Film Critic - Clap

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Mosquito, Jorelene M.

II-BS Psychology

August 26, 2014

Prof. Mary Ann Tarusan

English 201 DynEd

Code: 1581

The Lost Secret: Film Critic

The lost secret is a story of tracing answer from the lost memory. Dr. Ross Orwell lost
his memory because of the drug that Prof. Sline gives to him. Fortunately, Inspector Marvin
referred the condition of Dr. Orwell to Dr. Claire Roberts. Not so long, Dr. Orwell regains his
lost memory and now they have the help of Inspector Marvin in capturing Sline. Dr. Orwell is
an archeologist who discovered that the Telo Plant can make a memory drug by the use of
mepatics. Basil Sline, the antagonist, a well-known dangerous criminal is now after on the
memory drug to make lots of money. By the help of Sabina and Harry, his colleague and
assistant, he is now able to make the memory drug. But without Slines knowledge, Sabina
exchange the glass so that Sline will have the glass with memory drug. When Dr. Orwell and
Dr. Roberts came they were too late, Sline and Harry are already drunk and Sabina ran off
with the memory drug.
Every character of the story played a very important role in the movie and played
their part very well. Their acting is very affectionate and realistic. The movie simply didnt
follow a regular predictable story line and is based on the logical arrange of the gained
memory of Dr. Orwell, the story use it as the plot of the film. In the near end of the movie
also has a twist which I really didnt expect that it would happen.
The movie is shot and directed very well and the lighting fits on the moody scenes.
Though, I really dont think that this old movie fits on the modern generation of viewers. And
the language they use really didnt fit for us. Some of the words are not clearly stated because
of the accent. There are many kinds of movies and it depends on its viewers on how they
receive the story. So, I suggest that look for a new movie that is more modernize because this
is the new generation we need something that we relate with. But overall, I like the movie.

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