communication is
dependent on any individuals understanding of the unique differences and everyone has the
power to prevent culture shock.
VI. Preview: Our presentation will be comprised of two components. To begin, Tasha will
provide an understanding of the comparisons between Chinese and US culture to build a
foundation. Faith will then discuss the top key tips or best practices to follow to ensure business
communication success with individuals native to the Chinese culture.
Transition: At this point I would like to turn over the presentation to Tasha Johnson and she is
going to begin by discussing cultural differences and provide our foundation for understanding
Chinese culture.

I. Cultural Differences
1. Characteristics of Americans, impatience, self oriented
2. Perceived as rude and informal

Transition: Now lets start to break down our key differences Chinese Culture
B. China
1. Formal by nature, patient
2. Group oriented
3. Share photos and transition
Transition: Since we have examined the key cultural differences I am going to turn it over to
Faith who will share how we apply this knowledge and cover the top key actions/ pitfalls to
ensure business success.
II. Lets examine a few key components for success.
A. Keys to success
1. Dress code
2. Appointment Structure
3. Greeting, eye contact (share picture of Obama)
4. Business card etiquette (share picture of correct business card)
Transition: Lastly, we would like to share a few critical pitfalls to avoid.
B. Pitfalls to avoid
1. Informality
2. Casual demeanor
Transition: So as discussed, we need to ensure that we keep both the pitfalls and keys to
success in our back pocket throughout our travels. I am going to turn the presentation back to
Melissa to wrap it up
I. Summary: Thank you Faith,
Memorable Statement: As we all know, knowledge is power! Every individual has
the ability to prevent culture shock. As Tasha noted there are many reasons why we need
to understand cultural differences for effective communication. Also keep Faiths pro tips
handy when transacting Chinese business. Collectively this knowledge will ensure a great
III. Thank You Statement: Thank you for viewing our presentation today and I would
like to leave you with one thought: fail to plan and plan to fail! Ensure culture shock
doesnt happen to you!
1. Top Ten Things to Know About Chinese Communications and Culture
2. Harvard Business Review Negotiating in China; John L. Graham, N. Mark Lam; October 13,
3. Business Etiquette and Protocol in China
4. Cross Culture communication
6. Communicating for Results, ninth edition, A Guide for Business and the Professionals; Cheryl
Hamilton, 2010

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