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The Taste of Melon By Borden Deal

Below are study questions to help you understand and analyse the short stories in
Stories of Ourselves. Always answer in complete sentences, and use examples from
the stories where relevant. I would also like to encourage you to write detailed,
complete answers; dont be too easily satisfied with what you have written.
The Lemon Orchard by Alex la Guma
See Wikipedia Alex la Guma.
Underline all the words in Afrikaans and find out what they mean. How
effective is the writers use of local language?
Find examples of la Gumas use of leitmotif(s). What is the function of these
motifs in the story?
What can you say about the point of view in The Lemon Orchard? Is it
fixed? Give examples to support your ideas. Point of view determines what the
reader sees in a story. How important is this in The Lemon Orchard?
Consider the title. How important in the lemon orchard in this story? Is it an
effective title? Can you think of an alternative title?

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