Syllabusfall 131

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SCHOOL: Education
DEPARTMENT: Teacher Education
COURSE TITLE: Developmental Reading: Elementary
CREDIT: 3 cr. Hrs
PREPARED BY: Jeanie Cozens
SEMESTER: Fall 2013


Educ 342 (F, S, Su)
3 hrs. cr.
Explore, study and apply a variety of reading strategies that provide understanding of effective, current text-based
and experience-based teaching practices; review and compile information from journals/literature which includes
research, ideas, trends, methods, and experiences relevant to developmental reading; evaluate various reading
approaches and programs; construct reading enrichment materials; and develop an attitude that will positively affect
the self-concept of children with diverse learning styles, abilities, backgrounds, and attitudes as they learn to read.
Includes practicum. Prerequisite: Junior Block. Levels: Undergrad(Course and student)
Schedule Types: Blended (ITV Plus Internet), Structured Class, Combined Methods (Hybrid), Distance Learning
The conceptual framework upon which this course is built is the premise that every child deserves the opportunity to
learn to read in the easiest way possible and to develop a positive attitude toward reading as a leisure/lifetime
activity. Included in the conceptual framework is the idea that one of teachers major concerns is the development of
literacy, in accordance with the purposes state by the International Reading Association: 1) To improve the quality
of reading instruction at all levels; 2) to develop an awareness of the impact of reading among all peoples; and 3) to
promote the development among all peoples of a level of reading proficiency that is commensurate with each
individuals unique capacity. Following is how this course links to the subset components of the Conceptual
Framework. Teacher as Reflective Instructional Decision Maker: With the goal enhancing the teaching and learning
of reading,, students will include a wide variety of approaches, with an emphasis on childrens literature during
lesson planning and implementation; will create a living literacy classroom; and will include both quantitative and
qualitative assessment. Teacher as Researcher: Students will begin using The Reading Teacher and other
professional journals to research articles that support their Philosophy of Reading and locate effective teaching ideas
related to developmental reading. Students will be advised to consider professional societies, like International
Reading Association, as one source for their future roles as Teacher as Lifelong Learner (through IRAs professional
publications and research findings), Teacher as Change Agent (by becoming affiliated with other educators whose
focus is reading and who have connections with state and federal legislators who can affect change at a level
higher than the local district), and Teacher as Provider of Service (by presenting sessions of their own effective
reading practices at state, regional, and national conferences; consulting; and providing staff development).
The course is designed to provide the education major with knowledge about developmental reading in order to
become an effective teacher. Further, the intent of the course is to develop in the education major an attitude that
will enable him/her to achieve success in teaching children with diverse learning styles, backgrounds, attitudes, and
abilities in a manner that will not only strengthen students knowledge and skills, but enhance their self-concept as
Reading is presented as a viable component of the communication process (listening, speaking, writing, and
reading). Through experiences associated with the communication process, children most naturally express
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themselves creatively, think freely, problem solve, think critically, understand relationships, make decisions,
recognize human qualities in others, develop an awareness of self, imagine wondrous possibilities, and begin to see
themselves in the world context.


Standard #1 Content knowledge and perspectives aligned with appropriate instruction.

The teacher understands the central concepts, structures, and tools of inquiry of the discipline(s) and creates
learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful and engaging for all students. [SB
291 Section 161.380.2 (3) The teacher is prepared and knowledgeable of the content and effectively maintains
students ontask behavior.]
Quality Indicator 1: Content knowledge and academic language
Quality Indicator 2: Engaging students in subject matter
Quality Indicator 3: Disciplinary research and inquiry methodologies
Quality Indicator 4: Interdisciplinary instruction
Quality Indicator 5: Diverse social and cultural perspectives
Standard #2 Understanding and Encouraging Student Learning, Growth and Development
The teacher understands how students learn, develop and differ in their approaches to learning. The teacher
provides learning opportunities that are adapted to diverse learners and support the intellectual, social, and
personal development of all students. [SB 291 Section 161.380.2 (1) Students actively participate and are
successful in the learning process; (5) The teacher keeps current on instructional knowledge and seeks and explores
changes in teaching behaviors that will improve student performance.]
Quality Indicator 1: Cognitive, social, emotional and physical development
Quality Indicator 2: Student goals
Quality Indicator 3: Theory of learning
Quality Indicator 4: Meeting the needs of every student
Quality Indicator 5: Prior experiences, learning styles, multiple intelligences, strengths and needs
Quality Indicator 6: Language, culture, family and knowledge of community
Standard #3 Implementing the Curriculum
The teacher recognizes the importance of longrange planning and curriculum development. The teacher
develops, implements, and evaluates curriculum based upon standards and student needs. [SB 291 Section
161.380.2 (1) Students actively participate and are successful in the learning process; (2) Various forms of
assessment are used to monitor and manage student learning; (3) The teacher is prepared and knowledgeable of the
content and effectively maintains students ontask behavior; (5) The teacher keeps current on instructional
knowledge and seeks and explores teaching behaviors that will improve student performance.]
Quality Indicator 1: Implementation of curriculum standards
Quality Indicator 2: Develop lessons for diverse learners
Quality Indicator 3: Analyze instructional goals and differentiated instructional strategies
Standard #4 Teaching for critical thinking
The teacher uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage students critical thinking, problem solving,
and performance skills including instructional resources. [SB 291 Section 161.380.2 (1) Students actively
participate and are successful in the learning process.]
Quality Indicator 1: Instructional strategies leading to student engagement in problemsolving and critical thinking
Quality Indicator 2: Appropriate use of instructional resources to enhance student learning
Quality Indicator 3: Cooperative learning
Standard #5 Creating a positive classroom learning environment
The teacher uses an understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior to create a learning
environment that encourages active engagement in learning, positive social interaction, and selfmotivation.
[SB 291 Section 161.380.2 (3) The teacher is prepared and knowledgeable of the content and effectively maintains
students ontask behavior; (5) The teacher keeps current on instructional knowledge and seeks and explores
changes in teaching behaviors that will improve student performance.]
Quality Indicator 1: Classroom management, motivation, and engagement
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Quality Indicator 2: Managing time, space, transitions, and activities
Quality Indicator 3: Classroom, school and community culture
Standard #6 Utilizing Effective Communication
The teacher models effective verbal, nonverbal, and media communication techniques with students and
parents to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom. [SB 291 Section
161.380.2 (4) The teacher uses professional communication and interaction with the school community; (6) The
teacher acts as a responsible professional in the overall mission of the school.]
Quality Indicator 1: Verbal and nonverbal communication
Quality Indicator 2: Sensitivity to culture, gender, intellectual and physical differences
Quality Indicator 3: Learner expression in speaking, writing and other media
Quality Indicator 4: Technology and media communication tools
Standard #7 Use of Student Assessment Data to Analyze and Modify Instruction
The teacher understands and uses formative and summative assessment strategies to assess the learners
progress, uses assessment data to plan ongoing instruction, monitors the performance of each student, and
devises instruction to enable students to grow and develop. [SB 291 Section 161.380.2 (2) Various forms of
assessment are used to monitor and manage student learning; (5) The teacher keeps current on instructional
knowledge and seeks and explores changes in teaching behaviors that will improve student performance.]
Quality Indicator 1: Effective use of assessments
Quality Indicator 2: Assessment data to improve learning
Quality Indicator 3: Studentled assessment strategies
Quality Indicator 4: Effect of instruction on individual/class learning
Quality Indicator 5: Communication of student progress and maintaining records
Quality Indicator 6: Collaborative data analysis process
Standard #8 Professional Practice
The teacher is a reflective practitioner who continually assesses the effects of choices and actions on others.
The teacher actively seeks out opportunities to grow professionally in order to improve learning for all
students. [SB 291 Section 161.380.2 (2) Various forms of assessment are used to monitor and manage student
learning; (5) The teacher keeps current on instructional knowledge and seeks and explores changes in teaching
behaviors that will improve student performance; (6) The teacher acts as a responsible professional in the overall
mission of the school.]
Quality Indicator 1: Selfassessment and improvement
Quality Indicator 2: Professional learning
Quality Indicator 3: Professional rights, responsibilities and ethical practices
Standard #9 Professional Collaboration
The teacher has effective working relationships with students, parents, school colleagues, and community
members. [SB 291 Section 161.380.2 (4) The teacher uses professional communication and interaction with the
school community; (6) The teacher acts as a responsible
professional in the overall mission of the school.]
Quality Indicator 1: Roles, responsibilities, and collegial activities
Quality Indicator 2: Collaborating with historical, cultural, political and social context


By the completion of this course, the candidate will be able to

recognize literacy as an integrated process that results in comprehension/communication as a product,
engage students in activities that promote intrinsic motivation to read and write for pleasure and information
identify components of a comprehensive literacy program in the primary grades;
gain an understanding of how the primary grade child develops reading and writing skills in a supportive printrich environment;

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demonstrate an expanded understanding of what a systematic, explicit skills program would contain for early
readers and struggling readers, including elements of phonemic awareness, phonics instruction, the role of
different types of texts and assessment which informs instruction;
identify techniques, strategies, and materials for evaluating and meeting language needs and for promoting
reading and language growth for primary grade students.
emphasize the act of reading as an interactive/constructive transactional process between text, reader and writer,
involving graphophonics, semantics, syntax and student schemata;
demonstrate an understanding of the theory of language acquisition and teaching reading/language arts to the
culturally diverse and English Learners (EL)
demonstrate an understanding of the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Additionally, the candidate should
become knowledgeable about the rich variety of childrens trade books and related decodable texts available for
classroom use and the genre and application that they represent;
explore various authentic and formalized assessment tools as a viable form of evaluation (i.e. retelling guides,
kid-watching, anecdotal records, response journals, writing samples, portfolios, running records, and related
miscue analyses);
gain an understanding of the structure and function of early intervention models that are being used to support
struggling readers in the early primary grades.


This course has been designed to meet program QIs designated by MoSPE which relate to NCTE, ACEI, AND IRA.
The beginning elementary education teacher will demonstrate knowledge of and/or competency in the following
English/Language Arts areas of study:

Fundamentals and Effective Use of English: ACEI 2; NCTE 3.1, 3.2; IRA 2.4, 2.5, 7.6, 9.3
1.1 understands and models effective use of English, including its grammar, syntax, lexicon, history,
varieties (cultural and linguistic diversities), literature, and oral and written composing processes
1.2 understands the interrelation of reading and writing; listening and speaking; viewing and visually
1.3 teachers the fundamentals of the English Language Arts, including semantics, syntax, morphology,
and phonology


Language Development and Literacy: ACEI 3, 4, 15; NCTE 1.3.1; IRA 6, 1.7, 2.2, 2.3, 2.7, 3.1
2.1 understands how elementary children develop and how they learn to read, write, speak,
listen, view, and visually represent effectively.
2.2 understands the impact of physical, perceptual, emotional, social, cultural, environmental,
and intellectual factors on learning, language development, and reading acquisition
2.4 knows what preconceptions, error patterns, and misconceptions to expect in students
understanding of how language functions in communication, and helps students correct
their misunderstandings of the development and uses of language.
2.5 uses knowledge and understanding of first- and second-language to design instructional
programs and strategies that build on students experiences and existing language skills
and that result in students becoming competent, effective uses of language.


Reading and Comprehension Processes: ACEI 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13; NCTE 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7; IRA
1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 2.6, 2.12, 2.13, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 8.1
3.1 applies theory-based reading processes to foster student literacy
3.2 uses a variety of strategies to monitor and promote reading comprehension and the
ongoing development of independent vocabulary acquisition
3.3 uses a broad spectrum of narrative and expository reading materials, including works
written specifically for elementary-aged children, that include different topics, themes,
stories, poems, biography, and non-fiction; includes a range of cultures, works from a
range of genres, male and female authors, authors of color.
3.4 teaches students how to locate and use a variety of print, non-print, and electronic

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reference sources
3.5 teaches children to read with a comprehensive instructional program that includes an
emphasis on use of phonemic awareness, letter/sound relationships (phonics), context
(semantic and syntactic), and text that has meaning for students.
3.6 teaches students to read competently, to read fluently, and to enjoy reading through the
use of multiple instructional strategies, available instructional and information
technologies, and the wise selection of authentic reading.
3.7 helps students think critically about what they read
3.8 emphasizes individualized and personalized reactions to reading and the value of sharing
those responses.


Thinking and Communicating Through Writing, Speaking, and Listening: ACEI 11, 13, 14; NCTE 3.1, 3.2,
3.4; IRA 2.6, 2.7, 9.1, 9.2
4.1 uses a wide range of writing strategies to generate meaning and to clarify understanding
4.2 uses the process of composing to prepare information to share orally, visually, and/or in
written format
4.3 creates instruction, activities, and experiences that develop varied and effective writing,
speaking, and presentation skills to communicate with a variety of audiences for a variety
of purposes
4.4 provides students with many different writing and speaking experiences in order to teach
the skills of writing and speaking
4.5 helps students develop their capacities to listen so that they understand, consider,
respond to, and discuss spoken material, including non-fiction, stories, and poems.
Based on the MoSPE Program Competencies, the Missouri Elementary Education English/Language Arts
Competencies, and the course outline, candidates will complete the following outcomes to demonstrate
completion of the course competencies:
The following assignments are to be completed by each student and submitted through Blackboard unless
otherwise stated. Each student will meet the following course requirements:

Class Participation: Each candidate is expected to appropriately participate in class discussions and
activities. (MoSPE 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 4.3;ELA 1.2)
Practicum: Candidate will participate in an assigned number practicum periods of reading instruction
in an area elementary classroom. This experience is a required part of the course. (MoSPE 5.1, 5.2, 5.3,
6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 7.1,9.1)
Practicum Reflection: Candidate will complete a reflection after each practicum. (MoSPE 3.1, 3.2, 3.3,
5.1, 5.2: ELA 3.1, 4.3)
Each candidate will research five journal articles from Reading Teacher (published 1995-present).
Each journal synopsis will address the identified reading components and will be completed according
to a prescribed format. (MoSPE 1.1, 1.2, 1.5, 2.3, 2.4, 2.6; ELA 3.5, 4.2)
Quizzes: Each candidate will complete quizzes over the course material.
(MoSPE 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5; ELA 2.1, 2.5)
Exams: Each candidate will take two (2) exams; one at mid-term, and one at the end of the term. Each
exam will be a compilation of items from the weekly quizzes. (MoSPE 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5)
Professional Development Text-Reading with Meaning: Each candidate will read and complete a
reflection. (MoSPE 8.2)
Website: Each candidate will compile a collection of materials collected during course. (MoSPE 3, 4)

**The instructor reserves the right to alter assignments as deemed necessary.

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Tompkins, G. E. (2010). Literacy for the 21st century: A balanced approach. (5th ed). Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
Miller, D. (2002). Reading with meaning: Teaching comprehension in the primary grades.
Portland, ME: Stenhouse Publishers.
Student Subscription to Reading A-Z for $26.99. Use the code: purple-un1f3v
Journals including-The Reading Teacher
Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy
Developmental Reading Assessment k-3, 4-8
Childrens Literature-Newberry Awards
Caldecott Awards
Mark Twain Awards


The following methods and procedures will be evident during this course: lecture, small- and large-group
discussion, reading, composition, listening, questioning, cooperative learning, research, student
presentation, portfolio development, vocabulary development, critical thinking, decision making, problem
solving, individual/self evaluation, and content evaluation.


Each student will meet the following course requirements:
Attend class meetings.and practicum.
Complete ALL assignments.
Participate in class activities/discussions.
Complete all exams.

This class is one of the professional level classes in the Education program. In order to attend this class one must be
accepted into the School of Education, maintain the required grade point average, and be a junior or senior in the
degree program. Teacher Candidates are expected to display and maintain professional ethics both in the university
classroom and in the public school classrooms they will be visiting during their field experience. These ethics
include practices relating to work ethics, interpersonal relations, integrity, resourcefulness, and responsibility.
All work is to be submitted on time. All assignments are available on Blackboard and must be posted by Blackboard
by the due date. Late work will receive a 25% reduction in points for up to the first week. No credit will be given
for work over a week late. Points for all work will be totaled and a percentage grade will be given for the course.
ALL assignments must be completed.
Attendance/Participation: Teacher candidates are expected to attend all classes on time and remain for the entire
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period. If an absence should occur, the candidate is expected to be responsible for getting all announcements,
assignments, notes, and handouts missed in a timely manner. Candidates are allowed two excused absences. Each
absence after that will result in a reduction of 10% of the final grade in the course. Students are expected to
be responsible in maintaining records of their attendance throughout the semester. After four absences, or
the equivalent of two weeks, students will be asked to withdraw from the class.
All written assignments that involve referencing must be completed according to the current Publication Manual of
the American Psychological Association (APA).
**The basis of final grades in this course will be determined by performance on exams, written assignments,
projects, practicum, and participation in class. The grading system for this course is based upon the following
90% - 100% = A
80% - 89% = B
70% - 79% = C
60% - 69% = D
Below 60% = F
Cell Phones: Please be courteous and keep your cell phone ringer off. If you must respond immediately, please
conduct your conversation in the hallway. Text messaging, playing games, taking photographs, etc. are distracting to
your classmates and therefore, not acceptable activities during class time.
Borrowed Materials: Teacher candidates are free to borrow materials from the reading library by filling out a library
card and giving it to the course instructor. Materials must be returned to the library prior to the end of the course.
Extenuating Circumstances
Teacher candidates -- If a personal emergency occurs during the semester, a written request for an
incomplete, including a statement as to the reason for the request may be submitted to the course
instructor. It is up to the instructor's discretion to determine if the request will be honored.
(Computer problems are not considered emergency situations.)
Faculty -- According to needs (snow days, professional meetings, etc.) the course instructor may alter assignments
or due dates as the semester develops.
ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Missouri Southern State University is committed to academic integrity and expects all
members of the university community to accept shared responsibility for maintaining academic integrity. Academic
work is evaluated on the assumption that the work presented is the students own, unless designated otherwise.
Submitting work that is not ones own is unacceptable and is considered a serious violation of University policy.
Cheating is a serious offense that invalidates the purpose of a university education. Any student, who takes credit for
the work of another person, offers or accepts assistance beyond that allowed by an instructor, or uses unauthorized
sources for a test or assignment is cheating. Penalties for academic dishonesty may include a failing grade on the
assignment, a failing grade in the course, and the submission of a professional conduct concern form to the
department head.
NOTE: If you are an individual with a disability and require an accommodation for this class, please notify the
instructor or the Coordinator for Disability Services, at the Learning Center (417-659-3725).

Instructor Contact Information:

Dr. Jeanie Cozens
Office Hours-M 8:00-3:00, TTH 10:45-1:00, F by appointment
Cell phone-479-264-8397

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Additional Resources:
Allen, J. (1999). Words ,words,words: Teaching vocabulary in grades 4-12. Portland, ME: Stenhouse
Beck, I. L., McKeown, M. G., & Kucan, L. (2002). Bringing words to life: Robust vocabulary instruction. New
York: Guilford Press.
Collins-Block, C., & Pressley, M. (2002). Comprehension instruction: Research-based best practice. New York:
Guilford Press.
Flynt, E. S., & Cooter, R. B., Jr. (2004). The Flynt/Cooter Reading Inventory for the Classroom (5th ed.). Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall.
Fountas, I.C. & Pinnell, G.S. (1996). Guided reading. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Fountas, I.C., & Pinnell, G.S. (1999). Matching books to readers: Using leveled books in guided reading, K-3.
Portsmouth. NH: Heinemann.
Fry, E. B., Kress, J. E., & Fountoukidis, D. L. 1993). The reading teachers book of lists, (3rd Ed.). Paramis, NJ:
Prentice Hall.
Ganske, K. (2000). Word journeys: Assessment-guided phonics, spelling, and vocabulary instruction. New York,
NY: Guilford Press.
Johnson, D. D. (2001). Vocabulary in the elementary and middle school. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Mooney, M. E. (1990). Reading to, with, and by children. Katonah, NY: Richard Owen.
Opitz, M. F., & Rasinski, T. V. (1998). Good-bye round robin: 25 effective oral reading strategies.
Portsmouth, NH: Heineman.
Peregoy, S. Fl, & Boyle, O. F. (2001). Reading, writing, & learning in ESL. New York: Longman.
Reutzel, D. R., & Cooter, R. B. (2003). Strategies for reading assessment and instruction: Helping every child
succeed,2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: errill/Prentice Hall.

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