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Description of Action/Type and Length of

This shot will be a medium shot. We are planning to do vox
pops in the park as this is a change from the previous vox pop
locations which were in college. By changing location we hope
that we will be able to get a wider variety of different age
groups and different opinions, if we get adults as well as
teenagers it suits our target audience which is both teenagers
and adults. Also having a park scene in the background
makes it more interesting for the audience to watch.

We will also take an establishing shot of the park that we are

filming the vox pops in as this establishes the location of the
interviews and could be used whilst speaking about asking
members of the public in the narration. This shot will probably
be a pan to create interest and so the audience can fully see
the location.

We are going to film a shot of someone walking down the

corridor on their phone. We could use this when referring to
obsessions and compulsions as this shows people are always
on it (and are not even aware of the camera!). Or it could be
used when the narration says the fact about how 71% of
users access social media from a mobile device. It will be a
still camera with the corridor visible in the background.

Finally we plan to film a handheld shot of someone walking

whilst on their phone. This will be a close up and the focus will
be the phone, whilst their body is blurry. The camera will then
tilt up to reveal the real life surroundings. If we filmed this in
the psychology corridor we could use it before our expert
interview with Tom Krawec as it adds humour and a suitable
theme of compulsions and the 21st century development.

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